

A story about a boy discovering himself but has to face against the world because of what he is.

22Dragons · Fantasía
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The beginning and the end

Hello and today was the day everything went wrong it all started when we brought something that shouldn't be we brought a dragon and when we fond out it could reproduce when it had an egg we killed it immediately but the egg disappeared before it could be destroyed. But then it hatched and it was to late before we found him he had blended in with the children and he grew up to a young adult he didn't know that of what he was or the capabilities that he had. Although we found him we couldn't touch him so we watched and watched but then he just suddenly disappeared we searched and searched when he retuned he learned something that we had not prepared for although and he decimated our forces and found that he had come from a place called the time area where all time stopped and he could turn into his true form then he really became a pain in the butt so we captured him but he had ended up bringing some friends They freed him and destroyed all of the work that took us so long to make and they also took him back to the time area something we didn't think of was that his friends were all females and we took an oath after we killed his mother not to harm a woman ever again and if we did we would be killed immediately. In the end we ended up surrendering but in the process we lost everything. When he left with his friends we salvaged what we could. Their was not much to go on so in the end we ended up lying low and the government denied that they knew about us and so everyone started to leave and as more people left the weaker we got but we had a back up. His brother although we thought their was only one egg their was actually three. The one who's causing all of the trouble is the oldest then his brother then the absolute last defense his sister they share a bond that they could call each other if they were in trouble his brother accepted to work with us to protect his sister and his sister is the key to it all we found that one of the brothers would end up betraying her but we didn't know which one so we kept tabs on them. Then it all went wrong the brother who was working with us ended betraying his sister and tried to kill her we were lucky that the other brother showed up at that time and ended up saving her but at the cost of his own life his friends showed up immediately when they noticed his life was leaving and when they saw him lying on the floor dying they lost it and wanted to kill the brother but he stopped them and said that they needed to let him live his brother will live with the guilt of killing his own brother. They all lay next to the dying brother and all watched him breath his last breath the sister had enormous amount of power and went searching for her other brother and when all that power was released it left a major impact on the world . We were not prepared for this catastrophic event. Every one left to find him and lock him up the problem is. Is that he kept trying to commit suicide but he would not die because when he tried to fall off in his human form his dragon form would take form and he would glide down and as he tried to stab him self his skin would change and just break the blade and he could never starve because he was a being with the power to never die of thirst or hunger neither could he drown him self. So waited and live with the guilt of killing his own brother when he saw the his sister was looking for him he knew that she was going to bring him to the rest of them but he also noticed that she had so much power that just getting near her would just rip him to shreds. So he hid and followed her in the shadows although she could sense him she could not see him and he didn't want to be found so he went to the place he ran from. He then stayed their and ended up performing a dark spell and At the cost of his life he would bring back his brother but as he was conducting the spell his sister got hold of him the other dragons told her to stay away cause they were protecting him while he was doing the spell when they told her of what he was doing she calmed down and her power started to return to normal but she still wanted to kill him her self. She let go of him and when she did her brother was waking up but he knew what his brother was doing.but it was to late his brother had finished and all of his power went into his brother his sister went to watch over the humans while his brother had many children one of those children ended up like his father but his mother was killed and he did escape from the people who killed his mother and disappeared in the jungle he married a vampire and he went through many hardships he will still fight on. But what happens next is not known be what will happen will be recorded in history of the dragon society. Now what about their other brother. Who was hidden underneath their mothers wing.Little did they know that their little brother would find them while he is a god. They left with him trusting that they would be safe and once they are safe they told him their story. But not all went well our home was attacked we rose up to fight against those who pursued us many were injured and we all left to face the enemy that it resulted in our little brother's wife Being killed in the battle that he nearly destroyed every single person who attacked him and they all fled in terror but he brought her back to life and told us his story.