
Omega Queen

Kidnapped, Bitten, forced to fight and abandoned. 1,000 Years from when she was turned can the Omega Queen free her people from the oppression of the Alphas or will the King end them all. Will the tables turn and Omegas become the top, will she topple the Alphas.

Annhillann · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Chapter 15

Its been about 2 weeks since we had the meeting with the king, so far there has been no breech of the temporary agreement. Today is a special day though, today myself and my deputies will be joining our warriors for training. Also today I will get the reports on all the Alphas and the mystery third brother of the king. 'Knock Knock'

"Enter" I look up tot he door as Delphyne enters.

"Hello Del, is it finally time" I smile at her.

"My Queen, it is time and I already feel bad for our warriors" she chuckles

"Oh come now I'm sure you trained them well, they won't loose to quickly to little old me, I am a little rusty as well" I get up and start walking towards the training field with Delphyne.

"Even if you are rusty I don't think any amount of training will beat you" she smiles at me.

"Thats not true, at any moment a talented person could beat me no one is ever the best at anything, we all have weaknesses" I know I have many. We walk together chatting about how the training has been going. The way I like my warriors to train is pretty simple we start every session with going over the fundamentals for different fighting styles so that everyone has a solid base. Then we move to sparing we partner up differently every time so no one has the same partner this way men can fight women, old against young, species against different species sometimes the same species and we even encourage unarmed against armed. this king of sparing may seem unfair but a fight is never fair so we better get used to it and deal with it. In a spar the only rule is no killing other than that anything goes you can cheat, although I don't call it cheating I call it strategy, like I say in a real fight no one cares only the winner can decide if its fair. I do however make it clear that any kind of bullying or targeting a person for nefarious reasons is unacceptable. We Spar this way so we can better protect our community and ourselves not to make us superior to others and threaten people. Once you are 16 you are old enough to join the warriors training, you don't graduate as a warrior until you are 18 so until then you would just be training. We also run so basic fighting and self defence for people who aren't warriors or are under the age of 16. Finally we reach the training field.

"Thanks to our Queen who protects and shelters us" before me all the warriors are bowing with their heads down. I look over to my deputies lined up in-front of them also bowing, I really wish they would't.

"Please everyone stand and raise your heads" they all do so and look a little shocked.

"Today at this moment I am not your queen think of me as a commander just like the deputies don't treat me any different from how you treat them" I smile at them.

"Okay guys you heard her now time to drill those fundamentals you all love so much, as you are doing that the commanders will be going around observing and giving pointers, alright get to it" Delphyne commands them. All my deputies start walking around giving pointers, I see a young man struggling to move as freely as everyone else around him.

"Young man what's your name?"

"Its Even my Queen" he seems nervous.

"Okay you need to relax and i'm not just talking about when you're talking to me" he chuckles at that, I smile at him.

"You need to relax your body when you're moving, you're trying too hard and tensing all your muscles at once. You need to be relaxed enough that you can move more efficiently and quickly, when you go to strike then you can tense the part you go to strike with don't be tense all the time. You have to adapt and be fluid." I give him a demonstration.

"Do you see what I mean?" I look at him

"Oh yes I get it now so more like this" he shows me a much better form.

"Yes just like that keep practising and you'll be better than me in no time" I wave to him a leave to help some others.

"Alright everyone stop take 10 minuets get a drink and get ready we have a treat for you all" Delphyne shouts out. All my deputies gather round to discuss what we plan to do next.

"So how do we wanna do this?" Lestat asks

"I think we make it interesting we let them decide which one of us they wanna fight, so we tell them to nominate who they think is the best warrior and they pick which commander to fight" I suggest, everyone looks interested in this.

"You know whoever it is will pick David right?" Delphyne states

"So what they will get a surprise then, you know there is more than magic and strength in a fight" I tell her, I wink at David.

"Okay everyone 10 minuets are up gather up"Delphyne announces

"So this is how its gonna work, you will nominate your best fighter and then that fighter can pick one of us to fight we can then observe and hopefully learn something, so hurry up and pick your fighter." They take about 15 minuets with a couple of disagreements but eventually pick a Demon called Blake, looks like brute strength won out as expected.

"Okay Black pick your opponent" Delphyne asks, he looks at each of us.

"Well it won't be a fair fight but fights aren't so I pick deputy David" all the warriors laugh.

"I don't quite understand why you are all laughing"I question them.

"Im sorry my queen but a human against a demon its not really a fight, I know deputy David is a brilliant man but he is only human" this grates on me a little it appears I haven't instilled that no one should be underestimated. All my deputies laugh at this comment.

"Only human, oh you are all in for a shock" 201 states.

"Okay enough Blake and David get ready" we all move around to surround them both.

"START !!"

Hi everyone

sorry its been a while hope you enjoy this chapter

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