
Omniscient System

Warning: This story isn't about a hero that would save the world. This story is about an overpowered mc that will kill and dominate until he reach his goal. A universe where God existed and was betrayed by his very own children for being inattentive to those who'd prayed and worshipped him. A revolt from the five demi-gods began and killed their very own creator. Meanwhile, Black, the sixth demi-god, did not participate in their foolish actions and was bestowed the power of the Omniscient Eyes, which was particularly a system that aided the god himself. Thus, before God's death, he weaved and combined all of the worlds he had created into a single one. A vast world that was comprised of different types of races that had lived in different worlds before. And after God's death, the demi-god of darkness sealed himself within his own ability called the Abyss. And successfully escaped from his treacherous brothers. To which he promised himself that he would avenge his creator at all costs, even if it meant destroying what the demi-gods had fought for. And after thousands of years passed, he was forcefully released from the abyss and sent into an unknown, vast world. With the guidance of his new companion, the Omniscient System. He starts his journey by exploring the world, looking for clues as to where he could locate his traitorous brothers' whereabouts. Genre Tags: Action, Adventure, Comedy, System, Overpowered. Please Support my Work, By Sending Power stones! Daily Updates: 1~2 Chapters per day at 10:00PM from Monday to Saturday (GMT+8) DISCLAIMER: PHOTO NOT MINE Words per Chapter: 1200~1700 AgentGhost14

AgentGhost14 · Fantasía
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22 Chs

The Ten Apostles


It was an impulse."

The sudden fear I felt that I never ought to feel unless it was the goddess herself."

Why am I feeling fear in front of a naked person?"

Clover could not comprehend the sudden, stimulating impulse he was feeling. The one who stood in front of him was none other than a random person in his eyes. A person who he considered worthless for being uncivilized.

Yet how am I being intimidated by him?" Clover wondered, staring at Gabimaru's unwavering eyes that were filled with killing intent and domineering strength.

To Clover, Gabimaru was just a fucked-up cliche pervert who seemingly looked carefree.

My body won't move. It's as if I'm being entangled by something." Clover mumbled in his head, forcing his body to move even for an inch. But despite his efforts, the skill that Gabimaru cast was too strong to break.

"You're an apostle, right? Can you tell me where the goddess of the ocean's kingdom is located?" Gabimaru asked, while portraying some minimal gestures.

Does he also want to be an apostle?" Clover wondered, listening to Gabimaru's words.

But just as Gabimaru was about to ask once more, the system reported.

[Warning: Ten individuals are fast approaching your location.]

[And 127 soldiers are on their way, heading in your direction.]

So should I wipe them all out?" Gabimaru asked through thought communication.

[If that is what you wish, then so it shall be.]

However, in spite of Gabimaru's confidence in being able to destroy enemies that came his way, a large beam of water came rushing to him from the sky.

[Notice: Incoming attack from above. Would you like to activate the spatial wormhole and transport it?]


Yes." Gabimaru responded, and he immediately jumped forward, attempting to grab Clover from his throat.

But just as he was about to grab him, something sliced his hand from afar. Due to its unimaginable speed, he was not able to react in time.

Gabimaru's arm flew and fell to the ground, while a massive amount of blood kept coming out of his cut-off arm.

What the?" Gabimaru mumbled in his head and observed his surroundings.

The water beam had finally been transported to a nearby area, killing dozens of humans in the kingdom, wiping out their settlements, and turning the place into empty pieces of land.

Ten individuals had appeared, surrounding Gabimaru and Clover. They all wore the same attire as Clover, and their faces were also covered by their hoods.

"I guess they're also apostles." Gabimaru muttered, glancing at each of them as they surrounded their position.

"Brothers!" Clover yelled while trying to move.

[Notice: Individuals cannot be analyzed.]

What?" Gabimaru was shocked; it was the first time that the system could not analyze an individual.

[Notice: There is a barrier protecting their entity that I cannot pass through. Therefore, suggesting escape.]

Gabimaru got immersed and did not notice that another incoming attack was about to strike him. Just as the attack was about to strike his stomach, Gabimaru was able to jump due to his reflexes and manage to evade the attack.

"Oho? he can still move despite being heavily injured?" an apostle said.

Gabimaru's arm was cut off, but he did not show any signs of being in pain due to his passive skill, pain nullification.

The ten individuals simultaneously shot Gabimaru with water slashes that forced Gabimaru to jump into the sky. He saw several soldiers rallying, and they were about to enter the vicinity of Jhoemar's residence.

Release 30% of my power." Gabimaru stated, wanting to let the system release his sealed demi-god ability.

[Disabling restrictions...]

[30% of your demi-god power has been unsealed]

[Mana energy is rapidly being consumed.]

The atmosphere around Gabimaru instantly darkened; his mana energy continuously seeped through his body, fazing the people around him.

The ten individuals felt an extreme pressurizing aura coming from Gabimaru, and one of them immediately grabbed Clover, who had just been released by Gabimaru's shadow binding skill.

"That dude is not an ordinary one." an apostle mumbled.

"Attack him!"

The apostles immediately started casting several magic spells to attack Gabimaru, who was slowly falling in midair.

Gabimaru's arm began regenerating thanks to his demi-god abilities, and as he fell to the ground, a variety of different water and ice spells came rushing towards him.

Just as the attacks were about to strike him, Gabimaru fell inside a spatial wormhole and appeared on the ground, taking a stance.

"Huh? What's he going to do?" Clover muttered after seeing Gabimaru's weird pose.

The ten apostles gulped and instantly fled like madmen while someone was carrying Clover on his shoulder.

Just as they ran, Gabimaru instantly punched in the air, which created an aftereffect that instantly obliterated everything in front of him. A portion of the kingdom's jurisdiction got destroyed, and several people died in an instant as their flesh began melting upon receiving the shockwave of Gabimaru's overwhelming attack.

[Notice: 6,211 humans have died.]

"Again." Gabimaru uttered and punched the air, destroying the surrounding areas.

The ten apostles who fled noticed the destructive prowess of Gabimaru from afar.

"What the heck? Is he even human?" Clover mumbled, shocked to see Gabimaru's attacks, which destroyed several settlements as if they were struck by a strong typhoon.

Gabimaru continued, wrecking everything around him.

[Notice: 9,102 humans have been eliminated.]

[Mana energy has decreased to 40% of Gabimaru's mana capacity.]

[Suggesting to restrict the demi-god's ability]

My body is trembling," he mumbled in his head, feeling slight numbness all over his body after releasing such overwhelming attacks that partially destroyed the houses that surrounded him.

[Overusing your mana energy can push you unconscious in your mortal form.]

[It is due to the world's law.]

Just send me back to the village; I feel dizzy." Gabimaru responded through thought communication, asking the system to use a spatial wormhole and send him back to the village.

Gabimaru's consciousness was slowly fading, while the system retaliated with countermeasures and enabled the restrictions, leaving Gabimaru's mana energy at 28%, which made his entire body wobble.

After Gabimaru left, the entire place where he once stood was left in nothingness. The once beautiful residence that Jhoemar owned, surrounded by huge manors, had instantly turned into drought land.

It was a mystery to those who suddenly heard about the incident. They knew nothing, especially those who were killed and didn't even get to react. All that was left was a land with no grass to be seen; even the remnants of the houses vanished.

A huge turmoil began in the kingdom, and they named the incident God's punishment.

Just as Gabimaru arrived at the village, he noticed the people were in a joyful condition. The maids who were saved were able to reunite with their families and friends.

Gabimaru felt a pleasing emotion that he could not understand.

But the fact that the system could not analyze the apostles was more shocking for him.

The omniscient system that aided God could not analyze the status of mere mortal beings.

Therefore, he concluded that the world that God had created in his final seconds could somehow be a world where even the omniscient system could be hurdled by unknown predicaments.

Or did the demi-gods find something that could completely counter the omniscient system, since Gabimaru noticed before that the five demi-gods somehow knew something about the omniscient system's existence.

Chapter End.

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