
Finding fire

Huobai slowly woke up, in a less grim mood than yesterday. Because when he woke up, he immediately remembered the drunk guy from yesterday.

Before he could successfully gave him to his driver, he heard mumbling. The drunk mumbling he only understood nice and smell.

Huobai heard a knock on the door. He smiled when his mother came in. His smile stunned her so much, it was such a difference from the day before that she halted her steps and looked at him, speechless.

And that got him annoyed. His smile slowly faded, and a frown appeared on his face once again. His mother hurried to the bed and started panicking, sitting down next to him.

"Don't, keep smiling, don't mind me. Don't frown, please…" she started up strong, but then her voice kept fading until only sobs could be heard.

Huobai couldn't take more than thirty seconds of that and hugged her. He squeezed her a bit, to show her he was still big and strong. Even though inside he didn't feel that okay.

But yesterday, he noticed, when taking care of the drunkard, that it was okay to feel down sometimes. It was okay to have a weak moment.

And his was now.

But as the drunk guy would wake up from his sleep, he would have a headache for a while, but he would be sober. And even though he had a weak moment, he would be back on his feet stronger than before. Because he left his problems on the bottom of the glass.

"Everything will be okay, mom. I'm strong and young. Even if I had cancer I would fight it," he whispered and patted her back. He wanted to laugh so hard now because… wasn't it supposed to be the other way around? A mother calming down a child?

"I know. I just don't want you to see in pain." She kept sobbing hard onto his shirt, and gave him such a bear hug, he was again doubting that she was a known model. A model that was supposed to be tiny and weak… Hahaha.

"I came to say, that father is leaving soon. He will come for your operation, but he says there is no need for him to be here for now and that the new casino needs his attention more than you." Huobai's eyes widened with happiness and a slight smile appeared. At least one of them was away.

"But I will be here for you all the time. And I had ordered the drivers to take you home immediately after school. So, no wandering around late like yesterday," Song Fei smiled with her dazzling smile, but Huobai wanted to cry. He really wanted to be left alone.

"Mom… do you think I can get some freedom?" he asked ironically, but his mother looked offended.

"Of course, you will have your freedom. You can do whatever you want at home…" Huobai groaned, and he felt the same hopelessness as yesterday.

"Time to go to school." She raised a smile as if she wasn't crying just a while ago. And Huobai now believed she was only faking it.

After that, his morning went as the day before. Morning routine, putting clothes on, breakfast, way to the school, and his personal driver from yesterday stopping in front of the building.

When Huobai got out of the car, he nodded to the driver and took out his headphones. He put them in as he walked to the classroom, music playing.

He only took off the headphones when the lesson started and he put them in once it ended. He was sitting there on his chair, alone, listening to music. But he still saw those gazes. It was mostly girls.

But he didn't care.

Once the school was done, he went back home earlier than others. He had no clubs to go in. He didn't want to stay behind and see basketball club members.

So, he went back home.

The driver was already waiting for him outside. On the side now. But he was still too close to school. Huobai walked to the car, and the driver got out and opened the back door for him. Huobai stopped one leg in the car.

"I'm sorry if I got you in trouble yesterday," he said, feeling really sorry. But the driver only shook his head, looked around, and smiled at him, cracking the usual serious mask he had on.

"It's okay. I just hope it is better now," he answered and Huobai only nodded, getting in the car. The driver closed the door and sat behind the wheel.

"How did you know it would help?" Huobai asked, curious. It was unusual someone would understand him, because not even he understood himself.

"My father had cancer. He is living, but he needed some time for himself to cope with it. I knew you would be the same. Every house employee knows about your situation." Huobai groaned when he learned his condition wasn't secret, but he changed his expression. No wonder the staff was talking about it.

"Thank you," he said honestly, and then the rest of the drive he kept looking out of the car. When they arrived home, they parked in the garage and Huobai got out, his mother already waiting for him.

"I have lunch for you, let's eat together!" she exclaimed as soon as she saw him. Huobai rolled his eyes and kept calm.

"Sure, let me just change from my uniform," he said in an attempt to run away. His mother nodded and Huobai took off, almost speed walking into his room.

More tired than after a basketball match, he breathed out and loosened his tie. After throwing his bag to the side, he fell on the bed, his back down, and sighed again.

"Lunch is warm, come down to eat!" his mother shouted from downstairs. Making him groan once more. He stood up, his leg tangled into his school bag so he kicked it to the side.

A loud noise of two things colliding sounded and gained his attention. Huobai looked to the side where he kicked the bag and saw the big box of games his mother brought him.

A new thought formed in his head and he grinned, again, finally after a few dark moments.