
On the Other Side of Fate's Shackles

Waking up after the accident, I found myself in a world where everything familiar to me was gone: blue sky, sun, green grass, and so on. Instead, there was an endlessly gray sky, black sand everywhere, and a forest of dead trees stronger than any rock. My body was as black as coal and covered in wounds... All of this made me think that I had entered another world, where I had become an unattractive undead. I would have laughed if there had been a god, a princess, or a great entity next to me. However, looking around, I saw no one. I was alone in this dead world. I also noticed that saying the magical word "System" caused me excruciating pain. But this was my chance to fulfill my desires. I wanted to become a necromancer, and what I found lying in the sand would help me achieve that.

Vallynor · Fantasía
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100 Chs

Learn to Merge Souls

"Yes, children. Why did she take my lamp with souls by force and doom the forest? Of course, for her children... You didn't know?" The experimenter looked at how Vallynor's face changed. He guessed that something was wrong here.

Vallynor didn't even know what to say. He nodded dumbly, confirming Experavit's question.

"Phew. It's a good thing you learned about it not physically but through the connections between souls. Otherwise, you would have gotten on your head and on my curse. This forest, and don't ask. We have so little time, and I'm not ready to chew up all this unnecessary information... Come on, tell me everything, even the smallest details. How did you penetrate the memories? I'm also waiting for you to tell me about the drying and your guesses."

Vallynor wanted to ask and find out more about the old woman and the curse from the forest. He also vaguely felt that everyone, as if, did not want to name the curse from the forest. He also vaguely felt that everyone did not want to name her. Was it really so scary, for example, to voice the name of the devil in the church?

Making an unnecessary sigh, he began to explain how he tried and what idea came to him to be able to look at the memories. How he was able to see the memories for the first time, and so on. By the time he told everything he remembered and voiced his thoughts, the experimenter nodded or shook his head.

"You have a lot of unnecessary conclusions and thoughts. You tried to use a spell that was created with the intention of harming. But don't be upset. If you make a mistake, it means you tried and put your soul into it. And this should be expensive for every necromancer."

Raising his hand and showing the inside of his palm, a soul came out of it, which slowly began to change. It changed shapes, becoming a butterfly, a flower, and so on.

"What you see is a regular game with the soul. Perhaps it seems unnecessary because you are simply changing the form of the soul. But behind it are many techniques that every necromancer's soul expert should know. And if you want to merge your soul with that of the lizard, then you must treat your soul as I do."

"Teach me," Vallynor said, ready to bow and ask for training. After all, merging two souls is a difficult and very risky thing, especially if one of those souls belongs to you.

"I want this too. And I will teach you. Of course, for a small request."

"What is it?"

"I'll tell you at the end." Damn, why does everyone ask for something and only speak up at the end of it? Vallynor shouted in his mind. "And now listen. I will teach you the main spells related to the soul. If you want to develop further, then you must do everything yourself. Don't wait for someone to teach you. Well, let's get started."

While the experimenter began to explain and demonstrate the spells, Vallynor began to repeat them himself. The experimenter carefully explained, stopping if Vallynor couldn't understand something theoretical or practical related to the spell. In a few hours, Vallynor learned, at a beginner level, how to influence the soul, how to extract energy from the soul without damaging the shell, how to find necessary memories, and how to preserve and erase them. Slowly, he built a foundation. But if he wants more, he must practice hard.

After some time, when Vallynor was able to merge two processed souls into one for the first time, the experimenter began to applaud and say:

"Well done. You learn quickly. You even started to remember a few magic experts who didn't have great talent but managed to become great magicians."

"For example?"

"Gandalf, Merlin, Albus, and so on. They had talent—not bright talent, but a desire to learn and know the truth. I already helped create the foundation for understanding the soul. You will decide for yourself what to do next. Mmm… We still have a few hours. I want to make one more gift."

The experimenter pulled a soul out of nowhere and began to slowly squeeze it. The soul began to scream, while everything that surrounded Vallynor and the experimenter began to change. Showing a huge field where there were corpses, stones, a horde of monsters, and people holding bloody weapons in their hands.

"My last gift." "I'll teach you how to fight properly."


In a huge hall lay a huge pile of valuable things, and on it was a huge green dragon, who stared intently at the snow-white man. The dragon remembered what this man looked like the first time. Then he was almost all in black rags. Even in secret, the dragon watched him, learning some of his shameful secrets.

Before him was a young, wounded soul. He wore light clothing that did not restrict movement but, at the same time, did not interfere in battle. The man sat in front of the lamp with his eyes closed for more than an hour, as if he were in deep thought.

The old queen watched Vallynor closely, waiting for him to wake up. But the longer he sat motionless, the more fear grew in her.

As she looked at him, the lamp swayed slightly in different directions several times, unnoticed. The dim light that the lamp emitted became a little dimmer.


Vallynor, covered in blood, sliced a man in front of him with a scythe made of necro-energy. The blood on the scythe quickly dried up and turned into ashes.

He turned 180 degrees and sliced through a jumping monster resembling a tiger. Vallynor was already preparing for a new attack when he heard from behind, above:

"Shame. You call yourself a necromancer, but you fight like a dumb, pumped-up barbarian. This is how you should fight." said the man who jumped from a huge stone. Eksperavit landed on the ground.

Within seconds, thousands of monsters and people surrounded him and attacked him. But he summoned his staff, struck it on the ground, and in the next moment, a giant flesh-and-bone golem emerged from under his feet, attacking his enemies.

Eksperavit himself, seeing several corpses, jumped towards them and, with one touch, turned them into undead. Taking one corpse, he threw it into the back, where several creatures wanted to attack but instead received a corpse in the face, which killed them all.

Directing his hand towards the incoming enemies, bones and flesh flew out of their remains, sticking to Eksperavit's body, turning him into a bloody armored knight who killed and turned his enemies into undead like a beast.

In a matter of minutes, all the enemies fell. Only Eksperavit and the newly created army of the undead remained.

"If you are a necromancer, fight like a real necromancer. A necromancer will never fight on the battlefield, leaving himself in an unfavorable position without his army. As long as there are corpses, there will be undead. Remember, you are a necromancer, not some stupid bodybuilder. Do not die, and do not become a disgrace to us. Our time is up. You must wake up. But before that, fulfill my request—leave me alone with the grimoire."

Vallynor was shaken by the scene he saw. He couldn't understand what Experavit wanted from him. Knowing that stealing a book was not acceptable, Vallynor nodded and summoned the book, then bowed.

"Thank you, elder, for the lessons."

"Are you from the eastern people?" Experavit asked, surprised, looking at Vallynor. "I don't see any words or movements that resemble those of those narrow-eyed thieves," he muttered under his breath.

"What? No, of course not; I'm European. Is something wrong? Why do you hate the Chinese?"

"Of course, they are monsters. They stole and altered my techniques of necromancy. They defiled my techniques, using cheap toilet paper." Experavit said indignantly. "No one can master this technique except me. Ahem, ahem. Let's not talk about this. It's time for you to go back. Don't tell another lizard about our combat training."

Vallynor was surprised to learn something new about Experavit. But before he could do anything, he had already woken up in the old lady's room, who was staring at him intently.

"Tell me, what made you stay for so long? In the real world, nearly two hours have passed, which means you were in your memories for about 16–20 hours."

Vallynor couldn't do anything except tell everyone everything that had happened to him, though he kept some things and his combat training to himself.

Experavit sat, leaning forward over the grimoire. He felt unbearable pressure weighing down on him and instinctively knew he had to deal with it. How could this child endure such pressure?

But no matter how loudly his feelings screamed, begging him to calm his tortured mind, he couldn't just sit there in silence. He had to fulfill his part of the deal.

"I've done my part of the deal. I helped and trained you, as you asked. Now it's your turn to make a deal."

The book slowly swayed and then suddenly opened. It began to expand until it reached two meters in height, and every page of the book was completely covered with black, dark spots, like ink. Ripples ran across the surface of the paper, as in clear water. A slowly moving figure made of stone began to emerge from the book.

When the stone figure completely left the book, it closed and returned to its usual form. Expervait noticed a familiar coffin hovering in the air. The coffin slowly flipped over and fell to the ground with a dull thud.

Expervait approached the grave and saw a simple stone coffin with his name written on it. The lid of the coffin bounced off and fell to the ground, revealing an old man completely wrapped in bandages. The old man opened his eyes and emerged from the coffin, looking around. Then he saw the book and Experivait. The old man fixed his gaze on the book, which opened and showed several strange symbols. He nodded and turned to Experivait. Expervait was looking at his "creator," the main part of himself.

"We don't have time; speak," Expervait, who emerged from the coffin, began the conversation.

"As we suspected, there are still enemies in the world. Recently, one of them tried to enter the lamp. The Queen of the Forest fell, and she is ready to give her soul to the new owner of the Necronomicon under the name Vallynor, damn him. Four more times, the enemy tried to invade. I learned that the Queen's younger son is not only a traitor but also sided with the enemy before the war and after the war, and now he may still be in a close alliance with them. Also..."

While Expervait was talking about his discoveries, the main Expervait, who had just emerged from the coffin, filled a huge bowl with souls from the lamp and began to eat them like candy. Seeing that the main Expervait looked better than expected, another Expervait asked him a question:

"I see that you look much better than I expected, even better than the last time we met."

"This is all thanks to this boy. After a long absence of souls, he began to bring us hundreds of souls—of course, not of the highest quality, but it's good to have something. "Of course we exist. What do you think of him?"

"A strange boy," replied Experevit. "I didn't feel anything strange. He just stood under my gaze. "He has no talents, but his soul is a mystery."

"I thought so. Maybe. We don't have much time. You must stay here and keep the memories; even I shouldn't own them. You need to hold onto them." Before he could finish his sentence, the bony hand of the coffin picked up Experevit's main soul, and the lid closed.

Watching his second part disappear easily, Experevit felt weak and small in the face of the true power of this book, and his master was a decent weakling. As he watched the coffin disappear into the book and the book in turn disappear, Experevit was left alone in the soul storage, where he continued his mission slowly until the day when he would become a whole person again with his second part.


"So you can create souls for the book, turning it into a grimoire. Here is my book and these souls: Be careful with them. I've been preparing this book for centuries to become a grimoire. It's very dear to me. And these souls are triplets. Once they were my daughters, but life is a cruel thing. All three souls suffered severe injuries and cannot obtain physical bodies, so they must be locked up forever. If you can, please be careful with them." While the old woman spoke, the green book and three souls flew to Vallynor.


Vallynor wanted to ask about her children, but his heart... his dead heart... no, his rotten heart That's how he will rule; he was warned to be silent. Anyway, the truth will come out soon.

Placing the green book on the floor, Vallynor took the three souls of the three sisters waiting for their end in his three hands.

Closing his eyes, Vallynor calmed his feelings for a few minutes. Then, opening his eyes, he first looked at the old woman and unexpectedly noticed how she was looking at him instead of falling asleep again.

Looking at the souls in his hands, he created three more hands from souls that stuck on top or on different sides where it was possible to pierce the vessel.

Tiny threads started to emerge from the point of contact, almost imperceptible, slowly spreading throughout the soul and immediately connecting with every memory.

Confirming that he was linked to all memories, Vallynor began to whisper the incantation. After its completion, he mentally pronounced the word "nudity," and most of the memories began to fade while the remaining ones shone, some brighter, some dimmer.

Choosing one of them, he woke up a second later in a room filled with the moans of women and men.

"This is no longer nudity but full-fledged sex. From the girl's point of view... Well, what can I say? The spell works. Oh, it's so big. No, no. Cancel," Vallynor read from the canceling spell, and he woke up in his own body.

"It's dangerous to look at memories of girls and gays making love. I don't want to see any more first-person scenes of them sucking. Yuck, I feel like I have hair in my mouth," he thought, snorting meaningfully.

The Queen didn't say anything else; she just kept watching.

Realizing that his mischief had been uncovered, Vallynor silently lowered his head and began reciting the incantations anew. In the end, he thought about the "thirst for knowledge."

Many memories slowly faded away, and only a small part shone. This was a little puzzling. Even more than memories related to the desire to learn. If you take into account that most of the memories were repetitive, they simply piled up on top of each other and were forgotten.

Like a person who has to leave the house at 7:30 in the morning and automatically closes the door, being the last one to leave. At first, you know you closed the door, but over time, you start asking yourself, "Did I close the door or not? The brain actually filters out repetitive memories that will be sealed in memory over time. After all, no one will remember how many times they went to the bathroom last week. Right?

Here is the translation of the text into English with the correction of "Valinor" to "Vallynor":

Here, seeing yourself naked, you will remember a few moments, mostly because of their uniqueness. But during the time you were studying, such an effect could not occur. This means that these girls loved having sex more than studying. This is my verdict. Even an old woman understood this.

Choosing the first memory that came to mind, he saw a scene where two dragon girls were sitting next to each other. And everyone was watching as a huge green dragon demonstrated some kind of magic, explaining the principles behind it. He told them to practice and left, leaving three girls on the huge green field.

All three girls sat facing each other, formed a small circle, and started repeating after their mother. At first, no one succeeded, but with time, when one of them understood something, she quickly began explaining it to the other two sisters, and so on, helping each other.

Vallynor stared at these two curious children's faces and remembered the past. He saw how the Queen of the Forest praised the girls and said that was all for today, after which the three happy girls went home with the Queen. That's how this memory ended.

Waking up in the real world, Vallynor thought and decided to cut off the beginning and end of this memory, leaving only curiosity about learning.

After that, Vallynor started reviewing other memories.

Choosing the best memories related to learning, he didn't immediately move on to the next stage. Instead, he began carefully searching for memories related to loyalty. After which, he chose several that reflected each girl.

Gathering all these memories, he erased all the remaining ones. So even the bad memories disappeared, leaving no trace.

With souls full of memories of learning and everything else, he inspected the wounds on each of them and chose the biggest one from each. With his soul's hand, he increased each one's size by half. After that, using his energy, he began to link them together, creating one large soul.

"From three, one will arise anew." Vallynor began whispering the spell as the three souls slowly merged.

The whole process went smoothly, which surprised Vallynor. He expected the souls to struggle, but that didn't happen. Perhaps they were all sisters, which is why the souls didn't conflict.

After making sure the soul had become one, he stood up and pulled a jug out of his pocket. Approaching the old woman, she asked in bewilderment, "What are you doing?"

"I'm preparing a ritual circle. I need blood. Can you fill this jug?" He placed the jug in front of the old woman.

"Blood? Why do you need my blood?" She asked with incomprehension and caution. The old woman knew she would soon pass away, but it was still unpleasant to give her blood without knowing why she needed it.

"I need blood as a catalyst. Your blood fulfills all the requests of a powerful creature filled with mana. Your connections with all the souls that will be used to create the grimoire also play a role. The book you keep also has direct connections with the creature and will increase the chance of success."

"Hmm." She had never heard that such criteria were needed for the final stages but did not know all the nuances. Everything she knew about this magic, she learned from books. However, Vallynor learned from a living necromancer with extensive experience in such matters.

"Is this your first time hearing about a magic circle?" - Seeing her confusion and lack of understanding, he immediately understood and, without waiting for an answer, continued: "Ekspervait said that this technique is not described in books because it belongs to him. And as an author, he doesn't want to spread it so that anyone can use his work. Also, I quote: 'I hate everything related to the West. These thieves just see something and steal it. I hate it. Let everything stay dusty in my ring. It's better it gathers dust than someone improves it. Shame.'"

"That sounds like him." "Did you remember his words?"

"He repeated them often. But let's move on to the main point: "Can you give me your blood?"

"Hmm. I will give it." - Putting her paw on the jug with the other paw, she cut her paw, and dark red blood began to flow slowly. After a minute, the jug was completely filled, and the wound quickly healed.

"Here, take it."

After moving the pitcher a little, she showed Vallynor that she had done her part. The rest was up to him. Taking the pitcher, Vallynor returned to the circle.

Placing it on the ground, he twirled two fingers in the blood and began to draw circles and symbols. He stopped several times, trying to remember which rune to draw next. Even Vlad called up the book to help remember and confirm that everything was done correctly.

When the magic circle was complete, almost all of the blood from the pitcher had been used. Taking the pitcher in his hands, he headed towards the old woman, but she quickly stopped him.

"Keep it for yourself. I won't need it soon anyway. Better finish what you've started."


He sent the remaining blood and pitcher into the ring, took the book in one hand, and held a huge soul in the other hand, which was tied to his own soul. With water in the circle, Vallynor began to recite the spell. The circle began to glow, as did the book with the soul.