Introduced by: Senator William Snitzel
Date: July 16, 2024
Section 1: Title
This Act shall be known as the "Parliamentary National Election Vote Reform Act of 2024."
Section 2: Purpose
The purpose of this Act is to reform the election process for certain high-ranking government positions to be determined by a parliamentary vote.
Section 3: Positions Affected
The following positions shall be elected by a parliamentary vote:
- Representatives
- Senators
- Prime Minister
- Supreme Chancellor
The position of Senate Chancellor, House Speaker and Prime Minister shall bs excluded in this provisions.
Prime Minister shall appointed by the Supreme Chancellor.
Section 4: Election Process
The election process for the positions listed in Section 3 shall be as follows:
1. Parliamentary Vote: All positions shall be elected by a vote of the previous Members of Parliament.
2. Eligibility to Vote: Only individuals who are current Members of Parliament at the time of the election are eligible to vote.
3. Nomination Process:
(a) Candidates Supreme Chancellor, and Vice Chancellor must be nominated by at least two from Members of Parliament.
(b) Candidates of Senators must be nominated by at least 24 from Members of Parliament
(c) The office of the Senate Chancellor, House Speaker and Prime Minister must be appointed by the Supreme Chancellor.
(d) Representatives no limit of nomination.
4. Voting Procedure: Voting shall be conducted by secret ballot. The candidate receiving the majority of votes shall be declared elected to the respective position.
Section 5: Repeal of Direct Elections
Any provisions in existing laws that allow for the direct election of the positions listed in Section 3 by the citizens are hereby repealed.
Section 6: Implementation
The Parliament shall promulgate the necessary rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this Act.
Section 7: Effectivity
This Act shall take effect ten (10) days after its approval from the Supreme Chancellor.
Approved by Supreme Chancellor
Albrecht Steiner