
Hi. My name is Omni.

How long has it been since I last conquered a world? I have no idea.

All I know is that I'm now bored and I need to do something that would temporarily cure this boredom.

I need a world that would give me a good challenge; a world that would last a long time before completely submitting to me.

Or, better yet, I could always give myself a handicap and try to dominate them without using my powers.

But that would take way too long and I easily get tired of trivial things.

Maybe I should make my own world? Definitely not. I'm too lazy for that.

Should I bother the others and wreck some havoc? I can do that, but they'll kick my ass for it.

Oh well, I guess I should really just look for some random world to govern. There's probably more than a hundred out there that could give me the entertainment that I need.

Perhaps I should make a book about it or something. Then I'll give it to the others so they'd know how crappy they are with how they handle their dominions. Yeah, that's a good idea.

I should start with a world filled with powerful inhabitants. That's a good way to show off how awesome I am at my job.

I'll think about things as I go. After all, I'm good at arbitrary decisions.

So now that everything's settled, I should get to work!