
the wolves moves in

David: sir it time to get you said you wanted me to wake you up when the wolves are here.

Jason: im up im up already (author here is this better for you guys and should I should I just have the mc adduct hope mickealson when Haley and Klaus is fighting after she broke the curse klaus aunt pick on her or should I actually let him go there author out these new peopleare the head maid and butler also low rank gods he beaten) he starts walking snaps fingers his clothes appears to be robles

Alicia: sir your geuss have arrived and they in the main room

Jason: that will be all thanks he starts to walk to the main all sit on in main chair witch appears to be a throne.jason: welcome to my home treat this as your new home.

tailia: thanks for offering us to live here Jason.

Jason smiles: It's no promblem and do you want to sleep in my room tailia.tailia I don't mind.

jason: you guys can settle in the basement haves all the needs for the supernatural and my room got a chrest on it so you know witch one it is.

derek: you got any games here big brother

Jason nodds.jason: it in the living room the consoles the pc is mine little bro chirstmas I get you one.derek: where's the living room.jason: alica show him to living room.she nodds and derek follows her he widens his eyes that all the games and systems Jason haves he haves limited addiction xboxs and Playstations still in the box's next to the TV. jason: looks like he a fellow gamer he chuckles to himself( author here I added Katherine perice beacuse she my type this story will get darker dose contain incest and other stuff) Talia just smiles