
old man elder


yosief_mussie · Fantasía
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50 Chs

1-6 Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World


My eyes open suddenly to a blue sky.

Mind swirling, I groggily look from one side to the other within a fog of blurriness. As my eyes focus, unfamiliar buildings surround me as I feel the cold, rocky ground on my back.

A thought appears.

Oh, no. Please don't tell me this is what I think it is?

Rising to my feet, I glance around quickly, seeing only buildings reminding me of Chinese architecture. Looking back at the clear blue sky.

"Fuck. This must be one of those 'transferred to another world' situations," that I've read about in novels.

The last thing I remember was a massive earthquake while sitting at my computer and the floor opening to a black pit. However, I live on the third floor of my apartment and no one else in the apartment seemed to notice the shaking. It was just me, seeing the world itself shake.

When I looked down, I saw it.

A hole, unnatural in its depth. Dark beyond all reason, floating beneath my feet.

… and then I dropped.

So, either this is the last breaths of my mind or another world. Why is the first thing that comes to mind, that this is another world transfer instead of a coma? Well, mainly because I'm a nerd that reads fantasy isekai novels in my free time. I'd much rather believe it's a fantasy situation rather than the alternative.

As I continue to look out at my surroundings, I can see a flying blur suddenly stop, high in the air. Straining to see what it could be, I can barely recognize the shape and form of the object.

"Is that… an old lady flying on a sword?"

I unconsciously mutter some words aloud from the shock of the situation.

For a second after I say that, I feel a slight shiver crawl down my spine.

I could have sworn she looked straight down at me when I said that. However, just as quickly as she had stopped, she continued moving at top speeds across the sky.

Ah, shoot. Please don't tell me this is a cultivation world. Please, please no.

Right then, I can hear the women from the street gossiping.

"Oh! That was Senior Song from the Heavenly Skies Sword Clan. She's so amazing. I hear that she's the youngest Senior in their group in 50 generations of disciples!"

"Yeah, I heard that too. I've also heard that she has a rampaging feud with Elder Gu in their shared Revolving Heavenly Light sect. Some people wonder if it's not just a feud, but something more. I bet if she gets serious, it would be as easy as turning over her hand. Too bad her fight wit…"

I tune out because of the shock of the situation.

Ah dammit. If that didn't prove it, then nothing else will.

Looks like I will need to keep low and learn more about this cultivation world. I really wish I transferred to a fantasy world instead. Cultivation worlds always seemed brutal to me.

A sudden thought comes to me about the comment I made earlier and the feeling of being watched. With a shiver, I can only hope that I was wrong about that. If I'm not, I must pay proper respect when I see her again.

Unfortunately, before I can continue analyzing my situation, I can see some people gathering on the other side of the alley. It might be time for me to get out of here. There appears to be a stream of people on the street next to me, so I quickly merge with the flow of the groups. While some people look strangely at me, I try to act as natural as possible.

One of the first things I notice as I walk with these people is that everyone is Asian or Caucasian!

In fact, I'm the only black guy around.

One good thing that I picked up is that while people look at me as a curiosity at first, they seem to recognize that I'm from somewhere and lose interest. I'm not sensing an undercurrent of wariness or hostility from any of them I am used to seeing in America.

This tells me that there are black people in this world, but they might just be a rare sight. And that hopefully, the terrifying cultivation trope of being treated like a demon because of my skin color won't take place here.

Just in case, I'll be cautious about this and look into it more to cover my bases.

While I continue to walk with the crowd, I check my pockets to see if I still have what was on me. I seem to still be wearing all the clothes I had prior and items. My phone, wallet, and keys are still on me. The phone has a full charge and seems to still be working, however there is no signal (obviously). Luckily this is a somewhat new phone, so it likely will keep the charge for a while.

To save power for when I might really need it, I turn on battery saving and turn it off. Just in case. Checking my wallet, it has all of my identification information and $51. Not sure how much this will help me, though.

Physically, I seem to be fine, but have a slight headache. It could be from the transfer or hitting the ground, but I can't really be sure. Putting away the stuff, I just avoid a kid bumping into me in the opposite direction. As I avoid him, I hear an annoyed "humph" as he continues barreling through people. Realizing that tactic from my world, I check my pockets. Looks like everything is still on me, nothing stolen.

I'll have to be careful out here.

It is at this point, that I get to the market. Open stalls with food, trinkets, and other materials are everywhere! Vendors yelling out about what they offer, people bargaining for deals. This is a crazy thing to experience. It doesn't look very sanitary.

However, this is exciting.

There are so many foods and items I've never seen before from this unfamiliar world that I'd like to learn more about. Separating from the crowd, I take a quick look at something that appears to be like a potato. However, something even more surprising than an extra food comes into mind. Once I looked at the potato, automatically I felt information pour into my head about this simple root.

Feeling that it was too much at once or to even remember, I tried to stop the flow and change how I perceived it. Familiar with the concept of scanning abilities from isekai fantasy novels, I tried to make it turn into a familiar form. Somehow, I did so before my headache turned worse. Transparently and somehow not impeding my vision, the below text box came up before my eyes.


Plant – Root—Food Ingredient

Quality – Extremely Poor

Value – 1 copper coin.

Inferior version farmed incorrectly

After a moment of shock, I step back and deeply contemplate what I saw.

YESSSSSS, I have a scanning ability!

Just what I needed to succeed in this world.

Here I was wondering whether I'd be able to survive day to day, but this should at least let me have an advantage in this world. Immediately using this, I scan everything around me. Which mostly provides more of the same information. This leads to a strange idea coming to mind.

Staring vaguely into the distance, I mentally try to have my scan affect the city instead of a specific concept.

Monchon City

City – Small-Medium

Founded 523 years ago by Monchon Yu


I wonder how far I can go with this. I use it on more and more concepts, like a planet, solar system, and even the air. What I've found (that is useful), is that the solar system is the Stilled Void. The Planet is the Revolving Expanse–. It appears most people just call it Privilon.

As I tested the air, I tried to draw comparisons between this world and my previous one. It brought up more information and a side-by-side comparison.

What this tells me is that I can draw relationships with this ability to get access to information outside of the object I'm viewing.

This. Is. Amazing.

However, almost as if to stem my excitement, I feel dripping from my nose and the slight increase in headache.

Ah, the age old "I've surpassed my limits and gone too far" blood drip.


I can handle having some limits on this ability. I don't know the consequences of pushing this too far and this much is already amazing.

From what I can gather on this ability, there is a limitation on how deep I can dive into analysis. At least, before my body has issues with information overload. It is likely that it is because there are background processes happening which are assembling/reorganizing the information. If I try to absorb all the information without the table, not only do I get a headache, but I can't seem to remember it well. It's almost as if I am seeing hundreds of screens at once and can only catch a glimpse.

Before I go further, there is something I need to check to see if I can get a clearer idea about this ability. Looking down at myself, I attempt to see if I can scan myself.

James Delinion

Mana: 20/20

Transferred Gifts:

Passive Scan: Max

Active Scan: Max

Healing Aura: Level 1 Exp: 0/10

Beneficial Taming: Level 1—Exp: 0/10

Healing Constitution

Proficient Languages: Common Speech (English)

Literate Languages: Common Speech

… That's a lot more than I thought there would be.

I wonder why Strength, Intelligence, etc., isn't showing up, but after a quick check, it seems since my "stats" are at the norm, they did not show up. Cultivation increases show up, though. Diving into my abilities, I try to see what each of them can do.


Mana is a source of energy that is both external and internal, existing in people, places and objects, and are transmuted by the user into magical powers. Only usable by a negligible amount of people. On Privilon, there are no mana users. Increased internal capacity and regeneration of this source of energy can be increased by regular and strenuous usage.

Transferred Gifts:

Gifts from the omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient being to allow the transferee to survive and thrive in this dimension.

Passive Scan:

Blanket scan of the phenomena and some noumena around the user. The user can compile the data into usable information with some strain.

Active Scan:

Comprehensive scan of the phenomena and noumena compiled from the passive scan. Allows comprehension, with enough data points. Warning: overuse will lead to brain damage. This form of brain damage can be reversed over time by healing constitution or healing aura. Minor overuse increases capacity.

Healing Aura:

Healing Aura is an ability to heal all conditions, correct negative changes, and optimize/purify the target. Can be used externally, internally, or as an area of effect. More effective at close distances. Cost to use scales according to level and level of severity.

Beneficial Taming:

Beneficial taming allows for the taming and domestication of non-human lineage creatures (Demi-humans are counted as human lineage, even if they aren't treated as such by most humans.). When in use, allow both the user and affected creature to receive customized benefits. Benefits scale with the level of this ability. Domestication requires at least 1 previous generation to be tamed to occur. Domesticated creatures receive permanent increases to abilities, based on customized benefits.

Healing Constitution:

Healing Constitution is a unique constitution that allows the user to heal from any negative conditions while retaining positive conditions. When learning healing-based cultivation methods, cultivation is 100x quicker than normal. When using healing abilities, cultivation is 100x quicker. This effect is stackable.

Based on this information, an omnipotent being has transferred me here. Which one? Well, I have a decent guess to who it could be. With the number and quality of the abilities I have, I can only give thanks regarding these benefits. I should view this as a chance to start over in a fresh world. Back on Earth, while I was in a comfortable office job, I was just getting out of a rough place.

I was just going day by day, trying to make it through. But here, and with these abilities, I will treat this as a fresh start!

Now… what should I do next?

While I am extremely excited about the potential of taming and cultivating healing abilities, I need to focus on the near term. I search the market for a good deal to resell at its true or greater value, using my newfound scan to price match.

And so, I went from stall to stall to stall. What I found was that they underprice many of the items. It is likely because of the market we are in, so I added a line in the table to allow comparisons between true value, market value, and perceived value for this situation. This massively helped to determine what is worth what.

However. I came up against a big, obvious problem.

I have no money.

While exploring, I could get an approximate value of money by looking at other people handling it. While compiling, I had it compared to the value of the American dollar:

Tiny Copper Coin: 1 cent–poor quality ingredients–1/100 of dollar

Copper Coin: 10 cent–cost of 2 poor meals–1/10 of dollar

Big Copper Coin: 1 dollar–5 of these is the normal pay for the average worker every day - 1 dollar

Half-Silver: 50 dollars–5 days stay in an average inn with nutritious meals, upper end of poor medicinal items, inferior quality mortal luxury goods

Silver Coin: 100 dollar–Cost of a weapon, average medicinal items, average mortal luxury goods, weakest spirit stone

Big Silver Coin: 1,000 dollars - Cost of a poor home, cost of armor, poor cultivation ingredients, high-quality mortal medicinal items, high-quality mortal luxury goods

Half-Gold: 50,000

Gold Coin: 100,000 dollars

Big gold coin: 1,000,000 dollars

Half-Jade: 50,000,000

Jade Coin: 100,000,000

Big Jade Coin: 1,000,000,000

The comparison of the items came from what I could see around. The higher value coins (starting at Half-Gold), I wasn't able to see an example of. I could only get the currency system from the query. Once again, after pushing for the currency system, I seemed to get a headache. It might be time to stop pushing it so much. With this in mind, I will need to find some way to get money, so I can buy it.

Coming up with an idea, I pull out a dollar and attempt to figure out how I can use this. Maybe I can sell this as a luxury item or something. I've perused through most of this entire market, with only a few to go. I think it would be better to go to someone who doesn't seem as busy. Walking over to one stall I haven't been to; I can see that it is a medicinal seller.

A quick perusal of his wares shows typical pills for healing mundane illnesses and…

… wait a second. What is that?

A closer look at the pill reveals:

Body Refinement Pill


True Value/Market Value/Perceived Value: 25 Big Silvers/1 Half-Silver/30 Big Silvers

Helps a non-cultivator prepare their body to undergo cultivation. Ingesting this pill helps refine the body by removing impurities, which can help with a breakthrough into cultivation and strengthen their cultivation base. Qi Condensation Cultivators can benefit from this pill to clear their bodies further of impurities, but has reduced effects. The higher the grade of the pill, the more impurities removed and the higher their starting cultivation base.

This is a bit of a conundrum. Based on this information, the person in front of me knows the true value of this pill. However, they are still selling it for a half-silver. This reeks of trouble.

As I attempt to walk away, I hear a whisper… almost like it is in my ear.


My body freezes, almost out of my control. Turning back around carefully, I take a better look at the man. Wearing a conical hat covering his face, his arms folded under long sleeves, the only visible part of the older man's skin is his mouth.

"Did you see something you like among my… wares?"

His voice whispers, yet seems to be loud enough to be easily heard above market's hum.

Somehow, I feel as if every aspect of myself is being watched. Even down to my cells, I feel a slight prickle.

For a moment, I consider scanning him to see what I'm dealing with, but decide it isn't worth the risk. This might be that "divine sense" I've heard of in cultivation novels, and if it is, that means he is a cultivator who can easily kill me. In fact, if I had to say, it feels purposeful that I can feel this.

I say the truth.

"Um, I saw that pill there. It seems different from the others. If you don't mind my asking, but why are you selling it for that price?"

The merchant's mouth twitches, but he remains silent for a small time, pondering his response. With a grin, he decides.

"Humph. Well, I wasn't expecting you to just come out and ask. Well, I guess that's a strategy of its own… it looks like you determined the worth of this pill. Unfortunately, this pill isn't for you. Now, normally I would just wipe your memory and be done with it. But I have an errand that needs doing, and it seems to match with something that could be helpful for you."

He motions to my back pocket.

"You seem to have no money and do not understand what you are doing."

Cautiously, I nod.

"Great. You could sell those pieces of paper in your leather casing for a decent amount. If you head to the luxury seller near the center of town, you can get a decent price for it. Drop this package off to him and you should be good. Note that it is valuable. So, don't get… lost."

He lowers his hand slowly.

"You could decline and have your memory wiped instead. That's always an option."

Quickly, I shake my head in stark denial of that option.

"Excellent. At least you have common sense. Here's the package."

Handing me a fist-sized orb wrapped in a velvet cloth, his hat raises enough to meet my eyes.

"Good luck on your journey, kid. Oh, and just some advice and a warning."

He says offhandedly.

"Not all people are as nice as me. Some people would just as easily kill you for your clothes and items as look at you. Not only that, but make sure you treat people accordingly when you learn of their status when compared to yourself.

"Being too honest and open with your intentions leaves yourself open to being… removed. You would do well to understand this culture and quickly, if you want to survive."

He pauses before speaking back up.

"I will say there are some benefits to being the way you are." With that said, the old man shakes his hand and lowers his hat again, dismissing me.

He stops me one last time as I turn away and says, "Not all things are as hidden as you might think. Really consider where and when you use that ability to read people."

I freeze, with one of my abilities laid bare. Slowly, turning back to him, I realize what I must do. I pull from my knowledge of Chinese culture and bow to him as low as I can.

The advice and insights he gave to me are something that I needed to realize. I've been treating this subconsciously like an adventure.

This is not that.

This is survival. Until I'm able to defend myself and understand the rules of this world, I need to be more aware of my actions. I can't assume my abilities are hidden. I must take this slowly and watch what I do.

After holding the bow for a few seconds, I rise to complete the mission he gave to me.

Chapter 1 - Quite a Steal

Heading in the direction he mentioned, the quality of the homes and businesses change to a subtly more sophisticated style. However, a quick look down a hutong (alleyway) reveals that there are still some dark elements, as I can see some shady characters standing around.

With little fuss, I arrive at the storefront for luxury items. Before I head in, I decide on the… atmosphere I want to portray to people. I believe going for a foreigner with access to interesting materials would be my best bet.

My lack of knowledge of cultural norms will be clear, but I have to still show some "insights" into his business. Hopefully, I'll be able to make up for my gaps with the scanning ability. This'll also be my first time haggling with someone, so I must be sure not to be cheated.

Before I go in, I take another look at the bills to make sure I know its value. I have 51 dollars (2 $20's, 1 $5, and 6 $1), coming to 8 bills in total.

American $1 Dollar Bill

True Value/Market Value/Perceived Value: 5 half-silver coins / 7 Silver Coins/ 4 Silver Coins

Paper bill

Currency from Earth. 75% Cotton, 25% Linen paper, with specialty pigments. Can be sold as artwork from a unique culture, a distinct style of art (valued to art/luxury merchants). Method to understand paper production method can be understood with testing (valued to paper merchants).

As I walk in, the merchant greets me and discreetly seems to appraise me. "Hello honorable sir, how can this old man assist you today?"

"Hello, I was looking to sell this art piece today."

With two hands, I place it on the table, carefully.

He takes a quick look at it. "Hmm. Art piece, you say. I can definitely see the value in this. Where, say, did this come from?"

"Well, I came across it on my journeys throughout this land. These bills are art, based on their designs."

The merchant's eye raises slightly.

"I see."

Lifting it up and flipping it over, he gives a nod. "Interesting. Well, I can give you 1 Big Copper for each."

My brain stops for a moment with my jaw dropping. 1 Big Copper?

Taking a scan of the bill, I notice its perceived value hasn't changed for this seller.

This guy is trying to scam me!

In disgust, I look at him and pick up the dollar to walk out.

Before I leave, I remember my agreement with the old man. Turning back around, I reach into my back pocket and pull out the orb, placing it on the table.

"Here. An acquaintance wanted this given to you."

I then turn and head out the door to go into the paper shop near here.

That was likely my fault. I gave little thought to building a story for the bills. I appeared awkward, naïve, or suspicious. He probably thought I was an easily scammed foreigner.

As I get a few feet out the door, I see the luxury dealer scurry out of his shop and immediately kowtows in front of me.

"Please sir, forgive me for my insolence!!! These poor eyes of mine did not recognize Mt. Tai!" he yells out.

"Woah woah woah, get up!" I rush to pick him off the ground, which is a struggle since he desperately tries to keep his head on the ground.

"Please, just stop. Stop! Let's go into your store to discuss this."

Relieved, he quickly and reverently brings me back into the store. Continuously apologizing for his disrespect, he completely flips from before and offers to give me 1 Big Silver Coin for each dollar.

From what I can tell, the man that sent me here did me a favor.

By having me deliver this for him, he allowed me to make a relationship where I am viewed on a similar status to him… whoever he is.

One thing is clear. Not only should I be grateful to him, but I should be wary. There is genuine fear in this store owner's eyes.

Life-threatening fear.

Once I'm done with this, I will definitely go back to thank him for his help. Though I have a feeling he already knows exactly what's going on.

Every once in a while, while I was traveling, I could feel that familiar prickling sensation.

I'm still trying to figure out whether that's a good thing. Either way, I must keep moving forward and try to follow his advice.

Getting back to this situation, after giving all 8 bills to the merchant, I now have:

7 Big Silvers: $7,000

9 Silvers: $900

1 Half-Silver: $50

49 Big Coppers: $49

10 Coppers: $1

Total: $8,000

However, as I hand over the bills, I can see the scan reveals the perceived value is still low.

The extra money is probably just him trying to repair a perceived relationship. I should let him know the ways he can recoup some of this.

After receiving the money and noticing the both relieved and dissatisfied expression on the merchant's face, I lean in to give him some ideas.

"I appreciate your consideration regarding this. Here are a few things I know about these bills. If you look closely at the bill, you'll notice the designs speak about another country, one that is not of this land. I'm sure there are buyers willing to discover and gain something otherworldly. You can see that the paper production methods are likely much different from the ones currently used. To certain merchants and specialists, this knowledge could be invaluable."

The seller looks me briefly in the eyes and goes silent. He seems to come to some conclusion and bows, thanking me.

As he rises, he is much happier.

I hope I was able to do some good with this.

Walking out of the shop, I pull my wallet in slight nostalgia. That might be the last time I see a dollar from my world. I need to keep ahold of these, if only to remind me of where I've come from.

Oh. There's one more bill in here. Looks like it got crunched to the bottom of my wallet.

A passive scan of it makes me trip on my own feet, though.

American $1 Dollar Bill

True Value/Market Value/Perceived Value: 5 Big Gold Coins / 2 Jade Coins/ 5 Big Gold Coins

Cultivation Ingredient/ Item Production template

Currency from Earth. 75% Cotton, 25% Linen paper, with specialty pigments. Can be sold as artwork from another world (valued to art/luxury merchants). Method to understand paper production method can be understood with testing (valued to paper merchants). From another dimension. When used as a cultivation ingredient in a pill, can be consumed to help with Void Cultivation Methods. Can be identified as a cultivation ingredient with Spiritual Sense, when notified of its properties.

Ah. Never mind. I think I might have to sell this, eventually. This tells me something, though. Things can have their nature change, based on outside factors. But now I have to watch my wallet again. Sigh.

Funny enough, in that moment I see a pale scrawny teen, just over half my size, with short, stringy black hair, and sunken eyes heading on a subtle beeline towards me.

Not this again.

It's also clear what they are aiming for.

Their eyes flicker as they approach to my now bulging pocket. I have an idea on what I can do from here. As they get closer, I see their arm reach towards my pocket as they run into me.

With a quick grab, I grasp their arm and pin it behind them, using a move I vaguely remember from my childhood taekwondo classes.

"Hey! No! Let me go, I didn't do nothin'! Get off of me!"

Struggling, they attempt to escape desperately, but I pin their other arm. "What are you doing, no!"

I instantly realize how bad this has to look, especially as a black male. I hurriedly look up, expecting to be met with condemnation or glares.

But I'm surprised by the truth.


Literally, no one cares.

Actually, it seems to be the opposite. Some people are even giving looks of disdain to the kid.

Even with the support of people around me, this seems to be a little much. I think if I tried to say anything out here, a mob might form instead.

Memories of what I heard in my world about what happens to thieves cross my mind.

With a shiver, I try to move the kid to a nearby alleyway that looked clear earlier. Every step a struggle. This kid has superior flexibility. However, they can't seem to break my hold. Originally, I thought it was because of my strength, but they just seem to be weak.

With the kid pinned and me protecting my obvious delicates, I somehow move the kid into the alleyway with my larger size and strength.

In the alleyway, I see a small enclave and block the kid into it. Tossing the kid in front of me, this enclave is basically the size of a walk-in closet, with the entrance size of a normal door.

The kid gets even more ferocious, as they realize I have trapped them here.

"Woah woah woah, just calm down kid! I will not hurt you." The kid isn't listening and tries several more escape attempts.

I guess I'm lucky in the sense that there isn't anything they can use against me in this room.

For obvious reasons, I feel like the evil guy in this situation. Kidnapping a teen and blocking them into a tight room. However, regardless of my feelings on the matter, I have a goal I want to accomplish and will need their help.

Chapter 2 - Winding Decisions

After many more tussles like this, we come to a stand-off. They are just glaring at me, waiting for me to make a move. I can tell if I try to get closer, he'll try to rip my eyes out.

To end this standoff, I pull out a silver coin and raise it in front of the kid. The kid's eyes immediately lock on to it and he freezes.

"You want this, right?"

The kid stares at it for a bit and with a subtle gulp, locks on to me.

Cautiously, he nods.

"Do you have any others you are taking care of?"

The kid almost nods instinctively, but immediately stops and stares with intensity at me. Like I'm a threat.

Oh wow, that came off wrong.

Waving my arms desperately, I exclaim,

"Wait, no, not like that, I mean, I'm just trying to figure…" I pause, trying to get my thoughts in order.

"Just. I just want… Here. Let me just give you this coin first and I'll ask you some things. We can talk about giving you more, based on what you tell me."

I toss the coin at the kid, who deftly catches it and bites it. Quickly putting it somewhere on his body. Warily, he looks at me. He sits in silence for a little, then speaks up. "Alright… what do you want to know?"

"Outstanding, thank you for listening. Take this half-silver for working with me on this. Can you answer some questions for me and give me some tips on what and who to look for? I'm obviously not from the area."

Tossing another coin at the kid, he looks incredulously at me, but still pockets the coin after biting it.

Warily answering my questions, we go from subject to subject and it becomes apparent to the kid that I'm an idiot or know nothing about this world. This goes on for a few hours, as I press him for more information on certain details and relationships.

Once we get to things like the city, cultivation groups, who to look out for, where to go to rest and food, how to address different people, and who to trust, the kid seems to have an air of warped pity for me.

"Man, you really don't know what you've gotten into, huh? This isn't the place for naïve people like you." He sighs and takes a seat on the ground, relaxing a bit.

"Oh, where's my silver coin?" I quickly toss a silver coin over to him.

He catches it and bites it. "See? That's exactly what I'm saying. You just trusted what I said and didn't even haggle. That's naïve to just go with whatever price I ask. You know what this information is probably worth? A few coppers." Placing the coin in his pocket and laying on his back, he stares up at the ceiling.

"It's a good thing you got me, otherwise you would be an easy mark for some of these other folks. What kind of idiot are you to believe a kid on the streets? And to give silver coins out, like some kind of rich noble, but not know anything about the merchant or noble clans. You're lucky you haven't already been gutted or stripped bare."

He continues rolling onto his side, his stomach revealed.

"Sheesh, even now I feel that if I asked, you'd still give me more money." I reach in my pocket as a joke.

"Seriously, stop. You really will get scammed if you continue like that. At first I thought you were some pervert noble… but you really are just a foreigner with no knowledge of how things work." I look up quickly at that, asking,

"Oh, that reminds me. What country would most people assume I'm from, based on my looks?" He looks at me weird, but then just shakes his head again.

"Most people would say the Plains of Akir to the South, but I would say the Great Rondo Waters to the far west. It's far enough that most people won't have a connection, and you should be safe to say without people questioning you too much."

With a thoughtful pause, he continues, "Now that is advice worth a Big Copper." I hand him two. He just sighs.

"You know, at this point I just feel like I'm the one taking advantage of you. And I pick pockets for a living."

Even though I'm basically just teasing this kid, I am taking what he says seriously. I'm also verify everything he's saying with my scanning ability. Overall, this kid seems trustworthy.

While it may be expensive, I think having this kid trust me is much more important than desperately holding onto the money I have.

In addition, the information on how I need to conduct myself is critical. Just by watching the air of this kid, I'm able to get an idea on how I should interact with people. The only issue is that this is a massive amount of cultural information to take in. It will be difficult to adapt quickly to this.

It's unfortunate, but I just don't have the instinct for these kinds of situations.

Jumping to his feet, he offhandedly says, "Well, that's pretty much all I have to talk about with this. I have to get back to my family." The kid casually walks past me and gets to the center of the alleyway.

Before he leaves, I call out to him.

"Hey, wait a second!"

The kid tenses and looks like he is about to run.

Obviously, because he is probably assuming that I want my money back.

"This may be a bit of a silly question, but could you be… my bodyguard?"

The kid's face blankly stares at me. Like I'm stupid. "What?"

"Uh, not exactly a bodyguard, but more of an advisor. It's clear to me, with all of this, that I do not understand what I'm doing. You also seem to be trustworthy."

The kid goes through several faces, first of disbelief, pity, condescension, thoughtfulness, pity, greed, and then finally a serious expression.

"Fine, but I will need 20 Big Coppers a day." "Completely Denied," I immediately retort.

"Shoot, I was hoping I could get you with that one. Well, at least you are learning."

He pauses for a smile and a breath.

"Fine. 1 Big Copper a day, but I need 20 upfront. You should be more than fine with that for a while, considering the amount you have. That should be enough to be worth my time. Also, for your information, that's how much most people get each day working a job around here.

Though I could get potentially much more from pick-pocketing." I hand him 20 Big Copper Coins.

"Let's start with this." He holds up one coin I just paid him.

"Lesson One. I can easily tell how much you have on you by the sound of the coins. Because of the unfamiliar material of your clothes, it makes it tougher to tell immediately, but with enough time around you I could find out. Merchants, in particular, can do this to guestimate your spending ability. One thing a merchant will do is show you around the store to hear how much you have on you. With that out of the way, let me show you a few places around town I mentioned to you earlier."

Thus, the kid walked with me around the city and explained unique things to look out for and watch.

We passed by the market, when I mentioned there was someone, I had to thank… but it seems the old man had already left.

So, we moved on to the next few sights, with little ado. "Old Mo's place is an excellent place to get some rest and food. At the end of some days, when a noble has come by and wasted food, he gives it to some kids nearby. Let him know Lin had recommended you and he'll keep an eye out for you. Oh, right? My name is Lin, what's yours?"

"My name's James. Sorry about that."

"Stop that, you shouldn't be apologizing to someone of my status. It makes you seem like a regular person."

As he says that, the sun seems to get close to the horizon. With the end of the day coming, but still some light out, the "tour," seems to winding down.

As we walk past yet another alleyway, I can see out of the corner of my eye a kid warily watching.

Peeking at Lin, I see him shake his head, with the kid nodding in surprise, but understanding and walking back into the alley.

Oh, it looks like Lin has been helping me this whole time. Looks like it was the right decision to work with him.

"Alright, this should be good enough for a tour. I need to head bac…back to my place. Here, take this string and hang it from your pocket. As long as you have this, you shouldn't get too much trouble from the kids around here." Handing me a long dull string with a knot at the end, I hang it from my pocket.

Lin continues without pausing, "Tomorrow you can meet me back here, at around…"

With a quick look at my face, the kid stiffens up and pauses.

Placing a hand on his head, "Ah, what am I worried about. It's obvious you are a fish out of water. I can take you back to my place, so you don't have to waste money on those inns. We can work out everything else tomorrow."

He grabs my hand and begins taking me down some alleys, winding and turning. Even within a city of this size, there seem to be countless tight alleys.

Turn by turn, I quickly lose track of how to get back to the street. As we pass by another alleyway, I somehow get a glimpse of an open street, but it passes by like a dream as we dive deeper into the maze. The sun dips down even lower, on the cusp of turning to darkness.

After some further time walking, Lin stops me and pauses right before a corner.

With a quick peak around the corner, he holds out a Big Copper Coin to the corner. A worn and dirty gloved hand comes out and takes it quickly.

Before continuing on, Lin says, while motioning at me, "Can you keep this quiet and allow this guy through? Thanks." Looking at me, he motions,

"Okay, we should be good now. Keep moving."

As he moves forward, the hand grabs his shoulder.

"Lin. Rong is at your place again. It doesn't look good. You should hurry."

With widened and panicked eyes, he immediately begins sprinting off down the alleyways, leaving me behind.

Ah shit, it looks like something is wrong. I really don't know my way around this place, and I'm worried about Lin. I should probably follow him and see what's going on.

Holding out a Big Copper Coin, I quickly ask, "Can you lead me where his place is? I want to make sure he's alright." There's a pause and the hand quickly snap out, grabbing the Big Copper. As I attempt to move forward, they keep their hand out in front of me, stopping me in place. The hand motions with 5 fingers.

"Ah shoot, whatever! Take it, we might not have much time." I quickly toss 5 more Big Copper Coins and they are snatched out of the air.

A light giggle comes out ahead and above me.

The head and torso of an attractive, youthful woman with wiry black hair and pale dirty skin pops out… horizontally, on the upper part of the wall.

The shiny, smooth lower body of a spider appears as she creeps out, hanging between the walls of the alleyway. Hanging upside down, she lowers her face down to mine and with an airy, light voice she says,

"Well, don't just stare at me, you'd better hurry. Go straight and turn right once and then left once. You'll see his shack on the right."

With a shocked pause, I regather my senses and thank her. I sprint down the alleyway based on her directions. I see the hint of a curious smile as I pass, running past the corner.

Chapter 3 - Sharp Conclusions

Quickly arriving in the alleyway that has their shack, I'm able to see the silhouette of a pale, scrawny man's back searching through piles of stuff within the shack. A woman on a blanket is curled in a ball with her head in her hands.

In the corner, facing the man as he searches, is Lin's unconscious body. Bruises cover both of them, from head to toe. Faced with this sight, I try to understand the situation. "Hahaha, I knew you and your sister had some stuff packed away, but to think this is where you stashed the medicine. I can probably get a good price on these. This'll teach you to lie to your Old Rong."

Well, that helps a little. I think these people are being robbed, but it could also be something like a domestic assault situation. However, I don't know the full context. I've never been in this kind of situation before, whether in this life or my previous. What should I do? Starting off this is a kid, a woman I don't know, and a man that seems to rob them.

I don't really know these people well, though the kid seems alright. Should I really stick my neck out for these people? In the other world, it would be easy to look the other way or call the police. I'm sure that there are guards that can help here.

Then I hear the scrawny man's mocking voice, say in slow, gravely words, "Don't worry Lin, I'll take care of you and Ai quite nicely after I grab this stuff. Like always." It's like he's said this countless times to them.

A shiver runs down my back.

Fuuuuck. I have to decide.

I'm just making excuses at this point. I have to assume that no one will come to help. Now that I think of it, the police couldn't really help with domestic assault cases either in my world. There's no one else but me who can help these people right now.

Looking at the situation, I notice my hands shaking subtly, and I try to think of any other way through this. Forcibly grabbing my hands together, I try to stop the shaking. It helps a little. I'm sure that if I get involved, especially with this situation, I need to be ready to be attacked. Looking around quickly, I see a large broken piece of pottery nearby.

Picking it up, my hands stop shuddering a little more. I have to harden my resolve. I'll try to knock him out, but if that doesn't work… I'll try to take him down. I think with my healing power, I should be able to keep him unconscious but not bleeding out. I'll aim for a lethal blow and then immediately start healing him when he goes unconscious. I creep to the door.

Luckily for me, the man is facing away from the door and there doesn't seem to be much light. He also seems to monitor Lin's unconscious body specifically. With the pottery piece raised, I creep toward him. Carefully, I get just close enough to land a blow. However, the hairs on my neck raise and my eyes meet his on a reflective surface nearby.

The feeling of extreme danger rides down my body. Jumping backwards, I barely see him swing around with something in his hands. With a broken piece of pottery. Facing me with an angry look, he stares me down. "Who the hell are you?! Get the fuck out of here before I slit your throat!"

With a quick realization, his eyes squint in greed. "Wait a second, are you some kind of noble or somethin'? Mmm… trying to play hero, huh?"

His eyes twitch as he keeps his eye on my hand with the pottery piece still raised. "Wait a second. How d'you even get around Gong, huh? She's letting anyone in nowadays?"

He steps closer and closer.

I only barely remember taking Tae Kwon Do when I was a kid and in college did some minor LARP'ing. I've used no actual weapons or trained with them. Relying on my fantasy reading knowledge, I take a shoddy stance with the pottery in my right hand, attempting to wave him off.

He scoffs.

This is not good. I don't see a way I can beat this guy without getting hit. "Come on, just put the piece down and we can talk about this. All your money and clothes might help to clear things up." He says with a disgustingly wide grin.

Luckily, I see a bit of movement from behind the man and Lin standing up. Okay, we might have a chance with this then. Time for some deception. I raise my hand with the pottery piece slowly, right until it is ready for a quick downward motion. His eyes flutter between me and the piece.

With a nauseating smile, he looks beside himself with how stupidly obvious my actions are.

With a loud exhale, I lower my hand quickly, like I'm attacking. However, I let go of the pottery piece, just as I begin the downward motion. His eyes following the downward motion of the pottery piece and furrow in confusion as it drops, helping to mask Lin's attack from the back.

Leaping onto his back, Lin holds a sharp rock and stabs it into his neck and back. Taking the opportunity, I also run at the man and kick at his legs as he tries to fight Lin off. The man desperately stabs behind him at Lin, but Lin seems to avoid most of them. While Lin distracts him, somehow, I score a hit at his kneecap with a full force leg kick.

His leg crunches inward sickeningly, and he falls to the ground screaming, right on top of me.

Lin continues to stab into his back as he falls.

Scrambling from underneath the man, I'm already out of breath from the little I've done in this fight. Lin continues to stab over and over, only stopping once the man's back and neck is a series of deep lacerations and that his struggles have stopped.

My breath heavy and ragged, I look at the body on the ground and the current situation. Shit, I was naïve. How could I stab a man and try to keep him alive afterward? There're so many things that could go wrong with that. If we leave him alive, then things… can only get worse.

What kind of abuser would take a beating like this and not think of revenge?

Especially, if there is a long-standing abusive relationship, like the one I'm guessing they have. Even if he looks dead, I'm sure that I could still bring him back. And if I'm able to, I should be able to assume someone else could.

Taking a glance at the woman on the blanket in the corner, she seems to watch the body with a mixture of pain, fear, hope, and sadness. My adrenaline is still racing and I can feel a sharp taste of metal in my throat. With a bit of a painful cough, I look at Lin and ask,

"Do you mind if I make sure he's dead? I don't think it would be good for you guys, if he made it through this."

After a hard, long, and haunted look at me and a moment of staring at the body… he nods softly and turns his head to his sister.

Shakily standing to my feet, I walk over to Lin, who flinches and watches me carefully. "Lin, can you turn around for this? Your sister probably needs you right now and I don't want you guys to see this." Lin seems slightly confused by the first part of my words, but seems to break out of his shock and realizing, rushing over to take care his sister, completely focusing on her.

It is very clear that these two know him personally, and if possible, I want to reduce the weight on their hearts with this. I can't do much, but I can at least do this.

Dragging the body out of the shack, I try to orient the body where they can't see from their position. Man, I'm weak. I can barely lift him.

Finally getting him into position, I grab a heavy piece of rock nearby and hold it right over his head.

I can still barely see the faintest movement of his chest.

Shit shit shit.

I don't want to do this.

My heart pounding in my chest, I force myself to think of all the negative outcomes that will happen if this guy lives. He will definitely take revenge on the kids. If he remembers me, he'll be coming after me. In a cultivation world, where grudges can literally be eternal, if you get powerful enough.

Fuck, I don't want to do this, but I really don't have any other choice, do I? Okay. I just need to get this done and take care of the kids. I have to focus on what comes after.

With a breath, I raise the rock high.

Then slam it brutally down, hitting his nose and causing a spurt of blood to come out, spraying my clothes and area with blood.

Even more frighteningly, his body twitches. In fear of him waking up, I smack his head even harder and keep going until it stops. By the time the body stops twitching, I've completely caved in the skull and destroyed the inside. Brain matter and blood everywhere.

If he's not dead, he soon will be.

My stomach turns and I almost throw up, but I see Lin is in the doorway, watching me. Holding it in, I put the rock to the side. His eyes are still dull, staring at the body with a complicated look. When I slowly wipe my hands off on my pants and give him a pained nod, his eyes focus on me. He returns it with a pained smile and a nod. With a hurried turn, he heads back to check on his sister.

As I head into the shack again, I can see Lin is covering his sister up and holding her closely. Soft sobs and pained breaths come from her, as she was beaten pretty badly. With a swollen arm and multiple bruises across her body, based on the level of bruising, it looks like he broke some of her bones.

Crouched in a ball, she is in an enormous amount of pain. Lin's eyes are watering and pained, bearing with anger, anguish, and helplessness.

Unfortunately, I realize I have no more time to worry about them.

I've slowly noticed a throbbing in my side, as I realize I haven't gotten through this unscathed either. Because of the adrenaline of the fight and execution, I didn't notice, but the scum buried his pottery piece deep into my side.

"Ah, shit." I vocalize, before realizing that metallic taste from earlier, was blood.

Man, I feel tired. Ah, that's a flag, isn't it?

Carefully lowering myself onto my back, I look to the side. I can only see Lin and the sister, cradling each other in comfort, as darkness covers my eyes.

Chapter 4 - Moral Standing

Slowly waking, I see the wide eyes of Lin. Quickly, she shuffles backwards in shock. "You! Are… are you a cultivator?" Sitting up slowly, I look to see… a lot of blood and a piece of pottery lying beside me.


"No. I'm just a normal guy. Did you take this out of me and…?"

As I look down at the wound in my chest, I notice that there is actually no longer a wound there. Nothing, not even a scar. Only the bloody piece of pottery remains.

Oh, that probably would make a normal person worried.

"I-I'm sorry for inconveniencing you Senior! Please spare us!"

Confusedly, I see Lin's fear filled face and I understand otherworldly abilities seem to be something that usually denote that you are a cultivator. And based on Lin's own lessons… you really don't want to mess with cultivators. Looking around, I can see that Lin's sister is on the ground sleeping, apparently still in discomfort with sweat on her face.

Looking at myself, I attempt to scan to see what's going on.

James Delinion

5 Rose Man–Spiritual Root

Mana: 17/20

Transferred Gifts:

Passive Scan: Max

Active Scan: Max

Healing Aura: Level 1 Exp: 3/10

Beneficial Taming: Level 1–Exp: 0/10

Healing Constitution

Proficient Languages: Common Speech (English)

Literate Languages: Common Speech

From what I can tell, the ability for Healing Constitution must have triggered. It also looks like my Healing Aura was also active, as I can feel a strange form of energy coursing throughout my body and 3 experience in its slot. Though, why does it have 3 experience instead of just one? Could it be representing a passive area of effect healing for Lin, his sister, and I?

Well. Either way, I'm glad to be alive.

Now slowly getting out of my thoughts, Lin still kowtows on the ground, silent and shaking.

Ah. I quickly rush over to Lin, raising him up.

"Lin, stop! There's no reason for you to bow to me. I'm still the same person as before, just a guy who doesn't know what he's doing. Is your sister doing okay?" Slowly, I see Lin's eyes meet mine and seem to relax, finally.

"No. Unfortunately, she was already very sick before…" he trails off, with his eyes drifting over to where the scum's body is outside.

Regaining his thoughts, he continues, "Her ribs have been broken, this time. Normally, he isn't…"

He pauses.

"He wasn't this rough before…" his jaw clenches, taking a labored, deep breath.

"…before fucking us. He usually cared about that more than getting things from us. He must have really wanted that medicine, this time."

With a hardened look, he sighs, "All I've been able to do is to lay her on her side and keep her somewhat comfortable. It seemed she like she was doing a little better a second ago, but then starting going through pain again, just before you had woken up."

Taking some time to stand up, I notice that Lin also has some caked blood reaching from their shoulder across their back.

I'm already involved in this deeply, I should try to help them however I can.

I hope I can trust these two with my healing ability.

Though, even if I couldn't… I'm not sure I could just walk away without doing anything. I want to at least try to help.

Looking at Lin, I directly ask, "Would you mind if I tried something? I think that battle may have awakened something in me, as you can probably see" motioning to the now non-existent wound.

"I think I may have gained the ability to heal wounds. While I'd like to help your sister, I want to make sure I can do this right, so I don't hurt her in her weakened condition.

"Would you be willing to allow me to try the ability on you first?" Blank faced, Lin stands there and stares for a little, before snapping out of it.

With a start he suddenly yells out, "YES! I mean yes, please help us. I'll do anything to save her. Please. Help us." His eyes seem desperate.

While this is still a bit of a risk, I can't deny these eyes begging for some kind of help. Dang it. Why did I have to come to a cultivation world?

Focusing myself on the job at hand, "Alright, before we continue, I need to ask you something very important." I say seriously.

Lin looks carefully, but with still with some hope.

"I know you and your sister have gone through… a lot. Are you okay if I touch you, to treat your wounds? I'll need you to turn around and take off your shirt."

Lin seems wary, but seems to decide quickly, before turning around. As he pulls off the shirt, it is easy to tell the hard life Lin has gone through. Scars and discoloration cover a majority of his small back.

The newest wound is a laceration covered with a hasty bandage, covering the space from the middle of his left back to his right shoulder. From what I can tell, the wound on Lin's back has shown some signs of infection.

As I lightly touch his back to check under the bandage, he flinches.

This was before I even got close to the wound. A pang of anger flares up in me, reminding me of that scum's abuse. While I am still sickened by what I had to do to make sure he died, I do not regret that I did it.

Some people have to die, to protect others. This is the hard lesson of this world.

Jumping back into the injury, I can see this is probably the injury from when Lin jumped on the scum's back. He must have stabbed Lin with that dirty pottery piece and Lin wasn't able to clean it with anything, only able to bandage it up.

The fucking perils of being dirt poor.

Cautiously, I felt for that power I previously felt coursing through my body.

Running down alongside my veins, streaming through every part of my body, it is easy to visualize the paths it traces within me. Feeling a prickling sensation inside me, I try to channel and direct this energy to my hands, readying myself to begin the healing process.

However, I pause just before beginning.

Wait a second.

Instead of experimenting on Lin, why can't I just read his body and find out how to heal him from there? Lowering my glowing hands, I quickly peer at Lin's information. I freeze in shock from the information.


Female, 25

6 Rose Man - Spiritual Root

Proficient Languages: Common Speech (English)

Literate Languages: Common Speech

Affinity: Life Transference


Spirit Root Damage–Siphoned

Gave life force and potential to keep a family member alive

Mental Instructions on how to reverse

Stunted Growth

Gave life force and potential to keep a family member alive. Body and mind growth stunted to compensate.

Mental Instructions on how to reverse

Major Laceration–Back

Mental Instructions on how to direct healing

20 Additional Entries

Along with the above, there seemed to be further listings of accumulated damage during her life. First, I need to confirm whether what I see is right.

"Lin." I ask cautiously.

"Yes?" he… she responds, glancing back at me.

"How old are you?"

"I would have to be around 25-26 now. Why do you ask?"

Continuing further, "And are you a woman?" Her back tenses a little.

With an anxious, questioning voice, she says, "Yes?…"

I sigh.

Well. I guess I just shouldn't worry about it too much and should just do what I can. It shouldn't really matter.

"Okay. I just needed to know, so I can adjust my treatment for you."

Relaxing slightly, she responds, "Oh, okay then." Closing my eyes, it is easier to imagine the areas of her body and where I need to heal. Like a blueprint, her body appears with the affected areas. I feel that as I get better, I could do this from afar and with my eyes open.

Using the conditions list from my scanning, as I follow the instructions, each separate condition costs only 1 mana and is highlighted. While I feel I could still heal the condition without utilizing the scanning, it would definitely take more mana. In fact, I'm basically just going down the list, step by step, and targeting the areas it lists. At some point, the scanned affected areas overlap with my healing model.

My mana regeneration is also insanely quick, so it only takes a few seconds for the mana to regenerate, which compared to the usage rate is amazing. However, in combat I'm sure this would be much more difficult and would use more mana. One of the interesting aspects about the healing is that after healing a section, it brings the portion to its optimal condition, making it even better than before. This differs from the optimal original condition, as it is taking the best version of their body.

One thing to note. As I heal, I definitely vocalize whether I'm okay to go over certain areas, out of courtesy. Regardless of the gender, I feel it is important to ask for consent on these things.

This is especially true for abuse victims. One benefit to coming from a peaceful modern society.

After about 5 minutes of dedicated healing to clear all conditions, I open my eyes to see a tall, shockingly clear skinned, straight-backed, beautiful woman sitting in front of me. Her short, stringy black hair now holds a near-ethereal shine. Her previous shirt ripped and barely covering… I close my eyes quickly.


I refuse to sexualize this woman, not after what she's gone through. Not only that, but it wouldn't be fair to anyone to do that while they are trusting me to heal them. When I reopen my eyes, I do quickly notice Lin's flush cheeks. Quickly checking her sheet, I see the below.


Female, 25

6 Peony Earth Spiritual Root

Proficient Languages: Common Speech (English)

Literate Languages: Common Speech

Affinity: Life Transference


Healing High

After receiving extensive amounts of magical based healing in a brief period, the brain processes multiple pleasant reactions from nerves endings.

Hmm… it seems the healing of cells isn't causing pain.

I was concerned that suddenly knitting nerves and such together would cause sizeable amounts of pain, but I'm glad that isn't the case. It would hurt a little to have these people go through even more pain, especially after what they've already gone through.

As I quickly peer over my work, I suddenly realize… I should hurry and take care of her sister!

Rushing over, I realize how little time I have to work before even analyzing her. She seems to be pale and barely breathing. I immediately aim my healing energies at her, to keep her alive and stable, before focusing in on any immediate issues.

Her conditions are visibly more serious and she seems to be falling into an eternal sleep, due to her injuries. It might have been that while I was unconscious, that my ability kept her stable.

However, once I woke up, it turned off.

Fortunately, it seems using the magic as generalized healing (while more costly), allows me to stabilize her and improve her condition gradually. Overall, this method doesn't overcome my mana regeneration.

As I do this, her breathing seems to become stronger. If I look closely, I can see a slight movement of the bone under her pale skin. Strange, I can see the bone moving into its proper place. Man. This is intense and helpful. While the general healing stabilizes her, I use analyze to target healing:


Female, 22

2 Peony Earth-Spiritual Root

Proficient Languages: Common Speech (English)

Literate Languages: Common Speech


Spirit Root Damage–Forced Siphon

In receiving life force to stay alive, spirit has been damaged in the transference

Mental Instructions on how to reverse

Stunted Growth

Mental Instructions on how to reverse

Myriad Slime Defect

Birth condition that slowly gets worse with age. Causes progressive weakness to illness (lowered immune system). Bones slowly become more malleable until liquifying completely. Reduces life span in mortals.

Mental Instructions on how to reverse

Internal Bleeding–Ribs

Mental Instructions on how to direct healing

Compound Fracture–Ribs

Mental Instructions on how to direct healing

67 Additional Entries/subentries

For Ai's conditions, her list is much, much larger than Lin's was. To keep her stabilized and alive, I have to use one hand for general healing/stabilization, while using the other for correcting the specific changes needed.

Hopefully, I can just use my mind to do stabilization, while target healing from afar.

For the time being, I close my eyes to get a better feel for how the energies are being directed. This seems to work, though I notice that as I heal Ai's conditions, they are being healed faster than it did with Lin's injuries and require less energy.

Is this not as bad as I initially thought? No. It's definitely worse. I can probably assume that my healing ability has increased. I shouldn't focus on that right now. I can get this done first and go from there.

And so, I continue on until I've got every condition cured.

Chapter 5 - Conditional Healing

As my eyes open with the curing of the last condition, I can see that this girl definitely appears older and healthier now. With long, silvery gray hair (the gray aspect apparently wasn't correctable as a condition), she is now breathing steadily and appears to be resting peacefully. A quick look at her sheet reveals:


Female, 22

1 Orchid Heaven Spiritual Root

Proficient Languages: Common Speech (English)

Literate Languages: Common Speech


Myriad Slime Body Constitution

Cultivation is increased for amorphous body cultivation techniques (x100). Cultivation is increased for void (x100), water (x20), and earth cultivation methods/techniques (x10).

1st Stage: Bones can liquefy and solidify at will, with the body moving to accommodate the change safely. Partial immunity to blunt force trauma.

2nd Stage: Entire body has slime properties and can be controlled independently. Interior of body hollows. Can absorb other creatures directly for sustenance. Breathing is no longer needed. Complete pressure immunity.

3rd Stage: Complete slime body, with individual interior parts optionally functional. Standard form is humanoid, but can be changed to any shape. Body can grow and be split, as part of the whole. Bodies can be controlled with varying levels of independence. Completely replicated strength, but shared Qi.

Okay, this is just OP. I want this power. But I've seen this 'spirit root' note several times. I should check into it. With a few scans, I pull together the below spreadsheet. I already have some examples based on what I've already seen.

Spiritual Roots:

Cultivation Speed:





Low Talent

Rose Man


James Delinion (Pre- Healing),

Majority of People










James Delinion (Current), Majority of Cultivators



Lin (Pre-Healing)








Above Average

Peony Earth




AI (Pre-Healing)






Rare Genius




Lin (Current)








Extremely Rare Genius

Orchid Heaven


Ai (Current)






Powerful and Rare Genius







Heaven Defying Genius







My head definitely hurts after compiling this. It especially hurt after coming up with the cultivation speed section. However, it got me what I needed. What I find curious is how the quality of our spirit roots increased when I healed them.

This might be the optimization portion of the ability… I still get the feeling I can take it even farther, if I continue to increase the ability. I felt like there was a gap of potential, just waiting to open. Even within myself, I can feel that there is something there, that I just can't reach. The only question is at what level will it actually allow me to take this to the next step.

Though, I should probably just be grateful with the fact that I now have at least a normal spirit root.

With a sigh, I move on from this train of thought and barely hear Lin calling my name.

"James? Is my sister alright?" With a start, I realize I've just been (seemingly) staring down at Ai for a period, with my hands now hovering over her body.

"Oh! Yes, I was just reviewing some additional info… conditions on her, to make sure she's completely healed. There are a few things I've discovered when healing her."

She tenses up slightly.

"You can relax, they are all great things. The only thing is, per usual, I need you to keep what I tell you a secret… since this is likely not something most people can easily know about themselves."

Her body leaning forward, intently listening, it's easy to tell how much she cares about her sister.

"I've completely healed of your sister's condition, but it has gone even further than just healing her. The myriad slime condition has now turned into a special constitution that she can control at will. If she ever cultivates and train her body further, she will have access to greater and greater abilities with this. Amorphous body and void cultivation types would be the best for her. Once everything calms down more, we can discuss that further."

Her eyes wide in surprise, but grows to a massive grin near the end of my words. She leaps up and down in joy that her sister is doing so well. I can't help but feel good about what I've done. If she likes that, she'll be ecstatic about what I'm about to tell her next.

"But wait, there's more. She actually has a 1 Orchid Heaven spirit root, as well! She should be able to cultivate (if she decides), 2000 times faster than most people. And that isn't including if she uses both void and amorphous body techn…"

At the words "spirit root," she freezes. Alternating between concern and happiness, she stops me from continuing on and looks around carefully.

Obviously, I've said something extremely concerning. With a quiet voice, she whispers, "James… While this is really amazing to hear, you must never, ever, tell anyone that you can determine exact spirit roots."

With some hesitation, she adds, "I'm not even my sister should know this. This is the information that could get you to wish for death. Though she would probably know best how to handle this…" She stares straight at me, trying to impart the seriousness of her statements.

"I know little, but even I know that the bare minimum for that ability is a late-stage Core Formation cultivator. However, they typically use Nascent Soul tools for testing people, so they can use it repeatedly."

With a breath, she continues even more quietly, "Just with that ability, people would look to use you as a tool on that level. Which, for the record, gets everyone around you killed. I for one, like living. So please… please keep this to yourself."

Well. Message received.

I probably should just give no hints about this scanning ability if I want to live a sane life. Though how I do that, in a world where people can read my mind, is the question…

Now that it seems I understand the seriousness of her words, she sighs in relief. Her eyes then light up excitedly, "With that said, what was mine"?

What happened to not telling anyone?!

Keeping it as hushed as possible, I say, "You have 6 Peony Earth."

Her eyes comically widen and then happily squint. She does a tiny circular dance.

However, with a pause, she realizes she should ask me about mine, "What about you?"

I can't help but sigh.

"5 Rose Man."

Her eyes look down in disappointment, but gives me a supportive pat on the shoulder. "That's normal for cultivators, you shouldn't feel bad about that." I nod knowingly.

It's good to reaffirm that the system is right on this. I definitely need to keep everything about the system under wraps. From now on, everything will be "I discerned… or could it be that…" I'll come up with ways to obscure my ability and maybe will even need to use the scanning ability to find ways to obscure the information it gives me. And it has to always be done secretly. If I think back to that old man, I believe he went over my surface thoughts, which was on scanning him.


So much to think about.

Lin interrupts my thoughts with additional information "Keeping this a secret from Jiejie… is probably… for the best. Jiejie, is a bit strange. With all of this, that might cause some issues to pop up. She will already will be interested in you, because of all…" waves at everything "this."

Jiejie? Doesn't that mean older sister?

And really? And Lin is actually older than Ai.

You know what? I'm not even going to dive into that can of worms.

I think I've done enough digging today.

Without me even realizing it, Lin was actually still speaking about her sister. Bragging about how smart her sister is and all the things she's able to do, like writing or knowing about the clans and sects. She's able to do complex math and even made a plan for them to move out together.

Lin's tone makes it seem as if Ai is the older sister, rather than the younger sister. As she goes on about this, I can see the lady in question wake up. My eyes widening, Lin looks over and yelps in happiness.


Rushing over to her, she rests her hand on her sister's back. Slowly sitting up, Ai looks down at her arms and body strangely.

"Lin…? Is that… you? You look so different?" She touches her arms and body, seeing the changes.

"What… is going on? I feel… better."

Lin looks proud "You've been healed, Jiejie! Both of us have. How do your legs feel? What about your chest?" Lin goes from question to question excitedly.

"Calm down Lin, one thing at a time."

Her eyes turn and squint at me, an air of cold dignity beginning to form around her.

"So, who is this?"

Lin seems to get a little fidgety at that question.

With a quiet voice, "He's my new friend. The one who healed you."

Ai's head snaps to Lin, her mouth agape and her cold image shattering. "Friend?" After a moment, her eyes shift back to me in anger.

"You! What have you done to my sister?!" She raises from her sitting position and begins shaking me.

"Jiejie, Stop! Look at what you're doing!"

Facing back at her sister, "You're just confused Lin, there's no… way…" Her face twists as she seems to recognize that she's standing.

"Jiejie… you're walking again."

Lin's eyes bubbling with tears. Ai's eyes slowly water.

Ai's voice almost struggles to come out, "Lin… Lin… Lin!"

They run at each other, hugging and jumping in place. Using this opportunity, I leave the building to allow them some alone time.

Chapter 6 - A Silly Proposition

A quick check as I exit the shack shows that the body of the scum is still there, with some rats having a feast.

That's probably not healthy for the local area. I'll figure it out after this is done.

I consider taming the rats, but I really don't want to tame those rats after they've been eating… him.

A peek back through the door shows Ai testing out her strength by jumping and moving around. It's actually quite sweet seeing her try stuff out and then going through another hugging session. I take the time to move the body to a corner of the alleyway and once done; sitting just outside the door. A quick check to my status reveals the below.

James Delinion

Male, 27

5 Rose Man–Spiritual Root

Mana: 80/80

Transferred Gifts:

Passive Scan: Max

Active Scan: Max (Increased Strain)

Healing Aura: Level 3 Exp: 59/80

Beneficial Taming: Level 1 – Exp: 0/10

Healing Constitution

Proficient Languages: Common Speech (English)

Literate Languages: Common Speech

From what I can tell, the breakdown for XP for healing is: 5xp for serious conditions; 1xp for "regular" conditions. Ai had 72 conditions, with three of them being serious. Lin had 23, with 2 being serious. Serious appears to mean out of the normal human range. Things like bloodline defects, curses, or the like.

Even if I've received experience for this, I still believe that it is worth it for me to heal good people, regardless if I receive benefits for it. As someone once said, "the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." I refuse to do that.

I still feel a bit exhausted from the stress of all of this. I just… need a moment.

My eyes slowly close, and I somehow catch a little sleep. In what seems to be only a moment, I overhear my name float out from inside the house and open my eyes.

A slight wind blows as I open them and look back into the house. Strange. I thought I felt something like hair in my face, for a moment there. A quick check to the scum corner shows him exactly as I left him. Dead. Good.

I head back into the rundown shack. Lin and Ai are facing each other, holding hands. I barely catch Ai's narrowed eyes looking at me. Almost immediately after, she glances back at Lin.

Lin, who still hasn't noticed me in the doorway, is apparently excitedly speaking on how "stupid/naïve" I am, based on everything I had been asking her earlier. Which is quite humorous.

However, it warms my heart as she follows up with how kind I was during the healing. She also tries to explain how bones were moving into place and how amazing it looked. It's pretty clear she is trying hard to show me in a good light and clear Ai's suspicions.

Honestly, I can't blame her for being suspicious. A strange man comes into your home, kills someone, and then heals you of a mortal disease. I'd be wondering what the catch is.

However, it appears Ai realized her quietness was making Lin nervous and her back straightens. Taking a seat on her mat again, she adopts a cool, mature air.

Is this her Elder Sister side?

Lin's words slowly drift away as Ai motions for her to come over to join her on the ground. They slowly adopt a position, with Ai holding Lin's head in her lap.

Slowly rubbing Lin's head, I can softly hear Lin say, "Mmm… jiiiieejieee."

O-okay. I should probably just ignore this and act like its normal.

Looking up at me with a more settled air, she addresses me directly.

"So. Young Master…"

"Just call me James."

She quickly shakes her head. "I couldn't, that would be too presumptuous of me."

"No seriously, please just James."

Lightly moving her sister away, she slowly kowtows completely on the ground, her arms splayed ahead of her. Lin looks shocked "J-jiejie?" Without looking up, Ai quickly says to Lin, "Get on the ground, quickly."

"O-oh okay." Lin also splays out similarly, but obviously sloppily.

Ahhh, this is definitely not what I want.

"Please, please get up! There's no need to do something like this!" I rush over and lift her and her sister up, though Ai struggled to stay down. "No, we must do this! You have no idea what me and my sister have been going through this whole time!" she yells.

Suddenly being yelled at, I accidentally release my grip and she resumes her position. Realizing that she could be out of line, she quickly adds, "I'm sorry for raising my voice to you, my lord. Please punish me and not my sister, as you see fit." "Ai…" her sister looks over, her eyes blurring.

"Look… I-I just wanted to help my friend Lin here. I'm no lord. Hell, I'm not even sure what I am honestly. You don't have to apologize or bow or anything like that. So, please… just… get up." I gently try to lift her up again.

She once again holds to the ground fast. "My lord… there must be something you want from us, to have gone so far for people you don't know."

I already can get an idea of the person she is from this interaction. She probably assumes I'm a cultivator of some sort, looking to take advantage of them. If not that, she most likely believes that I want something for helping them.

Considering what their lives must have been like… and from some of the conditions I saw on Ai's body, she must be used to giving things up to survive. Give and Take. 'Nothing comes for free', is what I can imagine her thinking.

This is just too sad.

This isn't just limited to the cultivator world, but even the poorer nations back on Earth.

Survival by any means. Not being able to trust anyone.

Just by thinking of this, my heart hurts a bit for them.

I want to help them. I don't want them to be living like this anymore. I don't know how to handle these situations, at all. Maybe, I can try something… to lighten the situation up a little.

Hopefully, they'll understand what I mean by it.

"Ai… You said?"

"Yes, my lord."

Noticing a change in my tone, more authoritative, she responds more readily.

"There actually was something I wanted from you two, that is extremely important to me. Could you raise your head, so I can tell you?"

Lin looks at me in shock and a slightest air of feeling betrayed.

Ai quickly raises her head, her presumed assumptions confirmed. Her eyes dart over to Lin in sadness, while flickering to me in readiness.

"What do you wish for, my lord? I only ask that if you want our bodies, that you allow me an impertinent request to allow me to serve you with this reformed body of mine, rather than this unsatisfactory sister of mine. While I may not be much, I have some experience pleasing men," Lin's eyes shake as she hears this and is about to protest.

A harsh and cold voice rings out from Ai, "Lin. Stop and let me handle this."

Lin's voice catches, as she looks down… confused and defeated.

"Are you ready Ai? It's not an easy one, after all.," as my eyes stare as unwaveringly as I can hold on hers.

Matching mine with a fearlessness, she nods. "Yes, my lord. Please state your request."

Taking a deep breath, "The only thing I want from you two, is to try to live happily."

Her eyes go blank.

Lin's breath catches and then exhales slowly in apparent relief.

I continue to sit in silence, still staring solemnly at Ai. Her eyes quickly refocus and she bows quickly, "I greatly apologize, my lord! I believe I may be still adjusting to being well now and completely misheard you. I am enormously incompetent, for making you speak again. Could you deign to repeat that again?"

I continue to hold my staid tone and look. "I forgive you. I shall say it again, so listen extremely carefully."

Her eyes focus on my lips and it is clear that I have her complete attention.

Wow, she truly believes she misheard me.

I sort of want to mess with her.

"Ai." Her eyes fixate back up to mine.

"The only thing I want from you two…"

Her breath holds.

"Is for you to focus on one thing only. Only one thing. A crucial thing. Something so important, that you may not be able to fully understand it."

With every phrase, it is easy to see her getting wound up from the tension. She clearly doesn't see that I am playing with her. Lin, on the other hand, already sees where I'm going with this and is barely holding in her laughter from the ridiculousness of it all.

"I want you to live happily."

Once again, her eyes blank out, this time in disbelief, but now clearly understanding, that I really had said that earlier. In the distance, I hear a high-pitched laugh, a loud thud, and barely audible cursing. A quick glance outside shows a blur of a giant spider leg going back up the wall, before disappearing.

Looking back at Ai, I can see her mouth opens. Closes. Looking at Lin and then back to me. Then back at Lin. She obviously is trying to come up with words to say. What she finally comes out with is,

"Is he an idiot?"

At this point Lin bursts out laughing, rolling on the ground. You know, we are making quite a bit of noise now. As I glance at the outside of the ramshackle hut, I see the shadow of a giant leg on the alleyway wall. Shaking, probably with laughter. Clearly, we have some fans. I don't get a bad feeling from her though, so I hope it'll be okay.

Ai, clearly irritated, places her fingers on the bridge of her nose. "Listen here, you…"

With a sly smile, "I thought it was supposed to be, my lord?"

I can hear the echo of a snort in the distance.

Ai's teeth, however, grits in irritation, "My lord, what you've done isn't simple. My condition, is… wasn't simple. Thus, there must be something you want in return."

I pause in clear contemplation, "Well, there was one thing."

Once again, she becomes serious again. Lin, who seems to get the flow of things better than her sister, is holding her laughter. It's probably fun for her to see this side of Ai. I think this might already help to distract them a bit.

"That one thing…"

Dramatic pause.

"Is my personal happiness."

Her eyes furrow, but as they slowly relax, it seems she can accept it as a real response.

Before she can follow up on it though, I act like I'm suddenly enlightened by a thought, "OH! But my happiness only comes when you two are happy."

Ai freezes and then throws her hands up in frustration, "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

Another loud sound outside the hut erupted, but this time "whoever" it is seems to not be hiding their laughter this time. Lin is rolling on the ground, with tears in her eyes. A bright smile is on my face from the shenanigans I've caused with this.

Looks like my silliness has prevailed again. Hopefully, this helps to get their minds off us killing that man outside… and maybe everything else. If only for a little.

After wringing her hair in frustration, she eventually calms down after seeing everyone have a good time, albeit at her expense. I see the hint of a smile as she looks at Lin, still on the ground, rolling around in laughter. Smoothing out her clothes and hair, she tries to regain her "jiejie" air.

"Lin, just where did you meet… this… this man again?"

Lin, still not fully in control of her laughing, giggles "I met him," she catches her breath slightly. "In front of Meng's place, that noble trinkets store."

Finally getting control of herself, she adds, "At first, I thought he would be an easy mark, but he managed to trap me. He even avoided my sure-hit kills on men!"

Her words remind me of the many kicks she tried to lie upon my personal jewels. It's a good thing I automatically assumed she would go for those.

Continuing, "However, after he gave me a stupid amount of money, he only asked for information. And really basic stuff at that."

Gesturing over to me, "You really don't need to worry about this one, jiejie. He's just a stupid, naïve idiot who doesn't even know how to whalomph."

What the hell is a whalomph?

At that, Ai looks at me "Not even a basic whalomph, huh?"

Okay, seriously. I want to know.

Before I can ask, she queries me, "So. Where are you from then?" This question gives me pause, because it is likely not a good idea to spread it around that I'm from another world. If I'm considering that dollar from before, I don't want to become someone's cultivation ingredient.