
Olivia Sparks

“I’m not a ‘thing’ to be possessed.” Olivia pulled her weight with her elbows and stared at Maxen whose head was now wedged between her legs. “Absolutely,” he agreed, widening the high slit of her gown. “You’re a goddess, Olivia. And I will even worship the land that you would set foot on.” ... Olivia Lin. Exiled heiress of the biggest corporation in the small island of Nisia. Nobody knew of her name. Heck, nobody knew of her existence. Henry Lin, her father, left her in the farthest place from the country as possible the moment she was born. Maxen Victor Eton Sui, a heartbreak dressed in a hot suit. What more if he's wearing a crown? Now when their paths collide, will sparks fly? ... *This book is for mature readers. edited by Swaning join us in discord! tinyurl.com/filledelisle IG: filledelisle

filledelisle · Ciudad
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In the darkness of the night, and the symphony of midnight rain lulled every soul to slumber, Maxen and Olivia found themselves staring at each other. 

While Maxen was all ears and ready to listen, Olivia, on the other hand, was having a hard time spilling her heart out.

It's not that Olivia didn't trust Maxen, or his opinion didn't matter to her. But telling somebody her concerns was something she wasn't used to since she grew up doing things on her own and deciding things for herself. 

The truth is, she could feel it. She could feel the water rising from her neck up to her chin, drowning her.

And if she refused to share her worries, by reaching out for a hand to pull her up from the water, she would truly then be swallowed by the tides of her contemplations.

Propping herself up with her elbows, she eventually sat on the bed with her knees brought closer to her chest.