
Of Blood and Bonds

Ivy is a werewolf girl who just wants love and to be loved. Little did she know that fate had other plans in store for her. Her mate selection ceremony sparks a turn of events for the entire werewolf community and somehow, amidst all the calamity she wants to find that love.

LOTS_Fiction · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Chapter 8

Ivy was surprised, scratch that, she was shocked. She hadn't expected him to show up and save her, again. And he had called her trouble. She? Trouble? She tried to laugh but she saw a hand in front of her face.

"Don't. Save your strength. You look like a hotdog."

She blinked at that statement before turning her head away, clearly embarrassed. "H-How can you say that?"

"Because I am who I am?"

She laughed lightly before closing her eyes. He gave her a feeling of calmness and his presence assured her that all would be well.

"Who are you?" Michael asked after he had finished analysing him.

"Just a simple fellow who has come to rescue a fair lady from the hands of a tyrant."

Michael blinked. Was this bastard playing with him?

"I appreciate your sense of chivalry but if I may offer you some advice. Leave while you can. Wouldn't want your head falling off of your body now, would we?"

"And who would be doing the felling of my head? Certainly not you. You're but a mere child."

At this point Michael laughed before his fangs grew once again and he exuded bloodlust. "I change my mind. I will kill you."

The Omega raised a brow at that statement. "You? You who could not sense my presence until I was right in front of you? Come at me then… if you have the blood."

Michael flew off the handle as he lashed at him. He sidestepped, grabbing Michael's hand and using his force against him to send him flying. He got into a fighting stance before speaking to Ivy. "You might want to step back and perhaps keep your eyes open. You might learn a thing or two."

Ivy got up and placed herself some distance away before watching him. His fighting stance was odd, at least to her because she was expecting something more human like. He was crouched with his right leg far back and his left leg in a right-angled position, somehow similar to how athletes stood before they shot off during a race but his left leg was placed along the same line as his hands and not behind them.

Michael got up from the impact of his force being used against him. His eyes glowed a blood red and his fangs were bared. "You will pay for that."

He propelled himself forward intercepting the charging Michael before planting a fist into his gut. The Vampire recovered from his shock as he threw a punch that was parried. He threw another one and it was parried again. He grit his teeth as he threw a punch and then a kick. All parried. A sweep and then an uppercut. The sweep was avoided and while he waited for the uppercut parry, he was met with a punch that caught him in the face, causing him to stumble backwards.

"Are you sure you're a vampire?"

Ivy was dumbfounded. This was a vampire that was dominating her a few moments ago and yet he was toying with him as though it was nothing. Was he that strong?

Michael was pissed as he attacked the wolf in front of him, this time exchanging blows with him. He was giving it his all yet he felt as though his foe was merely playing with him. He couldn't bear with it. The humiliation. And that smirk he wore on his face. He lunged and thought he felt something but it was all for naught.

"Where are you looking at?"

He shivered as he heard his opponent's voice right behind him. He knew he had to switch tactics. As the kick sent him sailing, he prepared himself for a bumpy landing as he rolled to a halt before switching to a sprint towards Ivy's direction.

She tried to move backwards but felt her injuries take toll as her attacker approached her.

"I just called you slow and you still think you can catch me off-guard?"

He was in front of her and she could swear that the punch he gave Michael had broken his bones. Sure he could heal but that must have had shattered his pride.

He turned to face her not even bothering to spare the injured vampire a glance. He held his hand out towards her. Ivy took it without hesitating and he pulled her up.

"Well… that was something."

"Oh, please don't try to make a joke," he said, even though he laughed a little at it. "How are you feeling now?"

She moved her arms a little. "I'm all healed. Thanks for saving me."

"Charles Graham at your service, don't mention it. Now, why were you out here, all alone when these freaks are out and about?"

"I was looking for you and – he's gone," she said as she looked behind him.

"That's okay," he said before laughing, more to himself than at her.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I just did not think that I'd made a lasting impression enough that you would seek me out."

She blinked at his statement before blushing.

"You're blushing," he pointed out.

At this she reddened further and turned away from him as if to hide her embarrassment.

"Can you please stop teasing me?"

"I am not teasing and I only just pointed it out," he said as he turned to stand behind her. "You were looking for me? I appreciate that… don't turn back, just speak to me like this. You'll see why in a bit."

She did as he asked though she had doubts. "I wanted to warn you about the pack. They want to make you an offer. Either join them or leave the city."

"Ah. Typical of a pack and I guess that's why these ones are coming."

"Which ones?" she asked and at that moment five figures came rushing towards them in a blur. He jumped back to avoid them as they took her over to their side.

"I'm guessing this must be the omega."


I would like to apologize for the delay in this chapter. I've been on bed rest for a couple of days and it is also the reason why I haven't uploaded my fanfic. I need your prayers for a faster recovery because I've never been hit like this before.

Anyways, the Ainsworth family has arrived so how does this tie into everything with the Omega... guess you'll just have to keep reading, and writing reviews and also share to your friends

And also for some reason, Webnovel seems to be playing with my emotions concerning the contract. They offer it to me and then they don't approve it. I hope I'll pass that hurdle soon.

I would also appeal to the fans of the book that have a power stone to spare or whatever way you can assist to get the book out there. I'll appreciate it

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