
chapter 1

It was cold and sombre nothing more to say really most of the city would be in their homes by expected for a few stores and a certain group whose job it is to protect the city from monsters and evil spirits.

the organization Is very secretive for the most part so much in fact only some parts are the government are authorized to see any of the information and even fund them on their missions.

A young man was about to return after a long shift. He works at the local convenience store down town that usually opens 24/7 in case anyone needs something when most of the shops are closed during this time.

He didn't have a car so relied on his bike to take to take him back to his apartment. It basically modified to fit his needs which he did himself at least until he saves up for a brand new car. he appears to be around his early twenties with very light olive skin,brownish hair and dark eyes. he was also quite slim and maybe slightly short then average.

It was almost around midnight by the time he got as he was still on his way back to his apartment he saw something glowing the distance so he went closer to investigate. As soon as he checked out what it was he saw a group of people dress in all black. One of them pick it and set it ablaze never to be seen again. 'who are they?' he thought.

as he was titled his head a bit he got caught by a mysterious woman who was tall in stature with a head of sliver hair tied up in a long ponytail.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she asked "no one is supposed to be here" for some reason he felt a little cocky so he answered her with this "and you are" another person just rolled their eyes "ignore him" they said then they looked at right at him "don't tell anyone about this is" then he nodded. "I wouldn't" he said and he continued on his way home. The apartment is about four stories tall with