
Of Foxfire and Cultivation (A Kitsune Young Master DxD Fic)

A formerly crippled cultivator was killed in a bar fight. He ends up reincarnated in the world of DxD. Reborn as a spirit beast (the son of Yasaka), Onari must make his way through this world that is so alien to him, yet so familiar to us... If you wish to support me, you can now! At Pat reon.com/dryskies_btb Polyamory warning: (MC has one main girl and they 'share' a harem. The main girl will always be loyal to the MC first though.)

Daddy · Cómic
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63 Chs


He didn't find Yasaka in the apartment, so he expanded his search to the rest of the castle's main keep. Still carrying Kunou, Onari soon found his mother in her court/throne room.

Yasaka perked up when her children entered the room, but seeing as she was in the middle of a meeting, she couldn't greet them how she really wanted to. The room's other occupants were generally older Youkai: Yasaka's advisors or Youkai nobles that she had to pay face to. Almost all of the older Youkai hid a scoff or scowl when Onari came in.

Onari ignored the hidden contempt, and Kunou was still too young to truly notice and understand it. Yasaka, however, barely suppressed a twitch, mentally noting each of the faces that looked down on her heir with disrespect.

Onari and Kunou had entered the room during a lull in conversation. One of the Youkai nobles -- an old, perpetually grumpy Kappa man -- took the opportunity to address Onari.

"Back already, Young Master Onari?" the Kappa said, basically sneering at Onari. "Was the mission you were tasked with too much for your delicate constitution?"

Yasaka frowned. She knew she couldn't openly reprimand the old Kappa noble. The politics were such that his words would be treated as a borderline disrespectful, minor detail by other Youkai. She also couldn't be seen showing too much favor to any one person in the faction, even if that person was her own flesh and blood son.

Onari completely ignored the Kappa's words. He approached his mother's throne, and kneeled in front of her while still holding Kunou. The Kappa fumed at being disregarded so blatantly.

The other Youkai in the room began to murmur amongst themselves, obviously disapproving of Onari's conduct. Onari had long since learned to ignore the double standard that only seemed to apply to him. Seeing him utterly unfazed made Yasaka regain a bit of her earlier smile.

Onari formally addressed the only person in the room who's opinion mattered to him other than Kunou, "I have returned, mother."

"So I see, Onari," Yasaka replied. "I assume everything went well?"

He nodded, "My mission had been completed. The Himejima Clan's issue has been resolved, and Suou-sama seemed satisfied with my assistance."

The Kappa wasn't the only one to scoff when Onari name dropped the head of the Himejima Clan. Suou Himejima was a notoriously difficult man to please. None of them believed this tailless failure had managed to actually gain the clan head's approval.

Yasaka glared around the room, imposing a brief, tense silence over its occupants. The nobles and her advisors might not respect Onari, but they definitely respected Yasaka. They would push, pull, prod, and goad the young master because they didn't approve of his position, but the possibility of Yasaka's ire usually prevented them from going too far.

"Would you be willing to give a report right now?" Yasaka asked, continuing the conversation.

"Of course, mother. After I traveled to Himeji, I was quickly introduced to Suou Himejima. He, in turn, introduced me to his heiress -- the wielder of the Vermillion Bird -- Suzaku Himejima. Suou-sama then informed me that their stray Youkai problem was a Gashadokuro."

There were a couple shocked gasps to go along with the now expected scoffs that filled the room. Onari's Qi senses told him that one or two of the gasps were disingenuous. His eyes quickly darted to the culprits who knew what he had been set up against before he said it.

Yasaka's eyes turned worried and almost frantic when Onari mentioned the Gashadokuro. Her gaze roved over his body, closely examining for any injuries. She sighed in relief when her examination didn't turn up anything, and waved for him to continue.

Onari tucked the information about the scheming geezers away for a moment, and resumed his report, "Suzaku and I waited until nightfall, and then ventured to the last known location that the Gashadokuro was seen. We searched the area for a while, but turned up nothing.

"Just as we were about to change up our tactics, the Gashadokuro emerged from the ground. Fortunately, I was able to react quick enough to get the both of us out of danger. There was a short scuffle before Suzaku and I retreated to change our strategy.

"I asked Suzaku to summon her Sacred Beast. With the help of the Vermillion Bird, Suzaku was able to distract the Gashadokuro until we could take it down together. Suou and I parted on amicable terms, and I believe I have made an ally in Suzaku."

There was a moment of silence as Onari finished up his story. The room's Qi was filled with various emotions. He felt his mother's pride. He felt the disbelief and begrudging respect from most of the old geezers. And he felt the seething anger from the ones Onari suspected of setting this up.

The old Kappa barked a laugh, "Ha! Sounds to me like you got carried by the Sacred Beast, boy."

Surprisingly, the Kappa was not one of the ones seething with rage because Onari survived… He was just a cunt. But Onari wasn't about to waste this opportunity to silence his detractors, even if they wouldn't stay silent for long.

"I was the one who dealt the finishing blow," Onari said calmly as he threw the metal card that contained the spirit of the Gashadokuro.

The sealed card slapped onto the Kappa's face, knocking him backward onto his ass from the force. His arms pinwheeled as he tried and failed to keep his balance. He sat up slowly, examining the card as he went.

"Well, I'll be damned…" he muttered, baffled by the energy of the spirit sealed within the card.

The feelings of disbelief and anger in the room grew. The suspiciously angry members of the council were already making grabs for the card with their grubby mitts. Onari nonchalantly flicked his wrist, and the Qi strand connected to the card pulled it back into his hand.