

We had just checked out of the airport. Took three different cabs and met in one good hotel for a night before we move on to the backwater.

We needed to be tight arsed to live if not comfortably but at least healthy and of course existing.

England. Why England?

Back in Athens, we thoroughly checked the Spain tickets and saw extra words. This was an instruction. Only Esther could understand. She said it was a language she invented with her mother just for fun.

The Spain tickets were to divert the attention of anyone following them and taking the plane to England.

Quite a task, it was so tiresome working mascara's of different styles on myself and wearing long wavy wig.

We just needed to hide.

"Tivaller Hotel, huh!" Esther said.

"Not as bad as we had expected it to be," I said.

"We need to move to another. We cant stay here. Maldon looks big and wild," Esther said.

"We have been on a six hour drive. Its almost noon. We can rest then find some other better place," Sellah whined.

"And I am famished," I complained.

"Keep your fake identities on check. We have to keep a low profile," Esther said.

"I think I will stay here, for a while," Sellah said.

"Me too," I seconded.

"Ok, for a night," Esther agreed.

"Finally. You really needed no convincing......" I spoke but was cut short.

"We will need one room," Esther said and moved into the gates of Tivaller. "We stick together, no talking too much......."

Her voice drifted because of the gravel under our feet and cars were entering the place too.

This place was cool and breathtakingly beautiful. I think I have never seen such a beautiful place in the world. Mainly because I have not been in any other beautiful places. But so far, this was perfect.

No suitcases, or big boxes or fancy dress I was used to. No. Just me in a long black dress (it had already been worn and was out to be sold once again) and a white wig and black comma kitten heels.

"What can I do for you?" The receptionist asked and we gave our fake details, "this is your room key. Room number five. Have a pleasant stay." She said as we thanked her.

We only had one bag that had our credit cards and burner phones. And of course new IDs. We also had some tangible money with us, but I gave out the idea that we use the credit card money first before the accounts are frozen. I think we would settle for apartments after the rest.

I threw myself beside my sisters on the cosy soft bed, and had a good sleep.


We came down after a shower and graced in our recent clothes. Wonderful, no clothes to change. How frustrating, but at least we had some on.

The main hall had very large different look. Almost glassy, the one that glitters and reflects only white, like diamond. The waiters were in white clothes and black shoes. They looked splendid in their own colour.

My stomach grumbled reminding me why I had come downstairs to e main hall, to get food. I was hungry and the nice smell of the broth, casserole was drawing closer to where they were.

I looked around and found easy enough, neither Esther nor Sellah could beat me at this. There were lots of food; chicken wings, rice, paranthas, lots and lots of vegies.

Judging by the way men and women were chatting about, it seemed there was more of an event here, something bigger than a party. They were either waiting for the master of ceremonies or someone who could call the place to order.

My throat was dry, I needed a drink. I looked around searching for a hand carrying a tray and yes there was one coming straight to us. I picked up one glass and sipped in some of the liquid. The coolness in my mouth confirmed it to be water. disgusting.

My eyes caught a glimpse of words in a bright blue colour. I think it was the podium. 'Proverbs3:4'

"You can take your seats now. The celebration is about to start," a man's voice boomed from the speakers.

Everyone sat in free chairs at circular tables, with white table fabrics.

"Let us pray," the voice came out again, "Our God, our Father, we say thank you for this great day you have granted upon us. Thank you for your finished work on the cross.......Amen."

My stomach grumbled once more cutting off the prayers I was hearing.

"Amen," everyone said.

"Let us have a word from the Lord. An encouragement for our hearts..... but before that, lets sing the amazing grace," he said as the people cleared their voices. The instrumentalists knew the right keys to play.

"Amazing grace,

How sweet the sound,

That saved a wretch, like me,

I once was lost,

But now am found,

Was blind but now,

I see,"

We sang that thrice before I looked down at the table and almost cried. My mother used to sing that to me every time I'd cry when I was still a baby. Even was I was this big girl, she sang it to me to calm my nerves. That song brought back memories of anguish in me. I felt sad and alone again. The tears welled up in my eyes and Esther held me in comfort.

"Praise God......." Crabs and crumpets! I know that voice. Its Rehoboth. The man from the plane. I wasn't sure I'd ever meet him again or rather see him.

I looked up and saw him standing at the podium, a book in his hand. He had not yet started talking, standing there as if thinking of what to say.

"You all know our festival today. The fifth anniversary of this wonderful group with great people, Vessels of Gold. This far, it has been God and we ought to thank him more than anyone or anything else. No man can fix the air around you to sustain your lungs. Christ is the air I breath......." He paused, then continued, "the group as you know having been started by my late wife, has grown big. For those who are new here, the late Julia and I started it as a bible study group. We met here every Thursday night for bible study, and Christ made it so large. We are now a church. I might be absent sometimes but I am always available."

"The report I have from the group in Greece is wonderful, Mason will read it to you. For now I will dive straight into the word," he said then opened the book," Thirty Pieces of Silver. That is our topic today."

He was a Christian then. A teacher, no, more of a pastor. I have never been taught of the bible the way he is doing it. Not merely reading scriptures but explaining bit by bit until all the truth is unveiled. And you'd see people shouting amen everywhere, even the waiters.

They were also listening and not walking around in the kitchen.

He prayed and sang a song, a lively song. One that would make you dance for joy.

It was such a wonderful night.