

"You even wanted to marry me…" Huobai couldn't even finish the sentence before Yixing stood up and walked away, leaving stunned Huobai there alone. 

Yixing quickly ran to their walk-in closet and rummaged through his things. He hadn't kept the dragon somewhere where others could find him, but he still wanted to keep it close. It was something really precious to him. 

He finally found it, so he ran out of there and with a loud noise he knocked down Huobai, who was just on his way to walk out of the room. 

They both ended up on the floor. And thankfully, Yixing had a quick reaction. As they were falling, he put Li Zhao under Huobai's head so he wouldn't knock himself out with the impact.

"Where were you going?" Yixing asked, looking down at Huobai. He was amazed by the two small moles he had on the side of his nose and under his left eye. He never noticed them before. No wonder he was so handsome.