
Of Blood and Bonds

Ivy is a werewolf girl who just wants love and to be loved. Little did she know that fate had other plans in store for her. Her mate selection ceremony sparks a turn of events for the entire werewolf community and somehow, amidst all the calamity she wants to find that love.

LOTS_Fiction · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Chapter 6

It had been roughly a day since she had been almost rudely dismissed by the Omega, with whom she didn't know his name. She was pacing about her room as she played back the event in her head. She recalled his sullen as he looked at the corpse. At first she thought it was perhaps the fact that a person was killed, but she had doubts because well… he was a werewolf. Surely, he must have seen death even once. It wasn't that. She had found out many hours after the 'death', who the perpetrators were.


Her eyes narrowed once more as she remembered the look her father had on his face as he came home that evening. That glow in his eyes. The bloodlust that seemed to leak from his very being told them that the matter was serious.

While she didn't share the same thoughts as the other members of their pack, she wasn't happy about the matter. After all, vampires were the reason her mother was nothing but a memory to her.

Their presence was great as such that their Alpha had to cut his trip short. He would be returning in two days. Everyone was thrown into disarray and her father had told her to be careful of her movements and to avoid dark areas if she was all alone.

When she tried to protest, he had told her that she hadn't encountered any Vampires yet, if not she would be as cautious as he had instructed her to be, perhaps more so. The discussion was cut short as he left to meet with the Pack Elders concerning the Omega.

Her thoughts drifted to him and she was worried. She knew he could take care of himself but with the looming threat of the Vampires and the Werewolves, she couldn't help but think that way.

Wait a minute. She shook her head. When had she started thinking of him that way?

Ivy made her way downstairs as she heard the sound of people.

"What's going on?" she asked them. There were five people in her house sans her father and siblings.

They all turned to look at her and an elderly man spoke up from his spot in the room. "Preparations," she heard him say.

Her eyes darted to her father's. "For what?"

"We're going to negotiate with the Omega… He needs to leave our city or face the consequences."

"But he hasn't done anything wrong," she protested.

"He doesn't have to," she heard another elder speak. "Him being an Omega is reason enough."

"And why is that?"

"It is the law. He has to leave or we will kill him."

"What about him joining the pack?" it was one of her brothers who asked this.

"That isn't an option available."

"And why is that?"

"Because Omegas cause trouble wherever they go… that's why."

"But –"

"Hold on Ivy. Have you seen the Omega?"

She bit her lower lip slightly. She couldn't lie. She was a terrible liar. "… yes."

This reveal surprised everyone in the room.

"Where did you see him?" she heard her father demand.

"Do you know where he stays?"

"I do not. He found me."

"Did he do anything to you?" her eldest brother asked quietly.

"No, he didn't. Come to think of it, he didn't even tell me his name."

Everyone was silent for some time before one of the elders spoke up. "It's best to get going. We need to get an answer from him as soon as possible. With the threat of the Vampires looming in our city, we can only deal with one problem at a time."

Ivy stood watching as everyone left the house before running back to her room. She needed to warn him of the looming threat to his life. She had no idea what choice he would make but she didn't want him to leave or worse, die. She stopped herself. Why didn't she want him to leave? She had no answer to that. She just felt that she would be a bit queer if he did.

She changed her clothes, sporting a black hooded jacket and gray trousers to go with a pair of shades. She wore a black vest beneath the jacket and black sneakers. Overall, she hoped to at least not be recognized by anyone by sight. After admiring herself in the mirror, she opened her window and she was out of the house, climbing to the nearest rooftop as she leapt from building to building.

She stopped all of a sudden as she facepalmed. How was she going to find him? She hadn't thought of that.

What if she went to the last place she saw him? She could at least try to get a whiff of his scent. It shouldn't be that hard. That was what she would do. She remembered the alley fairly well so she just switched direction with that alley in mind. With her skills, she should be able to avoid been seen by pack members.

She soon arrived at the alley and similar to the other day, it was devoid of people. She pulled down her hoodie and started sniffing. She knew not to get frustrated because it was going to take long to be able to catch a scent like his, one she hadn't known until recently.

She sighed in frustration as she took out her phone. About twenty minutes had passed since she arrived at the alley and so far, she had no luck. She hadn't smelled anything.

Might as well give up. She thought to herself as she turned to leave. Before she could take a step further, a foreign scent filled her nostrils. It was strange. It didn't belong to an alpha, nor a beta, not even to the omega she just met. It wasn't human nor was it an animal. There was only one other explanation and it wasn't one she was willing to believe at the moment.

She placed her hoodie back as she widened her stance, her nose twitched as she tried to pinpoint the direction of the scent. Her fingernails had already started extending to claws and her eyes were almost glowing.

"Show yourself whoever you are," she said as she whipped her head back and started turning slowly as the smell got stronger.

"Ah," she heard a voice call back to her, "such a fine specimen."

She whipped her head back and watched the shadows of the alley as she heard a thud. She watched closely but it seemed as though even with her amazing eyesight she couldn't see beyond the shadows.

Her eyes didn't leave the darkness that was in front of her and something in her somewhat like a sixth sense, told her that something was definitely wrong here. She was expecting him but that voice sounded nothing like his. It sounded carefree and cold at the same time. Could it be… no it couldn't?

She held her breath as she heard footsteps from beyond the shadows. The light slowly revealed a foot and then another, and then the body and finally, a face. She saw the pale skin and all her doubts were erased in an instant. Those red eyes staring at her, the coy smile and that carefree stance. All sense screamed danger and she knew it. Before her was a creature who could kill her with ease she presumed. She was a Werewolf yes, but it's not like she grew up learning how to fight.

"Why the silence?" she heard him ask. "Am I that hideous?" he asked and then he laughed.

She didn't speak. She was frozen with fear.

"I must say, I wasn't expecting to come face to face with someone as beautiful as you. The name is Michael Gerard, and from that look on your face, I assume you know what I am."

She didn't blink nor did she speak. Not that she didn't want to but because she couldn't.

"My, my. Isn't the silent treatment a little too hurtful?" She saw him shake his head and suddenly he was in front of her.

That snapped her out of her trance and she regained mobility of herself.

"Wh-what do you want with me?"

"Not to hurt you that's for sure. I would only like a taste."

As he said this, she could see his eyes shimmer ever so slightly as though they were glowing. She could feel the bloodlust and she immediately tried to run. Before she could leave the alley however, he caught her and tossed her back.

Using her reflexes, she caught herself in the air, before landing in a crouch. He just stood there watching her.

"I don't like it when food fights back. Then again, since it's you… please do."

He came at her and she threw out a punch. It was sloppy. No technique or anything. Just uncontrolled power. He dodged the punch before snaking his arm around her waist and holding her free hand.

"You lack control," he whispered into her ear, pulling back before she could lash out at him.

"Leave me alone!"

She heard him chuckle. "You realise I could have killed you a long time ago. You seem interesting to watch, at least until I finally decide to kill you."

Her eyes widened. It finally felt real to her. She could die here. Why did she decide to go out when they clearly told her not to? Was he of such importance to her that she would risk her life for him? She didn't want to die here. She had so much to live for.

"I think I should wrap this up. Don't want to play for too long. It's bad for business."

This time, she saw his fangs widen and he lunged at her. As she saw this, her body kicked against her fear as she lunged back at him, nearly catching him in the face. She didn't know what had happened but she wasn't planning on stopping either.

Here's chapter 6 from me... I am applying for a contract from Webnovel so I'd like to ask for your support as I continue to develop the novel to the best it can be... Let me know your thoughts in the reviews and comment section

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