
Of blood and stove

"I will have to satisfy 10 million people with my food huh~" What am I going to do you ask. I will become famous and do so. How hard can it be? Here is a weird journey of a man who is slightly more weird than others bin the cooking world.

God_Hand · Cómic
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9 Chs

Every day is going to be like that

After they have finished their plans. Both of them talked about the other things.

Tomoharu Nii got to know about the various things that he previously didn't and Isshiki Satoshi got to know that the man in front of him was tactless.

All the others were just listening to both of them. After some time they finished their talk.

"Here take this. I have wrote the room numbers of all the Polar Star dorm students in it. You can ask for help from us anytime you want to. Don't be ashamed or embarrassed to do so."

"I understand the girls room number as they are as hot and bountiful as you said but why are you giving me the room numbers of the boys as well."

Tomoharu Nii calmly remarked.

Isshiki Satoshi didn't have any answers to this utterly out of the box question that could change the whole meaning of their conversation.

More so when all the eyes were on him, the girls especially.

"You joke a lot. Ha ha ha, It's late night so I am going to bed. You all should too."

Isshiki bailed out. Tomoharu Nii also left with the piece of paper.

The ones that were left were the slightly shivering girls and astonished boys.

"He wouldn't do anything right?"

This was said by Tadokoro Megumi.

"Let's all sleep together. We should also prepare the buzzers."

Yoshino Yuuki chimed in as well.

"We should."

This was Sakaki Ryōko.

All three of them went towards the room of Ryōko.

The boys also went towards their room and Shinji just slept while mumbling complaints in his heart.


Room 301

Tomoharu Nii looked at the shining moon from his window. The sky was clear and the moon was bright.

A light screen flashed by his eyes. He was not alone.

He reminisced about his days in their hideout. About his past work. His love and also the person he devoted his life for.

It was like a flashback of memories, pictures and many things. The lies he told, the repercussions he got, the things he did, the prices he paid and lots of different things.

Like a web of emotions and memories, all reaching to the centre and that was death.

Yet he knew that he didn't die. He just... was here. He now wanted to do something that he once thought a lot.

What if, he wasn't a ____ , what if he never did that. Would things be better or it would be worse. He wanted to find out. What if?

And for that, he had to fulfill the order of the psycho first.


"I wonder how they are doing. Gloomy would have killed it here.

He chose to sleep.


That is God. He has listen to everyone, every being in existence and every being that is going to exist, he listens to everybody.

He too felt tired sometimes, he too felt like it was troublesome or irritating yet he still does listen to everyone, he tries to solve problems peacefully and he also tries to help everyone.

It is just the humans that don't understand. Light and Darkness are a part of each other. It simply means that they are one single entity.

You can never destroy darkness as it is light in a sense that it reveals the reality. '


The next day.

"That was a weird dream?"

Tomoharu Nii got up and went to take a bath. It was around 4 am in the morning. His body didn't require that much sleep and he himself didn't like to sleep that much.

Most of the Polar Star dorms were sleeping. He was the only person who was awake.

Half an hour later, Fumio-san also got up. She looked at the running Tomoharu Nii and then started her normal cleaning.

Tomoharu Nii also sensed her. He sped up and finished his early morning exercises and then went towards her.

"Can I help."

He said to her.

She looked at him and then said.

"There are extra brooms in the storeroom beside the kitchen."

And then she ignored him. He also silently went towards the storeroom, got the broom and then started to sweep the 301 and third floor.

In just five minutes, he reached the second floor and found Isshiki brooming the second floor with his full clothes and an apron.

"So, are you ready for the second day? The studies will just become harder and harder after today. Most of the High school section Lecturers and teachers increase the difficulty levels according to the time passed. "

"I will manage. I already know how to cook, just my cooking isn't that great and my knife skills are already above many others. I just need to be in the middle of the classes and avoid getting an E three times."

"It will be hard."

"I have faced harsher things in my life and survived."

"Yeah, you have, so survive this as well. I know that you need help and I want to help. There is nothing more than that. I just saw a lonely person who does not want to live alone but is ready to die alone. Don't mind my weird words."

"I won't. Now get out of my way as I need to sweep the garden outside as well."

"You are cruel, you know, we just were having a bro moment there."


"Ok ok, here you go. And may you survive today."

" I will try."

They both ended their small talk and then they went to do other things.

Isshiki went towards his farm and Tomoharu Nii was sweeping the garden of the fallen leaves.

An hour later, most of the Polar Star dorm students had woken up. They started to do their own things before cooking their food.


Nii finished the sweeping and quietly looked at the Polar Star dorm.

It was surrounded by trees everywhere and the security was also tight. Most of the world doesn't even know the existence of this place.

'A perfect place to hide something dead.'

"A nice place to live after marriage and for honeymoon, as well. I think."

Tomoharu Nii said while observing the area.

The girls who had just mustered the courage to ask for breakfast, backed up immediately. They could get a medal for their backward sprint.

He looked at them and then went towards their directions, or more specifically towards the gate that was beside them.

The two girls, Yoshino Yuuki and Tadokoro Megumi were shivering while tears were coming out of their eyes, all so while hugging each other.

He looked at them and then bypassed them without another look.

Now they felt both shame and embarrassment.

They also felt a little humiliated with lots of fear.

They looked at his back and followed him.

All of them reached the dinning area and it was half full of dishes. Tomoharu Nii also went to make his egg fried rice and got them done in just half an hour.

Now the dining table was full of food and everyone started eating like an animal. Except Tomoharu Nii and Fumio-san.

Isshiki was still not present.

He soon came as well and calmy sit down and started eating. It must be common for him.

All of them were eating and talking except Tomoharu Nii. For him, there was nothing to talk about. In the past month, he was only able to get a rough information about the history of this world.

He still hasn't searched for the trends and other things in the present. He was a person who was living in the past for now so talking about most of the things would be a waste of time.

In just fifteen minutes, all of them finished their food and then went to clean the dishes.

"Classes would start from 8:30 and the time now is 7:23. We have got around an hour. All of you get ready."

All the students immediately donned the Totsuki students uniforms and then barely got on the van of Isshiki and went off.

Tomoharu Nii was looking at them. He then looked at the dense trees and then again at them.

"Time to test my new weaker body. It is far more durable and dexterous that the previous one but I haven't included the released body of mine so I have to check that."

He said while climbing the tree in just three easy steps.