
Chapter Fifteen

"Should I tell it to others? " I asked

"I think none of them are the man who wears long coat and a man who wears a coat and mask, you should tell them so they already know why they should be careful" he said

"Okay okay" I said while sigh and looking down

"Don't be afraid" he said that makes me looks at him

"Only tell it to noah,Elijah, Natalie and James and Gian, don't tell it to others so you can be safe" he said

"I thought I also lose your concerned" I said

"I know you, I will do anything to protect others even it can harm my own life" he said

"You should be careful too" i said and he nod

"You should go inside and sleep, i should go back and sleep now too" i said

"Okay, take care" he said and i turn back and take a step when he called me so i look back

"Goodnight" he shyly said so i smiled

"Goodnight, go back now " i said while smiling then turn around again and continued walking



as me and William talk about yesterday, I told others what William said to me. They were really shocked and scared at the same time

I also said it to gian who can't believe it but he says he will not trust others except us ,so he can be safe.

Noah wants to avoid other people here too but he can't because he's the first one to get here and he got a lot of friends here, he can't avoid them because once they knew about the news too,  incase they accidentally heard it from others,  they will not suspect noah

"But who? " Natalie asked

"We don't have a clue too, William said that the guy who's pretending to be server here too were so familiar to him but he can't know it because the man is completely covered" I said to them

"What if that man heard about our conversation , what if he harm us?" James nervously said

"We have to be careful and protect each other no matter what" noah said

"But... But what if one of us are that man, Natalie and Brianna specially me are out of suspect, I'm just new here compared to all of you" James said

"Don't said it, don't break our friendship, if you continue that,  we will be suspecting each other then that might is the end of  our friendship,  that might be the reason why are friendship will over" Elijah said

"Ugh... I'm sorry,  Just worried about myself" James said,  noah came to him and holf his arms

"Don't worry, none of us cant lie because we are true friends to each other right?, don't worry about it... Just trust us " noah says to him

"Are he sure about what he heard? " Elijah asked

"Yes, there's no loud noise in BG, he's alone listening to their convo so he is sure about what he heard, I asked that question to him yesterday and that was his answer" I said

"I am so nervous,  James was right" Natalie said

"But elijiah and noah was right too, don't be afraid, none of us can't lie if we are true friends to each other, don't think that one of us is that man because it might break our friendship and we don't want that, our friendship is too deep and I don't wanna break that" I said

"I don't want to break our friendship too" elijiah said

"Me too" noah said

"Me three  but elijiah and noah was right" James said

"Me four, I will trust you guys" Natalie said

"Even im not really closed to all of you guys, I mean not closed of all your friendship, I mean not so deep but you can trust me, I am not that man, I can't lie to all of you specially to willam, he saved me and he also help me, I can't lie to him " gian said

"Don't worry as I said I will trust you guys and you are belong there" Natalie said

"Yeah, you don't look like a bad person, you are so kind, I will trust you gian" James said while smiling

"Thank you guys" gian said while smiling


who is that man can be?  I am so nervous for them, I am not there so I can't know whats happening and can't protect them since I can't stay for a long time.

That man... Who is that man... The man is really familiar, I think I was close to him, he's tall, has a broad shoulder but not sure since the coat isn't not so fitter, it maybe just the coat that makes his shoulder broad. Even he's back and side view I only see , he's really familiar.  Just afraid that it might be one of my friends , maybe James, Elijiah, Noah or Gian since they are the only one who are my friends there, but I trust them and it can be others too and just a familiar to me because some of them I can talk too, I know the names and face so it can others too. I can't suspect my friends since I trust them and I really trust them that none of us will do that because he can be left out of the group and it is so dangerous if it's one of them. I was afraid too because they might suspecting each other's and that will be the reason of the friendship over and I can't, I wish I didn't tell that and turn back time, that I'm the only one who knows that cuz I think it is better, no war, no one will left out of the group specially no friendship over and I will just investigate it alone. Their friendship is so deep and if it break I'm the reason why since I said that.  I wish I can turn back time but I know I can't. I need to face it.