
Omnipotent Cultivation System

This novel tells the tale of Chen Feng, a hard-hearted yet loving young man who's driven by his desire to protect his loved ones. It's set in a world where most only value strength and gain above all else, yet Chen Feng who's shaped by his experiences during his youth proves to be unlike everyone else The system it self wont appear to late in the book, this is mainly due to power scaling and balancing to help you understand.

TheOrb · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Omnipotent Cultivating System- chapter 1

Chen Feng was in the Labor Mines working over time to buy low-rank low-grade energy Crystal's.

He had just gotten done when his head started to hurt so he took out his last energy crystal and started to absorb his energy into his core.

Just as he finished absorbing the energy into his core, when all his energy he was saving up for the last few months was pulled into his second core.

He has had this second core every since he was a child, he ask his mother about it and she told him to never tell anyone or he would be in danger.

That was 10 years ago right before His mother was forced to become a concubine for the Emperor Zhou Zu and that was the last he has ever heard of her.

Chen Feng was shocked because this was the second time his white core has ever done anything.

The first time was when he was six. he was playing near a cliff when he slipped and fell, just as he was about to hit the ground the core covered him in golden light and protected him from the fall.

When Chen Feng was remembering the time he fell off the cliff, The white core let out a stream of energy into his head and he heard a voice

[*Ding* Omnipotent Cultivating System booting up...

Current plain: Sealed Planet

Host Current Cultivation Level: 1 Mortal Realm

Current Goal: Break free from the Sealed Planet!]


Chen Feng wanted to scream but didn't because he was still shocked with his mouth a gape but no sounds came out.

Chen Fend dropped his pickaxe and ran up the cave and sat in a dark room. The labor disciples of the sword sect had a room in the mine.

In his room there is only a bed, mirror and a small torch for the lighting.

He sat down and his second core started to cover him in a red light. The Energy density in his room tripled in an instant. Soon after the energy in the room dropped when it entered his body.

Second level of Mortal realm

Third Level Mortal realm

Fourth level of Mortal realm

Chen Feng felt his skin harden and felt like he had more stamina. Chen Deng lahed down on his bed and went to sleep cause Tomorrow is his day off.

once every month he gets a break from his back breaking mineing.


Chen Feng left the Labor mines and went straight into the sects forest and started to train his body

Huff~ Huff~

After a short moment, extremely dense sounds of someone gasping for breath suddenly resounded amidst the silent atmosphere of Cool Breeze Gorge. Sweat dripped into his eyes, and the irritation from this caused Chen Feng to shut his eyes tightly, and he allowed the sweat on his forehead to rain down towards his face.

At this moment, Chen Feng felt numbness and exhaustion throughout his body. Especially his arms, they even felt like lead and were extremely heavy. A normal person would choose to rest at this moment, yet he didn't. He gritted his teeth and grabbed the branch tightly before rising up and down without end.

After a long time, Chen Feng face had flushed red while sweat rained down from his forehead. The green colored clothes of a Labor Disciple he wore were already drenched with sweat, and the feeling of reaching his limit caused him to feel dizzy. In the end, his grip loosened, and his entire body fell heavily to the ground.

Huff~ Huff~

As he lay on the ground, Chen Feng gasped for breath. At this moment, he didn't even have the strength to move a finger.

A wisp of light arose from the horizon, and the scene in the distance gradually became clearer. A cool breeze blew by, and Chen Feng took a deep breath greedily and stood up. and looked around.

"why did I never notice in the past that the scenery in the surroundings was so beautiful?" Chen Feng smiled and suppressed the excitement in his heart before wiping the sweat on his face, and then he removed the pieces of iron on his body and placed them back at the bottom of the enormous rock. After that, he took his clothes off and sat in a pool and closed his eyes.

After the excitement he felt earlier , Chen Feng felt that it was slight strange because no matter how he thought about it, it sisnt seem right to have two Cores. with his eyes closed he Traced the Profound energy back to the White core.

This time, he saw the White Core clearly. It was only the size of a palm, and it ceaselessly emanated suction force. It was precisely this suction force that instantly absorbed the Profound Energy he absorbed from the low-rank low-grade energy Crystal's in the past.

Chen Feng tried to control this tiny Core. In his opinion, since this tiny Core was within his body, then it ought to belong to him and be controlled by him. However, to his disappointment, every time he intended to draw Profound Energy out from within the tiny Core, the tiny Core would seem as if it had been provoked by something and speed up its revolutions, causing him to be utterly unable to drag out even a trace of Profound Energy.

"That Profound Energy is mine! After trying hard for a long time, Chen Feng was slightly annoyed when he noticed the tiny Core was still unwilling to release the Profound Energy within it, and he cursed in his heart. If he was unable to control this tiny Core, then didn't it mean that he would be working for that tiny Core for his entire lifetime?

Most importantly, if he didn't possess Profound Energy, then how would he improve the intensity of his training? After all, the current intensity of his training had already reached his limits. Under the situation that he didn't possess any cultivation resources and didn't possess the support and recovery provided by Profound Energy, raising the intensity of his training might cause irreparable harm to his body.

"Give me a bit, just a bit. You must realize that you'll be unable to absorb Profound Energy without me. Give me a little bit, and I'll be able to absorb even more Profound Energy. Isn't all the Profound Energy I absorb yours in the end? What do you think? It's advantageous for both of us to work together, and it'll be disadvantageous for both of us if we don't!"

Since doing things by force didn't work, Chen Feng decided to try negotiating. Even though it was slightly aggrieving because the Profound Energy were the fruits of his laborious training, it couldn't be helped, the Profound Energy was the key to whether he would be able to become a true cultivators.

After a short while, the tiny vortex showed no reaction. Yet just when Chen Feng was prepared to curse furiously, a string of light white Profound Energy suddenly flowed out from within the tiny cortex. When he saw this, Chen Feng almost leaped up with excitement. After another short period of time, another string flowed out. Gradually, string after string of light golden Profound Energy flowed out without end, and the tiny vortex only stopped after around 20 strings of light White Profound Energy had flowed out.

The light golden Profound Energy flowed into his normal Core, and Chen Feng was just about to shout when the light White Profound Energy suddenly flowed towards the meridians within his entire body.

After that, these strings of light golden Profound Energy slowly entered his muscles. At this moment, Chen Feng felt as if he could hear the cheers of countless cells within his muscles, and then the sore and exhausted feeling he had vanished silently before it was replaced with more and more abundant energy.

Right when Chen Feng was bewildered, he suddenly felt as if something was wriggling on his body. He hurriedly removed his clothes and lowered his head to take a look, and then Chen Feng's eyes instantly opened wide. He saw that the skin on his body was falling off at a visible speed!

His skin was being replaced!

This was a sign of attaining the Body Refinement Technique.

[*Ding* Omnipotent Cultivating System booting up...

Current plain: Sealed Planet

Host Current Cultivation Level: 4th level Mortal Realm

Current Goal: Break free from the Sealed Planet!]

Just then a screen appeared infount of him