

Everyone clapped as the groom and bride were having there happy moments. The time they make their vows that will make them stick together. The party was about to start but Reho did not want to stay so we had to pay a short visit at the reception for the two lovebirds and then leave.

I wouldn't want to get so far from Reho, this place is big and you could get lost any minute. So I kept a distance (shoulder distance) while he was talking to some other people.

My eyes wandered off to behold the sight of the newly furnished chapel in preparation for the wedding. That's when he touched me.

Why do I always have to meet my nightmares every moment I feel my life is great?

"Hello there," he spoke.

"Hey," I answered after deepening my voice a bit. I could not be known because he can easily flush out my façade.

"You look familiar yet I cant place you," he smiled. I frowned but quickly changed it.

"I am Donnie," he offered a handshake.