359 Episode 67 - Deceased of the Scenario (4)

I swallowed my curses. If the Fourth Wall became thinner...

There was a strange pain during the battle that I had forgotten. The cuts on my shin and arms were sore. My sweaty shirt was more uncomfortable and the heat of the forest made me dizzy. I would've exercised more if I knew this would happen.

A spiked club flew towards my head. I rolled my body and avoided a goblin's attack. My joints creaked as I moved hastily. The goblin followed my avoidance path with the club like they were catching a mole. The fuzz on the back of my hand rose as blood stained the thorny club. It was obviously a smell I've encountered many times but it was strange.

[The Fourth Wall has become very thin.]

[The 'Fourth Wall' is shaking dangerously.]

I jumped up from my position and corrected my sword posture. The two goblins lost their companion and were surrounding me with red eyes. At any time, they would rush forward and kill me. The moment I read this desire, the fear of death came to me.


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