
Odyssey Part I

70s of this century, humanity has long abandoned fossil fuels generating energy exclusively through nuclear fusion from Helium-3 but the hyper-exploitation of the Moon and asteroids threatens to leave humanity short of energy or bring it back to the pollution generated by fossil fuels. For this reason the Italian Space Agency, after having created ground and orbiting outposts on the Moon, Mars and Jupiter as well as extraction points on the main asteroids of the belt of the same name between Mars and Jupiter, decides to go to the limits of the solar system where the parents of young Leonardo identify a mysterious object whose mass could be 10 times that of Jupiter but disappear into thin air in an attempt to track it down. When their only son grows up he decides to embark on the same career as them with the aim of finding them therefore he begins a hard two-year training in Sicily during which he will have to prove that he has what it takes to become an astronaut, on the island he will come across those who they will be part of his crew with whom he will form a strong bond of friendship, i.e. Orlando, Lucia, Chiara and Alice. He will also meet Sofia with whom he will embark on a love relationship, marrying her before leaving for his first mission. Looming over the success of his intentions is Pandora, a complex artificial intelligence used by the Space Agency to make life easier for astronauts but which in reality will turn out to be much more. The title of the work is "Odyssey - Part I" and represents the first part of a cycle of four novels of which Part I is set on Earth, Part II on the Moon and Mars, Part III in the belt of gas giants and part IV in the Kuiper belt. This Part I narrates the two years of training that aspiring astronauts must undergo before being able to travel among the stars, describes all the systems used for space travel and describes the first space mission that Leonardo and his companions will undertake around the Earth.

James_Jones_1063 · Ciencia y ficción
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Chapter 8 Part I

Orlando and Lucia began building the shelter while the others rested a little and then took over from their friends and in no time the hut was ready even if it wasn't exactly ideal for shelter from such harsh weather.

<< I would say that we did our best, now let's go in and rest because with this storm it is impossible to continue towards the summit. As soon as it has calmed down we will leave again >> suggested Alice looking at the increasingly black sky;

<< Let's hope that our refuge holds up otherwise we will be in serious trouble >> said Leonardo.

The snow continued to fall in large quantities, accumulating on top of the parachute fabric with which they had built the hut, so they didn't know how long they would be able to stay there.

<< In your opinion, what traps did Prescotti set? I don't think it will be so easy to reach the beacon even if with this snow and such a black sky it is really difficult to orient yourself >> said Orlando;

<<The current conditions already seem sufficiently impervious to me, if he has added other difficulties is reckless>> replied Chiara.

The storm ended after more than an hour and although the hut resisted when they went outside to resume their journey they had to move on lava stones covered by a thick layer of ice so much so that they slipped several times, however the snow cushioned their falls.

<< Damned frozen stones, we will never make it in these conditions >> Orlando shouted;

<<If we slip every three steps will die of cold before reaching the summit>> added Leonardo who perhaps had underestimated the difficulty of the exercise.

They walked until nightfall when they decided to place the hut again so as to fall asleep even if resting would have proved difficult with those temperatures and with that layer of snow under their backs.

<<We must try to sleep otherwise the fatigue will exhaust us, if we don't have strength continue be screwed>> said Chiara;

<< You make it easy, it's practically impossible >> replied Orlando, whose hands still hurt from the frostbite that occurred during the morning's digging;

<< I propose to take shifts on guard to make sure we don't get any nasty surprises during the night, I'll do the first and wake up Orlando for the second >> suggested Leonardo who didn't want to stay there and argue;

<<Okay then, goodnight>> Chiara cut short, whose only goal was to relax after all the accumulated tiredness.

Leonardo went out of the hut while his friends tried to rest by sitting in the cold snow in front of the entrance.

The freezing air swept across his face and the already scarce oxygen would have become further rarefied as they continued to climb, constituting a further element of difficulty as tiredness would have set in much more quickly.

The only consolation was wearing clothes suitable for the extreme cold, made up of a particular union of various fabrics which managed to keep the body at a constant temperature of 20°C, however they were not particularly comfortable.

There wasn't much food so it had to be rationed and even the water, which at first might seem like a lot, was actually not plentiful if divided between five people, the same thing could be said for the space inside the hut.

The 15 days allowed to complete the exam seemed like a long time but it was clear that the test had to be completed in much shorter times, a week at most, otherwise serious coexistence problems would have arisen within the team.

Leonardo found himself on the fresh snow and observed the starry sky projecting over him, it almost seemed as if it wanted to fall on his head with all the stars but instead he always remained there, motionless to observe him as he tried to climb the volcano.

That cold didn't make him sleepy so he decided to take the first watch and he didn't want to listen to Orlando snoring inside the hut, in fact from outside he could hear him snoring loudly making him laugh out loud.

Even though they were in a complicated situation he was grateful to have friends who understood and appreciated him then he thought about Sofia and all the good moments spent with her, none of this would have been possible if he hadn't decided to become an astronaut therefore he promised himself he would do everything possible to get the promotion.

The following morning the team members woke up early and as soon as the sun rose illuminating their faces they woke up to find themselves very sore, sleeping on the frozen stones had damaged their backs despite them being protected by suits against the extreme cold.

The frozen lava stones had made themselves felt and, not having had time to prepare a better bed, they had been forced to make a virtue of necessity, however joint pain could slow down their climb.

<<Did you keep watch all night?>> Alice asked coming out of the hut;

<< I wasn't sleepy and Orlando snores excessively for my tastes so I stayed on guard but don't worry, I'm not very tired >> Leonardo replied.

The boys dismantled the hut and set off again in search of the signalman. That day the weather was more clement with the sun high in the sky warming their path, however they still couldn't orient themselves well and therefore didn't know if they were going in the right direction.

<< Ouch! >> Orlando suddenly shouted from the rear of the group;

<<What happened? Are you OK?>> Lucia asked him running towards him;

<<I think I cut my foot because of these damned frozen stones>> he replied.

Raising his leg he noticed that he was bleeding from the upper part of his right ankle which had just hit a protruding lava stone hidden by the snow, his overalls were dirty and the blood flow didn't seem to want to stop.

<<Now you have to lie down so I can treat but warn you, it might hurt>> Chiara told him while Leonardo took him by the arms making him stretch out on the snow.

The girl tore off the bloody part of his suit, revealing a nasty wound on his right ankle. The stone had penetrated deep enough to make the bone pop out, so the first thing she did was stop the bleeding.

He took the first aid kit, disinfected the wound and bandaged it well but Orlando couldn't hold back a cry of pain when he applied a strange red liquid to it.

<< I'm sorry but it's for your own good otherwise you wouldn't be able to continue so be a good boy and don't move your leg >> Chiara replied, having taken various first aid courses at university and her aunt who was a nurse had also taught her various tricks of the trade.

When the dressing operations were completed Leonardo took his arm and put it around his neck to allow him to continue the examination together with the rest of the group even if they had to slow down their pace to allow him to continue the climb.

<< Guys you have to continue without me, if you keep waiting for me you won't make it >> said Orlando forced to stop due to the pain;

<< Don't talk nonsense, we are a team and what we do is support each other in times of difficulty so now stop whining, get up and continue >> Alice reproached him who had not forgotten the support received when she was she was in trouble so she felt indebted to her friends and therefore the time had come to reciprocate the affection received.

They continued their journey and by late afternoon it was time to begin building the Wigwam, a round domed shelter used by many Native American cultures whose curved surfaces made it ideal for all types of conditions.

These structures were formed by a frame of arched poles, most often wooden, covered with some type of material while the construction details varied according to the culture and local availability of the materials however those used for roofing included grass, twigs , bark, wicker, mats, straws, skins or fabrics.

<<With what should we build it? We have nothing to make a Wigwam hut>> Alice complained, looking around;

<< We will use the parachute while as regards the supports I have taken some things from the spacecraft that could be useful to us >> Chiara replied taking out from her backpack several foldable steel poles, normally used by the Magellano crew as spare parts for the robotic arm that it was located in the upper part of the aircraft whose purpose was to avoid small and medium-sized objects that entered the spacecraft's flight path.

<<Luckily you brought them otherwise we would have been screwed>> Alice said, taking them in hand and starting the construction of the Wigwam while Orlando, helped by Leonardo, sat down on the snow to rest;

<<We won't make it at this rate, we have to quickly find a way understand where the signalman is>> he said, touching his leg;

<< I agree but how do we do it? We don't have anything with us that would allow us to find him, what's more we should do it without attracting attention otherwise the other teams would discover us >> replied the friend.

When the hut was ready they went inside to eat their canned meal after which it was time to rest again but this time it was Orlando who offered to stand guard that night.

<<It's the only concrete help I can give you>> he justified himself.

While his friends slept he watched them from outside the hut and on more than one occasion he was tempted to get up and leave.

He was just a burden to them, he was clearly slowing them down, without him they could go much faster and they would also have more supplies to feed themselves however every time he thought about it he remembered Alice's words about being a team.

How would they take it if he left them in the middle of the exam? He didn't want to lose their friendship and he had already faced difficulties once in the past and emerged victorious so he couldn't stop fighting.

<< I won't leave you at the best moment, if I freeze all night I'll keep watch until we find that damned signalman, only then will I be able to give myself a little rest >> he thought as he watched the moon shine high in the sky as it stretched out in front of him the huge valley of the volcano covered in snow.

The following morning Leonardo was the first to wake up and when he came out of the Wigwam he found Orlando asleep with his face immersed in the snow, he had done everything to stay awake but the tiredness combined with the pain from the wound had made him collapse.

<< Wake up come on >> he said whispering in his ear, avoiding being heard by the girls who would certainly have scolded him upon seeing him dozing;

<< Is it morning already? >> he asked coming to;

<< Yes but don't speak too loudly otherwise the girls will hear you. This night you must have collapsed but don't worry, your secret is safe with me but clean yourself up before the others leave the hut >> Leonardo replied;

<< Thanks friend >> Orlando said, patting him on the shoulder.

When the girls were awake it was time to prepare an action plan to try to track down the beacon and since they had built the Wigwam they could use it as a base of operations from which to launch exploratory missions around the volcano.

<< Judging by how far we walked, in my opinion we are around 3000 maybe 3100 meters above sea level therefore we shouldn't be far from the summit of the volcano.

I propose to create a team of scouts who will venture ahead in search of the signalman while the others will remain here to guard the Wigwam and in this regard I have taken the trouble to reprogram the radios with which we should communicate with the emergency services so that they can observe us via satellite so if we have an emergency they will know.

In this way, those who remain at the hut will be able to keep in touch with those who will go on patrol >> explained Chiara, distributing a radio to everyone;

<< How does it work exactly? >> asked Leonardo, taking his;

<< I have tuned it to a single channel that we will use to communicate remotely so that those who remain at the base camp will be updated in real time on the evolution of the situation. In my opinion the team of explorers should be made up of three elements while Orlando and another person will remain here to guard the Wigwam >> replied the girl;

"Okay, let's do this like this. Who feels like going? >> asked Alice;

<< Me >> Chiara replied dryly;

<< Count on me >> added Lucia;

<<The third will be me>> Leonardo proposed;

<< Very well then I will stay here with Orlando but keep us updated. I'd say let's start the "find the beacon" mission immediately >> proposed Alice.

The only one to remain silent was Orlando who knew he couldn't be of much help and even though he would have liked to be part of the explorers he had to agree that he couldn't do anything other than stay to guard the hut.

Chiara, Lucia and Leonardo set off immediately towards the east while Alice and Orlando put the remaining supplies in order and to their regret realized that they were dwindling at an alarming rate.

<<We have to hope that they find damned beacon>> said the worried girl.

If the water supplies were still high enough, the food supplies were decreasing too rapidly but in an environment like that, without animals to hunt, running out of them was equivalent to certain death.

<<How many days can we last?>> Orlando asked;

<< I don't know but not many, two or maybe three if we managed to limit consumption as much as possible, however we have to feed ourselves adequately because it is very cold so we can't save too much.

Right now our real hope is in the scouting team >> Alice replied.

Meanwhile, the three boys who ventured through the snow in search of the signalman were struggling to advance also due to the slippery stones to which they paid particular attention after Orlando's injury as they could not afford to have other team members injured.

<< Do you think any other team has already found him? The signalman I mean >> asked Chiara while leading the way for her companions;

<< I really don't think so, furthermore I think it's buried under the snow considering how much snow fell two days ago and how much will arrive today, adding a further difficulty to our undertaking >> replied a chilled Lucia;

<< I wonder how we will orient ourselves in this environment. If we move too far from base camp it won't be easy to get back there >> Leonardo pointed out, looking at the sky to check his intentions;

<< Don't fool yourself, today it will still be stormy. Let's think about walking >> Chiara resumed.

They spent the whole afternoon wandering without having a precise destination but above all they didn't know exactly how to find the beacon, on the contrary the clouds above them knew perfectly well the mission to be carried out.

The temperatures dropped very quickly and even the suits against the extreme cold, however efficient, did not completely protect from that situation. Furthermore, the first flakes that fell to the ground erased their traces left in the snow.

<< Girls we have a big problem >> noted Leonardo;

<< Damn you're right, this snowfall is eliminating our footprints. Now how the heck are we going to get back to base camp? We're screwed >> said Lucia while Chiara, who remained silent, scanned the surrounding environment in the hope of finding refuge but there was nothing that could help them.

<< We are exposed and a snowstorm looms over our heads, furthermore we have no shelter under which to take refuge and the oxygen seems to have disappeared >> added Leonardo forced to bend on his knees due to fatigue;

<< The rarer oxygen becomes, the closer we are to the summit, therefore the greater the chances of finding the beacon which at this point is our only hope of salvation >> Chiara retorted;

<<How will we find him? It's impossible. We have to return base camp, try again tomorrow morning>> Lucia proposed;

<< Going back is out of the question, by now we are already lost and even by contacting Alice and Orlando we would not be able to trace the Wigwam. I'm sorry to admit it but Chiara is right, we have to move forward hoping to find the signalman >> Leonardo concluded.

While the three walked through the increasingly violent storm, other groups also encountered the same difficulties, in particular that of Aurora which had lost a member due to abandonment and there were only four left.

They were not very far from the point where Leonardo was located even if they still did not have visual contact, however the other teams, seeing the weather becoming impervious, remained at their respective base camps, deciding to resume the search for the signalman the following day, avoiding being caught unprepared from the storm.

The snowstorm became increasingly stronger, the temperatures reached their lowest levels and night began to fall, putting Leonardo's team in further difficulty as they could only advance but if they had not found the signalman they would have been forced to retreat.

From base camp Alice tried in vain to connect with them, the storm disturbed the signal making any type of communication impossible.

<<It doesn't work>> he said throwing his radio on the ground;

<< How will they come back to us with these conditions? Maybe we should go and look for them >> Orlando proposed;

<<It would be suicide, right now we have to wait for the storm pass and tomorrow, if weather permits, will go look them>> Alice replied while preparing dinner;

<<So we are abandoning them>> Orlando replied, trying to get up but without success, his leg still hurt too much;

<<Where do you think you're going, can explain it to me? You barely walk and with these stones hidden by the snow we risk getting hurt, furthermore are only at first act of survival exam, if get injured now how will face other parts? We have about future, wait trust in them>> explained the girl.

She hated the idea of having to leave them in that situation, she who was indebted to her friends and yet it was the right thing to do and if they had been in space she would have acted the same way.

For his part, Orlando felt even more guilty because without the injury he would have gone exploring in place of his beloved Lucia who instead found herself in the eye of the storm while he lazed at base camp.

<< I know you're worried, I am too but we can't go looking for them and if they manage to get back here someone should help them but if they don't find us who would help them? >> Alice told him, trying to reassure him and calm him down but it wasn't easy, she barely managed it.

Meanwhile their friends, caught in the middle of the storm, had been stopped in the same spot for some time, unable to move forward also due to very protruding stones which, hidden under the snow, made them stumble and slowed their progress.

<<We're no longer moving forward, what do we do?>> asked Lucia, frightened by the situation;

<< Here we are discovered and I don't see a refuge on the horizon, honestly I'm in a panic >> replied Chiara who, for the first time since the beginning of the training, was truly afraid of not being able to make it;

<< Girls, let's not despair, sooner or later the storm will pass. Hey look over there, I think there's someone >> Leonardo said, pointing his finger in front of him.

A few dozen meters away he glimpsed a faint light flashing in the darkness but what was it doing there, in the middle of the night at over 3000 meters above sea level in the middle of a violent snowstorm?

<< I think it's another team, also surprised by the storm. Let's go meet him and see if we can help each other >> Leonardo proposed;

<<Are you by any chance crazy? This is a competition, we can't collaborate>> Lucia objected;

<< I agree with him, on our own we are doomed >> added Chiara.

Leonardo took the lead of the group, creating a sort of corridor in the snow that the girls were able to cross without much difficulty even though walking was much more tiring for him as he got a lot of wind in his face.

As they got closer to the light it became more and more intense and as expected it was another team that had turned on the torch to make its way through the storm but it wasn't just any team but Aurora's.

When the two groups joined the girl she was very surprised and also a little relieved after seeing how soft her companions were, she had had to encourage them the whole time while they had limited themselves to whining that they couldn't do it and so on.

<<What are you doing here? Have been trapped?>> asked Aurora, immediately recognizing Leonardo;

<< Unfortunately this is the case but you don't seem to be in any better shape so why don't we form an alliance to beat the others and take home the skin? I propose to bury the hatchet, at least for the moment >> replied Leonardo;

<< Okay but I warn you, these spineless people will only get in our way >> Aurora retorted pointing to her companions;

<< Do you have a parachute or anything else useful for building a shelter with you? We are exhausted and would like to camp as soon as possible >> Lucia began;

<<We have everything we need, the only thing missing is some people who aren't afraid of cold>> Aurora replied, showing her the parachute.

Chiara, Lucia, Aurora and Leonardo immediately got to work and in a short time they built a hut, it wasn't the best but they had to make do considering the circumstances they found themselves in at that moment.

<< At least for this night we will have shelter, tomorrow morning we will resume the search for the signalman >> proposed Leonardo;

<<Why don't we extend our alliance to the signalman too? If look for him in more people will have a better chance of finding>> Aurora suggested, holding onto Leonardo who had to put on a good face;

<<Okay, the important thing is to escape from this hell>> Chiara replied.

They took turns eating canned food and while the storm raged outside with the wind howling loud and majestic, the time came for the cadets to rest.

The following morning they got up at a good pace, dismantled the hut and set off again, strengthened by new elements acquired thanks to the merger of the two groups even if a certain distrust spread between the various sides.

<< Where do you think the signalman could be? >> asked Lucia turning to the boys of Aurora's group;

<<In our opinion it is located at or near the top of volcano, from here we should turn east and that point will be able to find>> Aurora replied;

<<Then let's hurry up>> Leonardo retorted.

They walked all day without stopping and even though the sun was shining above their heads they knew well that the weather conditions could change at any moment so they decided not to stop.

The higher they climbed, the harder it was due to the deep snow and the more rarefied oxygen, but when they reached the top they only saw snow.

<< Where the hell is the signalman? It should be around here. We've scanned the whole of Etna so it must be somewhere around here! >> Aurora exclaimed full of anger;

<< It's probably covered in snow. I propose to divide ourselves into small teams and look for it, whoever finds it warns the others and to make sure that no one takes advantage of the situation, each of them will be made up of a member of the two teams >> proposed Leonardo;

<<It seems reasonable to me, I'm coming with you>> Aurora replied.

Divided into small teams, they began to scan the ground in search of the beacon while the sun began to be overshadowed by threatening clouds that did not bode well.

<<We have to hurry>> thought Chiara looking at the sky.

Meanwhile Leonardo and Aurora moved away from the others to explore their own area of expertise and in doing so took the opportunity to clarify a couple of things.

<< Can I ask you why you are so attracted to me? Even after I explicitly told you that I wasn't interested in having an affair with you, you continue to stalk me >> Leonardo began, annoyed by his attitude the previous evening;

"I like you, that's all. You were very clear about it but I'm not giving up >> Aurora replied.

At that point he stopped, grabbed her arms and looked her straight in the eyes with a look that made the black clouds in the sky look like a portrait of happiness.

<< You have to stop, I won't repeat it to you a second time. I don't want you to be on top of me, am I clear? Let me live my life >> he told her in a severe tone.

Aurora didn't have the courage to answer him but a few tears ran down her face and then she freed herself from his grip and ran away crying, leaving him alone in the middle of nowhere.

<< I was stupid, damn me >> thought Leonardo, blaming himself.

Meanwhile, the searches for the signalman continued without stopping but gave no results and after several hours spent in the snow the cadets stopped exhausted from fatigue, they had dug everywhere but there was no trace of the instrument that would have led them to safety.

<< Are we sure that Prescotti remembered to take him to Etna? I'm starting to have my doubts about it >> Lucia began, sitting down.

<< We must not stop because the food supplies are almost finished and we cannot go back >> Leonardo began as he returned to Chiara and Lucia;

<< Give us five minutes to catch our breath, by the way where is your research partner? >> Chiara asked not seeing Aurora;

<<We had a small altercation, nothing serious>> he replied.

After walking away from Leonardo crying her eyes out, Aurora could no longer see him in the distance even though she was able to find him thanks to the tracks left in the snow and as she wandered around she wondered why he didn't want her.

<< I'm a beautiful girl, why does she behave like this towards me? I just don't understand >> he thought with tears in his eyes.

After walking for a few hundred meters she felt very tired so she rested her arm on a large pile of snow that stood in front of her pointing upwards, it had a very strange shape resembling a kind of white cone.

As soon as her arm touched the snow it fell to the ground and to her great surprise she found that she had found the beacon that would take them to safety but a doubt struck her: how to behave towards Leonardo's team?

This was a race and she had found the signalman on her own, furthermore it was her team that had helped Leonardo's team, not to mention the way the latter had treated her just now.

<< I'm not obliged to help them, my team will win thanks to me so why warn the others? Yet if we were in space there would be no divisions between teams, we would all have to work together for the common good.

Ultimately this is an exercise, a simulation of what could happen to us up there and I have to behave as such so the question is: what would I do if we were in a similar situation in space? >> she asked herself doubtfully.

She looked up at the sky and saw the first snowflakes starting to fall on her head so she had to hurry if she wanted to warn the others.

<<I know what to do>> he thought.

She turned quickly and following the footsteps on the ground she reached the other groups intent on catching their breath after the effort made, seeing her arriving at full speed they were happy as they were starting to give her up for missing.

<< Where did you go? We were starting to worry about you >> Leonardo told her.

<< There's no time to talk, I found the signalman. This way, follow me >> Aurora replied leading the way.

Everyone jumped up from the ground and in single file let the girl guide them to the point where the instrument that would save them was located.

<< Thanks for letting us know, you could have sent the signal yourself and let your team win but instead you wanted to share it with us, we won't forget it >> Chiara said, hugging her.

<< I just thought about what I would have done if I had been in space, the team first of all but let's hurry now >> she replied.

Everyone put a hand on the beacon, pushing the power button with all the strength they had left in their body, the instrument came to life, launching a powerful electromagnetic pulse that tore through the air, signaling their position to the rescue teams.

<< Sir, someone has activated the beacon >> said an assistant, asking Prescotti;

<<So what are you waiting for? Go get them>> replied the officer, sitting back down at his station.

<< I didn't think they would have done it, after all we placed the beacon in a remote area of Etna and with all the snow that has fallen in recent days it must have been submerged but instead they managed to find it.

Apparently this year there are people with enough talent to become astronauts, we'll see how they fare in the next tests >> the soldier thought to himself, smiling.

He had been the teacher of the survival course for many years but only a few had managed to impress him in the same way as the Leonardo and Aurora teams who were waiting for the arrival of help clinging to the beacon.

<< Are you saying they will see us with this snow? >> Chiara asked;

<< We sent the signal by successfully completing the mission, now it's up to them not to let us freeze to death and we must not forget about Orlando and Alice who remained at the base camp >> Leonardo retorted;

<<You're absolutely right>> Lucia replied.

This time, unlike the previous days, the snow fell placidly on their heads without giving even a hint of a storm as if the electromagnetic flash launched shortly before had frightened the sky.

After a few hours of waiting, several eVTOLs began to fly overhead, after which they landed and let them board.

<< Congratulations for passing the test >> said Prescotti's assistant, helping them enter the aircraft.

He was a very young boy of medium height with curly brown hair, green eyes, a neatly kept mustache above his mouth, pointed ears and a muscular physique.

<< Our friends are still at base camp >> said Lucia;

<< Don't worry, we have already sent teams to collect them >> he replied.

When Alice and Orlando saw the eVTOLs land in front of the Wigwam they were about to burst into tears of joy, they understood that their friends had made it and even though they didn't know about the collaboration with the Aurora team they were only interested in returning to the Headquarters to relax in your rooms.

<<Thank God we are safe!>> Alice exclaimed as she boarded the aircraft.

<< You can say it loudly, at least I'll be able to show my leg >> added a beaming Orlando.

All the boys, including those who had not pressed the signal button, were recovered and taken to Catania where they were subjected to a stringent medical check-up to check their state of health.

Orlando had his ankle treated and thanks to the timely intervention of his teammates he would be able to take the next exam.

While they were gathered in the hospital hall, Prescotti joined them to congratulate each of them.

<< First of all, congratulations to the two teams who won the race, you demonstrated a great spirit of collaboration and sacrifice, putting rivalries aside, remember that to survive up there it is essential to work as a team.

To the other teams who didn't reach the marker, I still say well done, you built the best shelters and wisely didn't venture into exploration avoiding the snowstorm, a more conservative but equally valid approach therefore I decided to promote you all.

You will have a few days to recharge your batteries before moving on to the next test, for the moment I have nothing else to tell you >> explained the officer.

When he was gone Leonardo approached Aurora to apologize for his behavior on top of Etna, he didn't want to leave anything pending but when the girl saw him arrive she got up and walked away, joining her companions.

<< Is it true that without her you wouldn't have made it? >> Alice asked him;

<< That's right, she could have pressed the button alone but instead she teamed up despite me always treating her badly. I feel like disgusting, like a worm >> he replied;

<<She went looking for her with slightly too morbid behavior>> added the friend who had always hated Aurora;

<< This time I'm the only bad one and please stop speaking badly about her, your comments are starting to bother me a lot. Today she helped us, even Chiara and Lucia thanked her so you should do it too >> Leonardo retorted, leaving her amazed.

Once the medical checks were completed, the cadets got back on the eVTOLs, reaching Palermo and the Astronautical Headquarters. Seeing the building in the distance, they realized they had missed it.

Among the snows of Etna they understood how important they were to each other and that only by remaining united would they have the strength to overcome future adversities.

Once back in their dormitories, on the one hand they couldn't wait to rest in a comfortable bed, on the other they felt the need to get involved again and test themselves in the other survival challenges that Prescotti was organizing.

The adrenaline accumulated on Etna was still very present in their veins.

When Sofia heard that Leonardo and the others had returned she immediately ran to her boyfriend and hugged him tightly as soon as she entered his room.

<<I missed you very much, here at work it wasn't the same without>> she told him;

<< I also thought about you a lot while I was on Etna and I must admit that we were about to freeze to death but in the end we managed to get through >> he replied, failing to mention the collaboration with Aurora;

<< What do you want to do this evening? >> he asked him winking;

<< I would like to spend a nice evening in your company but if you allude to sex I'm afraid I'll be exhausted so I'll pass for today and you don't know with what regret but only a few hours ago I was on top of Etna at tens of degrees below zero so I just want rest, rather how is your investigation into the Pandora code going? Discovered something? >> he asked her, changing the subject;

<< Unfortunately nothing yet, Andrea has created a new algorithm to try to decipher it but it will take some time before having satisfactory results, we are probably talking about months >> he replied sitting on the bed;

<< You'll see that in the end you'll figure it out, you're the most brilliant scientists I know >> Leonardo reassured her, taking off his uniform to put on civilian clothes;

<< In fact we are the best, however, even though time has passed, I still haven't gotten used to seeing Lucrezia in Martoprete's place.

That man meant a lot to me and it's thanks to him that I'm here today, he was my point of reference and despite his desire to deny Pandora's possible problems he was by far the Agency's number one scientist >> Sofia retorted covering his face with his hands.

Only then did she understand how shocked she was by Martoprete's death, she seemed to have taken a medicine whose effects manifested themselves with a delayed onset but in reality the emotions caused by that shock had been smoldering inside her for a long time and talking about it with Leonardo made them emerge.

<<I'm very sorry, I didn't want to make you feel bad>> he said, hugging her tightly;

<< It's not your fault, I just have to get used to the idea. When I had a problem I could go to him and the solution magically came out, he seemed like a sort of magician who made the most complex problems appear simple.

Even though he has treated me very badly recently and even though I never had the courage to tell him or admit it to myself, he was a sort of second father for me, at least scientifically speaking >> Sofia explained with tears in her eyes.

Leonardo held her tightly, cuddling her, he knew well what it felt like to lose a parent and even if in that case there was no blood relationship, he understood her very well.

<< Since I have a few days of rest before starting the second exam, what would you say about returning to the lighthouse? Just the two of us >> he proposed in an attempt to make her relax;

<< I would love to but I can't, in this period we are supervising the installation of an additional habitation module on the space station that orbits the Earth.

If everything goes as planned we will be able to expand the capacity to up to six people at the same time so I have to stay, I'm sorry >> Sofia replied.

<<It will mean that you come with me to Jupiter when I become an astronaut>> he told her laughing;

<< Jupiter is really very distant, you know that right? You should put up with me all the time >> she retorted, giving him a scrutinizing look;

<< Damn you're right, then I'll buy a pair of headphones >> Leonardo replied;

<< If you put it that way..., ... now I'll show you! >> exclaimed Sofia recovering her smile.

They spent the whole night together and the following morning she left his room while he was still asleep, since it was his day of rest she didn't want to wake him up especially after what had happened to him on Etna.

Sofia went to the fifth level where Lucrezia and Andrea were waiting for her to take stock of the situation regarding the Pandora code.

The new director of the fifth level wanted to be updated on the latest developments to know if the AI really had problems, before sending more astronauts on a mission beyond the space station orbiting Jupiter.

<< Small hours? >> asked Lucrezia watching Sofia enter her office;

<< I'm just tired, installing Pandora on the new module has absorbed all my energy >> she replied;

<< In any case I called you to get news about Pandora and its self-updating code, even if I am the new director I once worked on it so I don't want to be cut off from the research team so update me >> he raised;

<< At the moment my algorithm is analyzing Pandora's data relating to all the updates it has carried out on itself using the code in question but we are talking about thousands of yottabytes therefore, even using the most sophisticated quantum computers, it will take months before having the results, however, I am very confident about it >> explained Andrea;

<< Do you think your hypothesis will be confirmed? >> Lucrezia asked her;

<<At the moment I can only express a personal opinion but my answer to your question is yes, think I'm right>> Andrea replied;

<<In any case, until we know for sure, will keep our conjectures secret, it's better not to create panic>> Sofia proposed;

<< This is what we have decided to do and we will continue like this but when you have the results I ask you to talk about it first with the undersigned since I will have to be the one to communicate the news to Rome and probably to the whole world but now I prefer not to think about it >> Lucrezia specified.

The three girls remained silent for a few moments so it was Andrea's turn to break the strange spell that had been created.

<< The world will understand the goodness of our work and if we know how to explain it well there will be no consequences, indeed many will thank us for having given a great gift to humanity.

We just need to make people understand what it is and what its potential is but above all we will have to make sure that it is used for good and not for evil.

We have always been a civilization open to progress and this could represent the greatest step forward in the history of man >> said Andrea with her eyes that began to flash with a strange light coming from the depths of her soul;

<<Do you really think so or is yours just a hope? If we are right will question everything, our civilization be shaken to its foundations and I'm not sure people understand>> Sofia replied;

<< Think about religions and governments, what would happen if we were right? If Andrea's intuition turns out to be correct we should tread carefully and even if the Agency enjoys great credit thanks to the many feats it has accomplished, I don't know how many will be willing to listen to us >> added Lucrezia;

<< Let's keep in mind that the algorithm used to decipher the Pandora code has a significant degree of error, let's remember this when we draw our conclusions on the matter >> added Sofia;

<< I agree with you, in fact communication will play a fundamental part in the success of our enterprise, however I don't think that progress can be stopped and if they aren't interested in Rome I bet that elsewhere they would build golden bridges, for example in the States United States of America >> added Andrea.

She had always dreamed of visiting that country but for one reason or another she had not yet been there so it was natural that she saw her possible discovery as a way to go there and possibly stay there if they hadn't given her the right credit in Italy.

<<For now we'll wait and see, in the meantime I thank you remain at your disposal should there be any relevant news>> concluded Lucrezia.

The mere thought of having to make such an announcement to the whole world took away her hunger and sleep, however she was the director of the fifth level so she would have had that honor or burden depending on your point of view.

<< United States of America huh? >> said Sofia leaving Lucrezia's office;