
Omniversal Librarian

Read if you are bored and don't want to think too much. Have you heard of the Library of Babel? The one that contains all the knowledge that ever was and ever will be. But what if I told you that it is not the only library of its kind? There is a more amazing and mysterious place, where the information of all the universes, of every corner of the multiverse and even of multiple multiverses, is kept. Welcome to the Omniversal Library. In an unknown corner of infinity, this magnificent library stands as the epicenter of universal wisdom. Here, the shelves fade into the distance, each one holding unimaginable volumes on all conceivable topics. From the deepest secrets of science and philosophy, to the stories of unknown worlds and unimaginable creatures, the Omniversal Library contains the treasures of knowledge that the human mind can barely imagine. -------------------------------------------- The beginning is slow until he gets his power, he will develop in the main world before going to other worlds or he can make a short trip to have fun. Main world will be a zombie world but a time before it happens and it is divided into 2: Japan and Korea. (in the future maybe China) Japan: Central story with HOTD and characters from normal stories like Haikyuu, netoge no yome, etc. Korea: Central story Return Survival and people from "normal" stories like PTJ verse more focused on Quest Supermacy, also manhwas h like My Sister's friends, secret your mom or silent war.

Gaelicus · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
75 Chs

CHAPTER 7 Relationships

I opened my eyes not knowing what awaited me, and surprisingly, it was just my room. I had expected a white room with a humanoid formless being waiting or a dark space where I couldn't see anything.

"Good morning, Master. You've been sleeping exactly for 24 hours. Congratulations on your new life! Now you can consider yourself the most perfect human with the potential to become a primordial being."

"...If it's that easy, it does feel a bit empty, doesn't it? Although it doesn't mean I'm the strongest in the world now... I just have the potential to be."

"I knew you would do it, Master! I just didn't expect it to happen so quickly. We got really lucky. The final title even consumed the destiny energy I had stored from other worlds, but it was totally worth it."

"What happened while I was unconscious, Clarion?"

"Nothing important, Master. Your mother didn't come home, but your phone rang many times. It seems your girlfriend is worried."

"Damn Japanese and their work addiction. Damn, Ako must be worried. When she gets into her world, it scares me."

I reached for my phone carefully so as not to break it, but surprisingly, I could control my strength very well. When I looked at the screen, I noticed I had 30 messages and 10 missed calls... *sigh* I promised to play with her tonight...

I resigned myself and called her; it's 12 o'clock, she should be awake.

"Darin, where are you? You disappeared all day, I was worried."

"Don't worry, Ako, I'm fine. Just a lot of things happened. I miss you."

"Darin... I missed you too. I love you," Ako said with a clear tone of happiness and expectation.

It was then that Clarion interrupted the conversation and reminded me, "Master, get ready to go to Korea. We don't have time for this."

Now I see more clearly that Kang Soo-hyuk is destined to have immense power, something that shouldn't belong to a world as small as this one.

While I understand that reality, I fear becoming a cold, emotionless machine again. The memories with Ako were crucial in regaining my humanity, and I don't want to lose that. I'm afraid that as I become more powerful.

That's why I'm not rushing to go to Korea. I'm not sure if I'll still be myself if I acquire more power. However, as I immersed myself in my thoughts, I found a possible solution.

"In fact, Ako. I have to go to Korea; my grandfather sent me to take care of one of his businesses. I know it's sudden, but... do you want to come with me? it will be just the two of us" I proposed, wanting to share this strange journey with the person I loved the most.

"EH, a trip just the two of us? Darin and I will finally have our honeymoon," she exclaimed excitedly. It seemed Ako had completely forgotten about my responsibilities, but I didn't dare interrupt her. I wanted to see her happy.


"Oh dear, it's fine. Bring me a souvenir," my mother-in-law responded with her usual calm tone. Sometimes I worry about how liberal she is.

"I already heard what your mom said. See you tomorrow morning to go to the airport. I know it seems rushed, but it's urgent; it could be a 3-day trip or a week."

"Ugh, but I don't have cute clothes to show you, Darin," Ako said with a worried and slightly sad tone.

"You look beautiful in anything, Ako. Don't worry; I'll buy you new clothes when we're in Korea."

"I love you, Darin. See you, I have a lot to prepare," Ako said with a cheerful tone very different from the previous one. I knew she was playing, but I still liked it.

"I love you too. See you tomorrow, I'll pick you up around 10 in the morning, don't stay up late."

Then we hung up.

"Are you sure about this, Master?"

"It's alright, Clarion. I won't damage my relationships just for the sake of seeking power."

"Understood, Master."

Then I picked up my phone again and dialed another number. I contacted Ashida-san, the family's assistant who handles the darker aspects of our family affairs. I asked him to buy plane tickets and investigate Kang.

We hung up, and then I made another call, this time to my mother who, though worried, didn't say much to me. But after hearing that I'm going with Ako, she told me she still doesn't want grandchildren.

With a sigh of relief, I realize that despite all the transformations I've undergone, I'm full of vigor and vitality. It's an intoxicating feeling, as if the very essence of the universe is coursing through my veins.

Intrigued by the changes in my appearance, I decide to approach the mirror cautiously. Clarion, always enigmatic, warns me that I'll be surprised. With each step, anxiety mingles with curiosity.

Although I didn't consider myself ugly, I wasn't the most handsome either. My features, which used to be somewhat disproportionate, have evolved to achieve a perfect harmony that now highlights my beauty.

My face used to have features that didn't quite fit together, but now I have a well-defined jawline that frames a smile that captivates those around me. My eyes, which used to go unnoticed, now shine brightly with intensity and depth that reflects my inner confidence and charisma.

My hair, which was once difficult to manage, has been transformed into a mane that elegantly frames my face, adding a touch of mystery to my appearance. However, I don't like long hair. Clarion took care of cutting it, saying he chose a popular Korean haircut.

My figure has also evolved, transitioning from being awkward to having an athletic and confident presence. My posture is now straight and firm, unlike my previous hunched posture.

I'm eagerly awaiting the moment to see Ako's reaction to the "new me."

When I started my first year, my eyes were drawn to Ako from the first instant. She was an undeniable beauty, but what surprised me the most was how she went unnoticed by others.

A simple fringe that brushed her eyes seemed to become a shield that made her invisible to the other students. Even when someone tried to approach her, her shyness left her speechless, and soon she was left without friends.

I gathered the courage to start a conversation with her. Although I was initially ignored, I didn't give up and continued talking to her, even knowing she couldn't hear me.

Slowly, I found a way to get closer to her by discovering her interest in games. I proposed that we play together, and that helped reduce her shyness as we played.

As time went on, we got to know each other better, and each day I was more drawn to her unique charm. Ako turned out to be very bad at games despite her enthusiasm. As it was my first time playing, I decided to watch tutorials on YouTube to improve and be able to support her.

After spending hours together playing and sharing laughter, the moment came when my heart couldn't contain my feelings anymore.

I decided to confess, and I did so with a bit of nervousness behind the school. To my joy, Ako accepted my feelings and became my girlfriend.

Our relationship continued to flourish. It was then that Ako surprisingly proposed to me within one of the first games we started together.

At first, I took it as something fun and didn't pay it much attention, but from that moment on, Ako started treating me as her husband in real life.

Although this initially caught me off guard and was a bit strange, I soon got used to her affection and attention.

After all, who wouldn't want such a loving and attentive wife like Ako? Our relationship became the envy of the class, and we earned the nickname "lovebirds" due to our unity and unwavering love.

I seem like a love-struck puppy, thinking only about her. I guess becoming a truly emotionless being affected me. Now I'm obsessive.

- - AKO POV - -

I woke up to the sound of my phone, and it turned out to be my Darling calling me. He had a surprise for me; we were finally going on our honeymoon. He took so long; it's been more than 6 months since we got married, danna baka!

I don't have anything new to wear to impress him, but wait, I do... Some new lingerie. Although I should maybe have more in reserve like a good wife.

I'll let Darin choose some on our trip, kyaa, I sound like a pervert!

Korea is really popular lately; I watched some dramas with mom that were really liked. Darin would look really good dressed as an emperor, hehe... As I imagined it, I started drooling.

Now I really look like a pervert; Darin must have been an emperor in a past life... No, no, noo, that would mean he had many wives, I'd never allow that! Although if I were the main one... aghh, I better stop thinking about that and pack my suitcase.



I don't remember if I said it, but it's Tamaki Ako from Netoge no Yome. I don't know if it qualifies as old school, she was my first "Waifu" when I started watching anime knowing what anime is. Over time, that term became less meaningful to me, but I wanted to portray her in my first novel.

Anyway, the arc of vacations in Korea and theft of destiny is coming. I'm not going to complicate my life by stealing Kang's destiny, after all he is a normal guy who fits perfectly in the role of the omniversal librarian.

He is Kang Soo-Hyuk from the Manhwa "Reader" or "Lector"