
Officially Mine? or Still Strangers?

Running away to an Unknown City can be Scary, Refreshing, and most importantly also can be a Dream come true. Starting your new life, facing hardships and joyful moments can be fun- Until one day Symon meets Thea, the one from whom he is running away. "you are mine." "I don't know you- We are strangers, Miss." "From the moment you turned 16, you were mine.." "Who are you? Why can't you just let go of me?!" he swatted her hand away from his bag. Moving fast, the thunderstorm which entered Symon's daily run to the grocers left nothing but a note saying- "so Officially mine?" in his empty bag. "Dear... what happened? Who made you like this? I waited for 2 years... I can't wait anymore... Please..." "NO! you are like them. I don't want to see your face ever. Go away Alpha!!.." he cried "Please go away I don't know you.." Symon Perri said composing himself now. "Please don't cry... I can't see you like this.." pleaded Thea. "Don't come close to me.. Miss, please be within your limits. I would like it if you stay away from me and my life" he said distancing himself from her. "Symon.. okay if that's what you want.. and it's Thea Suzuki, not Alpha or miss.. just your Thea" . . . . "What are you doing here?" he asked with his sharp and cold voice. "It's your New Neighbour, Mr.Perri. She will move in here after a week." answered The Real Estate agent hesitatingly. He was a beta and could surely sense the tension between them. "It's my pleasure to meet you again Mr. Perri. Myself Thea Suzuki. Currently working as a lawyer for the KJ corporation" His eyes popped out. She cannot be kidding him now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's see what happens to Symon and Thea 3 years later to their early encounters,

_Shikhu_ · Ciudad
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21 Chs

Chapter 9 - At least One of them has their Mate

"Dear, Calm down... Nothing has happened to her..." conveyed the Panicked Beta husband to his aggravated alpha wife rushing to their kids' apartment, even though he was unsure and did not believe himself. He just wanted his wife not to turn into a menace. Entering their kids' apartment they were met with the new legal team members, cleaning the wounds on their little koala while both the brothers were aiding them in handing the needed materials.

"Antiseptic," asked a male omega. "Here" handed Symon

"Bandage?" an alpha said "Here" passed Zen.

Their Koala was hissing a bit here and there with her eyes closed. When she opened her eyes, she saw their parents.

"Ohh... Hey Ma, Pa..." she greeted awkwardly with a gummy smile.

Hearing her, all the people aiding her, stopped. Two heads turned as fast as possible, hearing her say Ma and Pa. With widened eyes, they both heaved a sigh of relief. "Thank god, you both are here.." beamed Zen.

"Ms.Zara, she is good now...No need to worry" added Riki watching how both of the parents were worried.

"Thank you Mr. and Ms.?" asked Mr.Takashi

"Ohh, please call us by our names, Sir. I am Thea Suzuki, and this is my brother Riki Suzuki"

"Thank you so much, Thea, Riki for nursing our daughter, If not for you, Her Brothers could not even see her with blood, let alone treat her. They would run towards the hospital," said Ms. Zara with a chuckle.

"Glad to be of assistance, Ma'am" Smiled Riki, aware of the gaze on him. He blushed, knowing that his mate is proud of him for not letting him panic and for handling the situation calmly.

"Sir, Ma'am we will take our leave now, her wounds were cleaned and bandaged up by us, but we would recommend you to meet the doctor once tomorrow morning.." "Yes, please" added Riki to Thea's statement.

"yes, thank you again, Thea, Riki. Have a good night." nodded Mr. Takashi.

Zen followed both of them out again thanking, where else Symon sighed out. He was so worried and nervous, around his Alpha.

"Koala, what happened?" asked their father hugging his daughter and sitting beside her.

"I was being followed, After I was finished with training, I thought to visit Monie and Zen. While on the way here- Mr.Driver and I noticed 2 cars following us, so then we entered our premises alley and our suspicion was correct. We hurriedly left there leaving our car there and rode the bike and wore the bulletproof vests. Fortunately, it took them time to come after us, so we headed straight here and saw Monie, Zen's car entering. Unfortunately, they were too fast and shot our tires so I ran from there and was entering the colony where 3 people surrounded me, Mr.Driver was already fighting with 5 people, so he was unaware of me being surrounded. At that, I did my training homework but one guy fighting Mr. driver attacked me with a knife, hence the cuts and wounds. Zen saw me bruised coming out of the parking lot and brought me upstairs while screaming on his phone to clean off the dirt and blood" finished blue in short.

"where's your driver?"

"I sent him to the infirmary of the HQ.." answered Zen.

"good" nodded Ms. Zara.

"Did you find out who followed you?"

"Eden R. Julian. It was his men, I saw the chains they wore, when the team came to clean the dirt off."

"Dear, didn't they perish off 7 years ago? Symon how did you recognize them?"

"They did..." remembered Ms. Zara

"My Biological parents were allies with them and Eden was a childhood friend of mine, until someone provoked his family for a fight and they lost, I remembered the chain he always used to wear.. I think he survived and built his Mafia family again.." finished Symon.

"To whom did they lose to? As much as I remember, It was a friendly family and had big connections then..." questioned his mom.

"I think it was the Lings and the Darrens... they formed an Alliance to take over the Julian family, but the whole family house was burned down with the members inside, not wanting to be loyal to anyone.. Eden would have been sent off when they received the invite to fight with some of the members.."

They were all thinking when Zen questioned, "But, why would they follow us three?"

"You both were followed too?"

"Yes, dad. When we left the office we were being followed.."

"I will ask June to find out more about the Julians, that Beta girl is a genius in finding information.." smirked Ms. Zara shaking her head..

Everyone nodded at that, Other than the youngest who just blushed..

"Mom, Dad... I found my mate today," announced Zen.

"What the.. Who is it ?! ZENNII" shouted Blue.

"No need to shout...Aishh..." Zen silenced her.

"Who is it?" asked the parents.

"Who is it Zen? You didn't even tell me about it.. We were together since we left the Company.." asked Symon

"It's...Riki.. Riki Suzuki, Thea's brother.. When they both came inside our house hearing Blue shouting at us, I got his scent.. We locked eyes and they changed their color too... But, he seemed shocked at that- like it wasn't meant to be at first. He scared me when his eyes flashed Grey-Red but soon they turned Pearl blue and he smiled at me... We couldn't talk properly as he was treating Blue and then he left..." explained Zen.

"Ohh, you big Alpha, What are you waiting for now..? GO And talk to him.. It's your mate baby.." said Ms. Zara shaking her head..


"Zen, go and talk to him" said Symon smiling softly.


"Ohh for the sake of Alpha's Pride. Are you really being Shy now?! After helping him, holding his hand while handing him the bandages and waving like a lost puppy at him when he was leaving with his sister? Dude."

"I.. I am not shy, It's just that... Symon"

"Hey, It's Okay, He is not his Sister. And I am pretty sure, his sister would love it if she finds out atleast one of them has their mate.. Didn't you see how he hurried here after hearing the scream.. He is not her, don't worry.. You can go and meet your mate, I am sure he was waiting for you too.." hummed Symon

"Go now.."

"Baby, go before he gets sad that his mate didn't even come to him"

"ZEN. Go"

"Okay, Okay I am going.. Geez.." he moved away closing their house door.

"Symon, Why did you say he is not his sister..?"

"Yes, Monie what happened..?"


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