
Omni-Dimensional Restaurant

Dragon nest. A local restaurant you'll find anywhere but once entering you'll be greeted by a surprised. Hayato Furinji: Hahahaha this udon is something else! Oogway: Try having this my friend. Uncle Iroh: Hahaha thank you. Naruto: Miu-nee-san, I want ramen. Miu: No, you've eaten too much ramen lately. It's bad for you. Izuku: Yeah, try having Katsudon. Asta: Or have some Chili Fries. Bang: Owner-san can I get a refill for my Hotpot? My name is Katsuro Kaiser and I am the owner of an Omni-dimensional Restaurant. Katsuro: Coming right up! Tohru! Bring this to Anakin and Padme. Tohru: Hai ========== I'm sorry, I just can't help it since the idea kept on nagging me. Feel free to read this casually.

ChesterCure · Cómic
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5 Chs

Chapter 4 - Witnessing the birth of a monster.

[ Netero POV ]

Ah yes, it's been years since something interesting happened in my life.

First one being a restaurant that connects to other worlds with vastly different power than my world.

I met a man who can give me some excitement who is quite strong and if I were to label him using my world's power then he is an enhancer like myself.

There is another who is strange, one being a talking tortoise who shared his philosophy and similar to another enhanced with his Nen or Chi being golden and extremely potent.

He was clearly as strong if not stronger than me.

However, he seems satisfied with the way he is having no earthly desire left.

He mentioned being a spirit warrior, a martial artist who died and would live in the spirit realm. How interesting indeed.

Would I be in such a place if I die?

That aside, the most interesting thing is that the owner of the shop wanted to learn Nen. His name was Katsuro Kaiser.

He had an athletic build with a broad shoulder and chest with extremely toned muscles along with black hair.

It was clear that he was a disciplined martial artist but when I looked into his eyes it confused me as if he knew me and the others.

He may be great at pretending that he doesn't know us but I've lived for far too long and know when to read a person.

However, he doesn't seem to have my hidden motive. He was a good natured young man. If I had a grandson I wish it was someone like him.

Anyway as for his request, I was also curious if someone from another world is capable of harnessing Nen which is why I accepted his request. It's not that difficult for me anyways.

To my shock it did and he came out as an Enhancer. He seemed disappointed but quickly moved on and focused on what he was given.

We spar for only a couple of hours and during our exchange made me feel like I was watching the birth of a monster.

He was already an experienced fighter showcased by his skills of martial arts where he understood feints and vital points.

His movement was slow and predictable yet as we continued he's able to pick up my movement and I had to keep on changing.

He knew that I was stronger and more experienced than he was yet his eyes burning ablaze refusing to yield and kept on going.

I was immensely holding back not to hurt nor kill him but his growth was unbelievable that he started to make me feel alert.

Is this Nen Ability? To adapt and overcome? He is not simply enhancing himself but also enhancing his growth to an exponential level.

I am unsure but if that is the case then he is one of a kind that only a few months of training would without a doubt allow him to reach my level.

This is considering that he does it once a week of training. He's able to get stronger during combat.

He's learning and changing as if evolving into a new monster.

He was able to keep up with me and acted like he knew how to use Nen his entire life.

Despite simply avoiding all his attacks, there was a certain looming threat that I was able to pick up.

The most interesting thing is his eyes. A certain desperation. A drive to overcome. He wasn't fighting to simply win, rather he wanted to surpass and test himself.

Yes. I like to see him grow and how far he'll go.


[ Katsuro POV ]

The next day, Monday! It is always nice to start my day and wake up with Tohru by my side and warm the cold side of my body.

I did not do my usual routine by waking up early to perform some exercise to keep my body in shape, especially the fact I am able to use Nen now.

'How odd. I feel a lot stronger than before.'

Tohru prepared breakfast for me while I trained in the backyard just a walk away from the kitchen.

I don't mind her cooking and I find her meals to be a lot better than mine.

The reason being that I enjoyed eating other people's meals and seeing their skills.

Anyway, I noticed that my Aura had increased even more than before and my power had grown so much that I was able to quickly pick it up.

'Wait…does that mean I have a Zenkai Boost?'

I thought to myself noticing that I was able to adapt and started to ponder if I'm really an enhancer and not a Specialist.

The idea was shut down since it was clear from the test I wasn't.

Though, this made me want to try and acquire the skill to use the other Nen abilities like Transmutation Conjuration, Manipulation and Emission.

'Wait, what if I ask Tohru how she transforms into a dragon then maybe I could try replicating it and become like weredragon or humanoid Godzilla.'

I thought to myself standing back into my feet as I sat down to meditate and control my Aura.

It is clear that magic is different since it involves manipulation of external force and churn it internally while Nen focuses on internal forces and expelling it externally.

I started to lose myself deeper and focused on controlling the aura trying to grasp on ways to utilize it.

I'm no stranger to meditation since my grandfather used to train me when I was young.

I'm not sure how long but my main goal is to compress my Aura and make it even denser while lessening the waste I expense.

"Darling, breakfast is ready!" I heard Tohru and opened my eyes feeling rather refreshed and stood up from my seat.

I turned to see Tohru in her maid outfit and she insisted on having her scale in case she needed to transform. I wonder if it's considered being exhibitionist?

Yeah, let's not make things awkward for her. As long as she's comfortable and doesn't look naked then it's fine.


I sat up then turned to face her with a smile. I'm not sure but she looks more radiant compared to last night.

The kiss is still fresh in my mind. It sounds strange but I find intimacy more appealing than lusting.

I could go on ranting about today's society but let's not get Twittard involved.

Walking over to Tohru gave me a look as if expecting something and someone because of my newly acquired abilities able to pick it up and use my intuition to guess what she wants.

I leaned closer and gave her a peck on the lips before pulling back where she seemed happy.

"Did you like that?"

"Umu. Very much."

"Then don't hesitate to ask mor—"

Before I could even finish my words were pulled again by Tohru and she didn't hold back.

I somewhat felt violated but she was just being affectionate. Once she was done I went to the bathroom and quickly rinsed and had my breakfast with Tohru.

"Hey Tohru, I want to ask something."

"Sure, you can ask me anything."

"I'm just curious if it's possible to show me how you transform into a dragon because I am trying to think of ways to improve my Nen abilities."

"Oh does this Nen thing allow you to magically turn into a dragon?"

Tohru seems excited at the idea. Being a dragon sounds cool not gonna lie even if a bit overused.

"I'm not yet sure but I'm trying to gain ideas for the future. It's not like I need to rush it and simply thought it could be a great way to spend time together."

I said and I can see that she seemed happy that I was considering spending my time with her. Guess she is afraid that I might get bored of her.

"I'm more than happy to help!!" Tohru said and I smiled.

"Thanks but Tohru, if you ever need something or have something in your mind feel free to tell me."

Yes, my relationship might be heading in truly becoming a couple anyway.

"Hai!" I smiled hearing her.

As a side note, I notice that we are able to communicate with master Oogway despite the fact that he should be Chinese.

It's ironic that he came from an American film but he seems to speak in Chinese.

My restaurant seems to translate otherworlder.

As for Tohru, she simply uses magic.

"....Tohru." I said when I noticed bits and pieces of her tail in my food.

She flinched and I simply sighed ignoring her complaint.

Anyway, we had a little chat and finished our breakfast before heading to the restaurant.

We opened the business and waited for the customer to arrive. Two men in robes appeared and entered the place.


Two men one being younger while the other was older. But the most intriguing is the device in their waist.

"It seems you are correct that this place seems to be strange."

"I told you."

The two men were none other than Anakin and Obi-wan Kenobi.

Interestingly, it doesn't seem to be limited to animations but any fictional world.

The men took a seat and were handed a menu by Tohru with the two inspecting the place.

They were clearly surprised with everything and eventually my usual customer arrived, namely Hayato and his people from the dojo excluding Miu.

I guess she went to school. I wonder if she'll meet the protagonist. I respect him even though he started as a wimp and bonafide loser.

He has strong conviction and morals.

People might complain but the pay off of his development makes him a respectable young man.

Damn, I feel like an old man when I say that. Then again if you add my life experience between two lives then yeah I might as well be.

Anyway, the Jedi and trainee gave their orders while I could hear them talking, noticing Oogway seemingly reminding them of Master Yoda.

They weren't that surprised to see a talking turtle since they came from a distant galaxy with aliens around.

"Excuse me, sir. May I ask if you happened to be a Jedi?" Obi-wan asked Hayato who perked up and shook his head.

"I don't know what a Jedi is. You two seem new, let me tell you what this place is…."

Hayato began to explain what's going on, shocking the two.

"Wait another world? An entirely different universe and reality?" Anakin exclaimed and the martial grandmaster nodded.

"That's right, I am curious what your world is like." Akisame said while Obi-wan happily explained their world.

I don't know much about Star wars since I never been a big fan and find both sides being Shit.

On one hand, you have an emotionless and detached council of men trying to act as if they are ascending and becoming better by removing their core as a person like having love and stuff.

While the others are a bunch of power hungry edgelords, hellbent for more power and control along with complete domination over the galaxy.

"Amazing. I guess it's worth the trip coming here." Obi-wan said, simply amazed at what he learned.

"I told you! Still wonder what they're food tastes like." Anakin said.

"I guarantee that you'll be off your feet at how good it is."

Akisame said while I smiled hearing his praise. Soon I gave the food to Tohru and delivered it to Obi-wan and Anakin.

"Wow…this is delicious!"

Anikin exclaimed as the two continued eating the ramen.

"Indeed, the flavor is quite rich." Obi-wan commented as the two continued to eat.

They soon finished eating and paid for their food before leaving even though they were curious and still had a mission to do apparently.

"Come by anytime. I'm sure my door will appear near you." I said while they nodded.

I soon made meals for Hayato and his group including Tochumaru giving cheese and crackers who gave him thumbs up while Shigure seemed happy with my gesture.

Tohru seems to be glaring at me. You're giving a mixed signal here. Still, let's not think too much and I was just trying to be nice that's all.

"Darling. Are you sure you're not interested in pursuing, Shigure-san?"

Tohru confronted me as we washed the dishes and I wryly smiled.

"I was being nice, there isn't a need for you to be jealous. But I won't lie, I find her nice to be around." I glanced over to Shigure, who was busy eating her food.

She seems really cute while eating despite her lack of facial expressions able to convey through her subtle movement.

Wow I'm amazed I'm able to discern it much more clearly than before.

"Then if you have someone you're interested in just tell me in advance." Tohru said while I got curious.


"Umu because I want to see if they pass my approval."

I was right huh? She doesn't mind as long as she approves?

It's not like I'll go and cheat even if we're not yet an official couple.


I said while the day continued and Before long, Bang soon arrived and he seemed to have brought someone with him.

"Is this the place you kept yapping about?"

The man was none other than Atomic Samurai or Kamikaze.

He inspected the place then spotted Hayato and his group but more particularly Shigure who also sensed their shared interest.

I didn't know but it makes me feel irritated. Am I being jealous?

"....Darling?" Tohru noticed his aura shifted a bit and glanced over to Shigure then to the new customer then connected the dots.

"So you're really interested in Shigure-san?"

I am not sure. It's annoying that I'm acting this way like some creep. We're not even close but why am I getting annoyed?

Is this how Tohru feels? Yeah, there's no doubt about that.

"Maybe. But let's not dwell too much."

I shook the feeling thinking logically since Shigure hardly would feel anything and her obsession towards her mastery makes it difficult to understand her own feelings.

….Fuck. I do like her even though it's only been a week.

Putting aside my thoughts and putting my efforts into crafting food.

Eventually, Suzaki, Saitama and Mikami arrived to eat, having a break from their job.

Saitama, despite training, still had some part time jobs that he does.

I wonder how long he'll train until he becomes who is.

Eventually, as I was talking to Netero about my Nen and other stuff trying to know if I could learn a way to transform or conjure.

I also learned that Kamikaze was just chatting with Shigure without any intention of courting and same goes to the former.

Wait, is this part of my Nen ability? I can sense their emotion? Probably.

Regardless, my intuition always helps me in many situations.

"You shouldn't rush, you just started training yesterday. Focus on the foundation and the rest will follow." Netero advised and I nodded.

"Agree, you can't just do flashy moves without training the essentials." Hayato said while Akisame chimed in.

"In the words of Bruce Lee, I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times. Hone your foundation before expanding your skills."

I agreed and I'm just getting ahead of myself. I was fixated on advancing and performing flashy moves when I should be taking my time.

Eventually, a new customer seemed to arrive and it was a young boy with ahs-white spiky hair.

"Woah! Where is this?" The boy said while I approached him to get a better look.

"Welcome to Dragon nest, Restaurant. What would you like to eat?" I asked, staring at the kid with Tohru and noticed something.

"That kid doesn't have an ounce of mana."

She whispered and I realized who the boy was since I can sense his Aura though.

"Really I can eat here? But I don't have any money." He said while I nodded.

"Sure, you can pay me next time when you're able to. By the way, what's your name kid? I'm Katsuro Kaiser."

"Asta. you have a last name!? Are you noble?"

Yup. One of the GOATS of hard work is here.

"No, I'm not noble. Anyway, take a seat and choose what you want on the menu. It's free until you can pay me back."

Money isn't an issue anymore when Netero and other customers are quite generous and I'm enjoying their company so far.

"I can really eat here for free!?" He seemed excited, smelling the food while I smirked and patted his head.

"Sure kid. You seem to be working hard and need something to fill you up." I said and he seemed to look at me with shining eyes.

"Then thank you very much, Katsuro-Nee-san!!"

He is quite loud but hey I like that about him. Also he deserved the harem cause he worked hard and the girls admired for his honesty.

He sat down near Hayato and the rest of the martial artists who noticed his body seemed to have been working out. He was around 6 years old.

"Wow you're really big!? And….what are you mister?" He said to Apachai who smiled, patting his head. The big guy is really great with kids.

Oogway smiled and sensed the boy was pure of heart and filled with conviction and determination that it was almost blinding.

"I am a tortoise, my boy." He answered and Asta nodded, receiving a candy from Apachai as he placed him on his shoulder.

"Woah! This is really good!" Asta said, tasting the candy.

"You seem to have been training. Why is that?"

Kensei Ma tried to take pictures of Tohru but had his camera broken by Shigure.

Asta was curious what it was but answered the question first.

"I don't have magic, that's why I'm working hard to achieve my dream of becoming the Wizard king!!" Asta declared with unbelievable spirit that does not doubt nor give up.

His determined gaze made the master look at the kid who was perfect to be trained by them.

"Hahahaha instead of drowning in the set back you went, you didn't give up and kept going. Hey I like your spirit kid, want to become stronger?" Kamikaze said sensing that he would become a prodigy in the near future.

"A wizard king?" Netero confused and Asta tilted his head.

"You don't know what a wizard king is?"

I went over to explain the boy about the place in ways that he can understand. His eyes widened realizing that he can get even stronger.

"Really!? You want to help me get stronger?" Asta said, looking at Kamikaze as he got down from Apachai.

"Sure, I can feel that you'll be using a sword quite a lot so why not." Kamikaze felt his intuition telling him to take Asta under his wing.

"Sam her, I want to see if he wants to be trained by us."

Akisame sees the opportunity to cultivate the young boy's future.

Boi these martial art masters are getting work up while Asta seems surprised hearing them.

"Really, you will help me?" He jumped quickly, looking at Hayato.

"Why not? I don't see how giving you a pointer or two will be a problem. You just need to get permission from your guardian."

"Okay! I'll ask Father Orsi to let me!"

I think that priest wouldn't mind. And don't think it would be an issue anyway. Eventually, I brought an Asta meal while he played with Apachai and kept hearing him compliment his food.

Some time later, Suzaki, Saitama and Mikami went back to their jobs leaving only the Martial artists and Asta.

It was then the bell at the door rang once again and a new customer arrived.

"Welcome!" I said as I looked over to see a mother and a son pair with both looking quite depressed as if the world is against them.