
chapter 12

Philip went to check negus on ICU ward. Negus was still in sleep. He watched negus through the glass door, because no one was allowed to enter the ICU room. He wants negus to be safe this time.Its been few days negus was admitted in the hospital.No one in the mansion had came to visit negus till now, even james. Now his condition is getting better. The doctor's do extra care for negus since he was malnourished and he is now carrying a new life inside him.

"philip "..

Philip heard someone calling his name.Philip turned back to see who had called him. Philip saw someone raising his arms to recognise him at end of the hallway.The moment he saw the person,Philip's eyes widened. It was james.

James ran towards Philip.

"philip, where is negus?... is he alright?... where is he?",James asked.

For the first time after the young master's return from abroad, Philip saw so much consideration and care in James eyes. The James that he knew had changed completely after he left to abroad.He was stupefied for some seconds and regain his conscious to analysis what just happened. James do change a lot.Philip thought. But still Philip was not sure that the change james shows now is good or bad for negus.

Philip pointed his finger at the ICU room were negus was in.James ran to the ICU room and looked to the glass door. Tears dropped down from James eyes.

"I'm sorry.. sorry.. sorry..", said James and kneeled down in front of the ICU room.

" Sorry"was the only word that comes out of his mouth.

Philip was surprised after seeing james broken down.Years back when philip visited james abroad, he saw james in an unfavorable conditions. He saw him unconscious on his room. When philip take him to hospital, the result was the patient had an over dose of an illegal drug. Later Philip asked few people about james. The conclusion that Philip got from the people was james has became a drug addict and he sleep with anyone that he wants. He compelled many of the omega to sleep with him. He didn't care for anyone back there.He even threatened the person that refuse to sleep with him.Philip didn't report this incidents to the master because james told him that if he told everything happened there to the master, then it will be the end of his life.so he kept silent.Though Philip didn't report the drug incident to master, but he made sure to take james to a re-habitation center to cure his drug addict. When james came back from the re-habitation center he had quit drug but still continued to play around....The james that he knew was completely changed. Now he care, fear, and even feel guilty for negus. Philip still not sure the change that james now will make negus happy.

He held james and helped him to sit on the chair outside the ICU room.

"he gonna be alright, right? ", asked james.

"yes, he will be well soon. ", replied Philip.

"young master,what will the master do... if he finds out you are here?", asked Philip in worried expression. He knew that the master will not allow james to be with negus. if he finds out, then it will be the end.

"dad was the one who tells me to come here, He allowed me to be with negus. I'm happy.. so much happy. finally i can be with negus. no one gonna prevent me..", James was so much happy that he can be with negus and sad at the same time that negus was in this condition because of him.

"WHAT ?", Philip was in shock.

**"Master never allow this.Then why.... why... something is not right.. it's suspicious."**Philip thought.

"yes, first i also didn't believed dad. but he sad that my happy is his priority. so he allowed my relationship with negus.",James said.

**"still i can't believe,Master hate Omegas the most. Master will never allow this. I'm sure for that. But what I'm gonna say about pregnancy. it's better not to talk anything about pregnancy now. if something happens... no.. lets keep the pregnancy topic hidden now."**Philip thought.

"Philip... Philip.. Philip..",james called.

"oh yeah. what?", Philip said.

"what are you thinking, i called you many times.", said james.

"sorry, young master... why did you called me?", asked Philip.

"i want to meet the doctor who is treating negus, can you tell the doctor's name.", asked james.

"oh.. the doctor left a few minutes ago.", Philip lied.

Philip wants to talk to the doctor about the pregnancy matter first. He wants to make sure that the pregnancy matter shouldn't heard by master nor young master. Philip believed that his master is upto something, and that's why he allowed james be with negus. he wants to find the actual intention behind his master about negus case.

"i will tell when doctor comes back. till then you can rest at mansion.", Philip suggested.

"no.. i will be here with negus... i will wait here", James said.

Philip signed and rush towards the doctor's chamber and asked the doctor to hide the pregnancy of negus. He asked the doctor not to tell about the pregnancy to anyone now, which the doctor agreed.










"sir, please let us go, we already told everything that we know. please sir let us go.", the neighborhood lady pleaded.

"not yet", said Lewis in a tough tone and leave.

Before leaving Lewis signalled his secretary to ask something and left from there.

"ok, tell anything that you guys know about the person that live with lyla.", asked the secretary.

"oh, that person's name is Felix and he works as a driver.That's the all thing that we know.",the neighborhood lady replied.

"they had a child, it's a boy... omega boy", said another person from the neighborhood.

"nothing more?", asked the secretary.

"no sir we don't know anything more", said another person from the neighborhood.

"you don't know where he works?", asked the secretary.

"we only know that he was a driver of..... mm... mm..", the lady didn't say further, she stopped and looked at the fellow neighborhood people.

"what?.. complete it. ", said the secretary.

"that.... mmm... he was the driver of the famous business man mr.Paul lee Davis", she said.

"why do you hesitate to say that name??tell me?", asked the secretary.

"sir, he was the one that threatened us before and he was the one who took away the boy", said the neighborhood lady.

"if it's not true,then you all gonna be on hell. Boss will make you regret your choice to lie to us and remember we are watching you all.if anything suspicious noticed. then its your end", the secretary warned everyone before leaving and asked the bodyguard to release everyone.

The moment he stepped out, someone yelled something about felix. He came back and asked to confirm what he heard just now.

"what did you say.", asked the secretary.

"sir, he was a beta. Mr. felix was a beta", said a person from the neighborhood.




The secretary went straight to the boss chamber. He saw Lewis sitting in a deep thought.

"sir, sorry for not knocking before entering, but its important.", said the secretary.

"yeah, tell me what they said.",Mr. Lewis asked.

The secretary tell everything that the neighborhood people told.

"so, it's paul. He make such a BIG mistake.", Lewis signed. His eyes became red. The secretary noticed anger on his boss face.

"sir, it's little complicated... ", the secretary paused for a moment.

"tell me what is complicated?tell me?", asked Lewis.

"sir, the husband of your sister is beta. Mr. Felix is a beta.", replied the secretary.

"What?",Lewis was surprised to hear that his sister's husband was a beta.

"how can this possible?", asked Lewis.

**"An omega and beta can never have a child together. then how come they have it. something is not right."**Lewis thought.

"i was also doubt about that and i even asked for the medical experts about the possibility for an omega and beta to have an offspring, but they say that it is very rare or even non. The chance for such couple to have a child is zero percent according to the current medical scenario, that's what the doctor's say.", said the secretary.

"oh.. then..", Lewis was also confused.

"sir, the boy", said the secretary.

"the boy... he is my sister's son. I'm his uncle. i will find him. But it's not that easy. Even the no. 1 detective Edwin Smith that we hired can't find the presence of an omega in the that family. so we must be careful in each move.", said Mr. Lewis and suddenly a light sparked on his mind.

"wait... what.. i hired a detective to find a omega which paul was taking in OTS.so that means it must be possible that the omega that he will introduce can be my sister's son.", said Mr. Lewis Anderson.

"yes sir, the information that Edwin Smith gave shows that, there is no omega member in Mr. Paul's family, nor he had a servant that is omega. if Mr. paul warned the neighborhood members not to report anything happened to your sister's family and took away the child, then that means the boy that he introduce will be your sister's son.", replied the secretary.

"then we must hurry, i want the boy... this time i must save him.", said Mr. Lewis.

"first find more details about the day that Mr.Paul choose to introduce the omega boy on OTS.", said Mr. Lewis.

"okay sir, I'm on it.", said the secretary and left immediately to collect information.




**"there is something that i don't know yet. How can an omega and a beta have child.... it's impossible. Or my mother is hiding something from me.. every time i asked about why dad abandoned sister, mom always said that she was innocent... what does that mean.."**, Lewis was in deep thought.

Then Lewis hurried back to his mansion and decided to ask his mother about the truth. He wanted to know why his father abandoned his sister.



















Author: thanks for reading.😊