
Of Blood and Bonds

Ivy is a werewolf girl who just wants love and to be loved. Little did she know that fate had other plans in store for her. Her mate selection ceremony sparks a turn of events for the entire werewolf community and somehow, amidst all the calamity she wants to find that love.

LOTS_Fiction · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Chapter 11

Ivy watched quietly as the members of the pack exchanged different thoughts on the matter and then, Mason spoke up. "I appreciate the thoughts you all have placed into this and to avoid being caught off-guard, the omega is an enemy. I would like to meet him myself but if that is not possible then we will proceed with eliminating him."

Ivy was shocked but she didn't let it show. She was surprised at how narrow-minded they could be. She sat back down and her thoughts began to race from one conclusion to the other. She knew he was strong but what could he do against a pack of wolves.

"Now… if that's settled," Mason started and his face morphed into a huge scowl. "What's this I hear about Vampires in our city?"

Ivy forced her mind to return back to the meeting because this was as important, perhaps more important, than the whole ordeal with Charles.

"It's true."

"There have been three unknown kills since they were first reported."

Mason looked at them and in an instant; he knew what had to be done. "We are a family," he said as he stood up and looked all of them in the eye, "and this is our territory. For years we have lived in peace watching over this place and going about our daily activities. There have been no random killings since we have been living here and that is because we have maintained a high level of rules and order. The Vampires and the Omega are a threat to this order that we have maintained and this will not be tolerated. As of now, all Vampires are given a capture on sight order should you encounter them in the absence of civilians."

In a not too distant location, another meeting was being held. Unlike the one being held by the werewolves, this one was a lot fiercer and it was held in almost complete darkness. There were twelve people present and they were all sat about a table with the exception of one that stood in front of them.

"Michael," a voice said amidst the darkness, "you have brought shame to the House of Gerard."

"Father I -"

"Shut your mouth!"

"You have disgraced the House of Gerard," another more feminine voice said.


"Enough of this nonsense," a deeper more mature voice said. "You will be punished. Drained of blood for two days and spend your time in the dungeon."

Michael couldn't refute that voice. That was his grandfather and the patriarch of the Gerard clan and pretty much the most terrifying vampire he had ever met.

"Now," his grandfather began after silencing his grandson, "what are we doing concerning this omega werewolf." As he said this he swirled a glass containing a red liquid in his hands.

"It would be stupid of us to not consider him a threat at the very least," Michael's father said quietly as he considered the torn clothing his son had come in with.

"As should be expected of us Raphael," their grandfather said, "I give the boy credit for placing his hand on this one." His voice made Michael wince a bit, something he seemed to enjoy doing. "Should anyone see him, they should kill him, however, that shouldn't stray us from our end goal."

With that, he got up and so did the entire council of nine, well excluding the one member who was standing to begin with.

Silence prevailed as his heavy steps resounded in the hall and he left the room.

"Gabriel," Raphael began as he made way to follow after his father, "see to it that your baby brother is punished in kind."

After the events of the gathering, the Ainsworth family was in a rather down mood. Ivy didn't know how she would be able to communicate her thoughts to her siblings and they had no idea how they would be able to start a conversation with her given the gravity of the situation they were all in.

"Ivy," her father called breaking the silence, "I am your father and I want what is best for you, for all of you. It would do me terrible if either of you was to die before me… especially you."

She didn't need to look at them to feel that all the eyes in the room where on her. The atmosphere was heavy and she felt guilty.

"It is my duty as a father to offer my guidance and so long as you live under my house, my word is your law."

"Dad," she heard the eldest try to persuade him but it would do nothing in this scenario. His words were heavy.

"From this day until the entire issue blows over, you are on probation. You are not allowed to leave this house without the supervision of either me or your siblings and you are not permitted to go anywhere that isn't your school or the gathering. The threats we face are real and strange. The safest you will be from vampires is in your own home. If you don't invite them in, they can't get in. Is that understood?"

She nodded and turned towards the stairs, making her way rather hastily to her room.

The door slammed rather quietly but they could all hear the faint sounds of sobbing fairly easily.