





The witches were holding their scepter firmly and they grin evily. Several dark bugs and dark creatures appeared at their back and they were ready for the orders to attack the enemies they are projected to attack.

" Uhmmmm.. The great Breca is afraid of the serpents witches... So pathetic " The witches said chorusly and it was followed by an hysterical laughter that boomed from the four corners of the woods. Breca composed himself before the witches above him.

" Don't misunderstand me Bitches... I was only surprise that you guys decided to partake in the battle to come after the instructions of the mother witch " Breca said and he stared dagger at the three floating witches.

" Hahahahahahaha... Do you think you could destroy us together and as for the Mother witch.. It is for her benefits that were are doing this.. Her missing son must be found "

" And if I am not mistaken.. You have to side with evil to get the missing son and receive award.. Am I correct?? " Breca said sternly and the witches shot him a deadly glare while the hooded figure on the other hand was prepared for when the witches shall strike. You can't try a witch.

" And what makes you to think that we are not evil.. Witches are known to be evil " A witch said.

" I once went to the dark school and I understand the rule of a witch and sorcerer.. You must not use your powers for evil or if they only pose a threat to you.. That was the clear Mother witch law and you girls just violated it " Breca said and he smirked as he saw the anger that morphed in the faces of the serpent witches.

" How dare you Breca?? How dare you challenge the authority of a witch " The witches roared causing heavy wind to blew ferociously and scattering leaves everywhere. The witches held the scepter and they were ready to strike.

" See you in hell Breca.. The red crystal is Gaap crystal " The witches roared angrily and the face of Breca was filled with shock and anger at the mention of the red crystal.

" The red crystal was giving to me as a property and it is only me that could give it out.. Do you think that Gaap will keep to his bargain.. He will use you girls and then set you up by reporting you girls to the Mother witch.. So give up while you still can " Breca warned and the witches laughed evily.

" Do you think that we will succumb to your deceit... We are going to take the red crystal after we have succeeded in wasting you and your miserable friends life right here "

" Do you think you could defeat me.. Breca the great sorcerer of Neibwe...it is really pathetic " Breca laughed at the witches and that got them more angry and furious. The ground vibrated as many dark creatures trooped towards Breca and the hooded figure.

The air was filled with gigantic and dark bugs flying towards Breca and the hooded figure, the witches smirked as they saw what was happening in front of them. They were patient to see the bug and the creatures as destroys and kill Breca and his friend.

" We need to fight this thing but I need to know what is this creatures and their origins, so that I could find their weaknesses to end all of them completely " The hooded figure said as they moved back with their weapons and powers ready.

" They are what the call shimems..they are created by dark magic and all witches possess those kinds of dark creatures... But if you encounter the mother witch shimem.. It could wipe out the universe by it scorpion tale and dark magic " Breca answered and he was still moving back.

" OK... Let's do this..you take the bugs while I take the monsters.. Be ready with your ocean powers and I will be ready with my dark magics in me " Bread added and the hooded figure nodded.

" We move in 5...4..3..2..1..let's go " Breca said and they all dashed at the dark creatures, the hooded guy used his atlantian sword to destroy several bugs as he manuovered and twisted his body to avoid the Incoming harpoons that were directed to him.

Breca dived into several corners to avoid the red plasma beam lasers that were launched at him from the eyes of the creatures. His fists spark and burned with green fire and his eyes were completely green. Breca repeatedly shut green fire from his hands and he burned down some dark creatures, but they were to many.

" It is time to do this... I must unleashed the Golden hand Platinum " Breca said and his eyes glowed yellow. His right hand was half covered with a golden iron or whatever you sha call it. The weapon on his hand glowed and he directed it towards the creatures. Yellow plasma laser beamed from it and it destroyed thousands of the dark creatures at once.

" Wow.. How did you do that?? " The hooded figure asked while staring at the golden iron on the right hand of Breca. He was really amazed but he got to focus on his deadly enemies which were the bugs that Trooped towards him, He smirked and conjured three water formed hands which repeatedly smash incoming bugs that were fast approaching. The hooded figure conjured water formed gun and he opened fire at the bugs with water formed bullets.


The hooded figure stood victorious as all the bugs all layed lifelessly on the floor, the witches were enraged at what just happened but they couldn't summon another pile of bugs because that spell or Magic will be active in another day.. That's the rule.

" Hey witches...wanna play " The hooded figure asked with a smug and the witches shot him a deadly glare. Breca was already done destroying all the dark creatures and his attention was already given to the witches and his face was filled with smiles.

" There is something that you don't understand in we sorcerers, and that thing is that we have a great dark magic or should I say a great beast at our own use and instructions " Breca said and the witches widened their eyes in shock of what they just heard and Breca on the other hand smirked.

" Vibrisco 'Jamai vel Del beaste " Breca chanted and he connected his fist to the ground causing it glows, the ground shook and a great gigantic dark tiger erupted from the ground. It was disastrous tiger with a dark eyes and Breca smiled and he jumped on the dark tiger.

" Let the show begin " Breca yelled and the dark giant tiger charge at the witches who were very furious as they pointed their scepter towards Breca tiger. The hooded figure was seen sitting on a rock with smirk on his face as he watched the epic battle.

" Two of us will face Breca and his tiger while you (pointing to a witch)...you will face that hood guy down there.. Is that clear " One of the witches ordered and they all nodded in agreement. Two witches faced Breca while the last one faced the hooded figure.

" Ari martas xoria " The last witch chanted and a great amount of lightning beamed from her scepter as it made way towards the hooded figure, meanwhile the hooded figure was still seeing the battle with the witches and Breca. He felt power rushing towards him and drifted his head backwards.

" Holy shit... This girl is a motherfucker " The hooded figure yelled and swiftly dive to another side and causing the lightning to strike the ground and clouds of dust filled that area. The witch enhanced towards the hooded figure with her scepter with her.

" Bitch.. Don't get me provoke.. I don't like to beat girls " The hooded figure said but an unknown force knocked him of his feet and he received a heavy punch in his stomach by the witch and an unknown force swing him away.

" You are always on hood... At least let me see your face before I send you to hell " The witch said and he lifted her hands up, it affected the hooded figure as he tried to drag his hood down. The witches powers was to strong, so he Ahmad to use his atlantian strength.

This enraged the witch and semhe sent a strong force towards the hood guy, the hood removed but the figure swiftly hide his face from been seen and another strong force it him off into a dark deep place in the woods.

The witch was satisfied that she had already killed the hood guy, she made to fly up but was welcomed with water formed punchs which made her weak on the floor, A figure putting on mask emerge from the dark hole with water lifting him up. His armor was fully on and he held his sword firmly.

The witch stood up with surprise as she saw the figure with mask. It is not the hooded figure but now the masked figure. The mask armored figure sent two heavy water formed punchs which swiped the witch off her feet and a water formed leg kicked of her scepter far from her.

" Do you think that I don't have powers without my scepter?? " The witch groaned while asking as she stood up gradually, her eyes were filled with hatred and anger. She made to reach her scepter but was pulled back by water formed hand.

" You bitch... How do you control water just like that... You are not beside any water " The witch asked furiously as she shot the mask figure a deadly glare. The spat out blood from her lips as she plunged towards him but was stopped by water.

" Uhm.. Let me say that I am a very different atlantian, I am not just a normal atlantian but a different one that is dangerous " The mask figure answered still unmoved and he was surrounded by water and he was putting on his atlantian outfit.

Meanwhile Breca and his tger fought ferociously with the witches, the tiger roared dark fire on the witches in which they deflected to fast. The witches shot lightning from their scepters but the tiger absorbed all the energy and lightning. And the witches were dumbstrucked at what they just witnessed.

" Oops.. I forgot to tell you that I specialize my own dark beast to be able to absorb any attack whereby rendering very powerful once he absorb... Cuckold unleash lightning " Breca ordered and the tiger unleashed lightning from his mouth and all the witches crashed heavily on the floor.

The last witch ran towards them with a worried look written on her face and tears formed in her eyes. Breca and the tiger beast came down and it stood beside the mask figure whose armours shinned gloriously and magnificently.

" Dude... You look great.. Why didn't you unleash this before " Breca asked looking surprised. And the mask figure shot a WTF glare at Breca. The last witch helped the others to stand up as they controlled their scepters back to their hands as they stared at the two figures with anger and vengeance in their eyes.

" We shall be back.. And when we return, it will be bloody " The witches stated chorusly.

" Rux mas ras " They chanted and they flew up into the sky, everything became normal again. All the dead bugs and creatures all vanished and the atmosphere became calm, the mask figure chanted back but his mask was still on while Breca beast vanished at Breca instructions.

" Little Bitches... We will be ready for them when they return " Breca laughed.

" Do you think that they will return?? " The mask guy asked in a concern tone.

" Yes they will... But not for now.. Let's move " Breca answered and he started walking.

" Where are we heading to right now " The mask guy asked as he met up to Breca who was very fast.

" There is only one place we are going to and that place is sunnydale woods "




🍀🍀🍀 THE WOODS 🌳🌳🌳



Jones was seen standing beside the always smiling Silas in his atlantian outfit, The ring glowed and Silas stared at it with love in his eyes. The calm breeze blew in the woods, Jones was feeling awkward as Silas gaze were on the ring so he decided to snap him out it.

" Hey dude or Silas.. I want explanation about this ring and I want to know who the hell are you " Jones snapped and Silas returned back to his senses and he stared at Jones with funny eyes.

" As I said earlier on, my name is Silas and I am an atlantian breed a special one " Silas retorted with smiles beaming on his face. No one that sees his face that won't like him. Silas is always fool of smiles.

" So you mean that atlantians exists in this world "

" Yep "

" What of werewolves, vampires and witches with dragons, do the also exist " Jones asked.

" Yes, everything exist in this world "

" Damn those scientist... I will fvcking cut of their teeths....So why Did you attack me?? " Jones asked sternly and his eyes held venom.

" Like I said before.. I attacked you to test your relationship with the ring " Silas said while pointing to the ring. The ring glowed indecently and great energy flowed into his Welder.

" So what you are saying Is that You beat the hell out of me just to test the ring powers and what the hell is this ring?? " Silas asked with anger burning his face as he clenched his fist to be able to attack.

" That ring is called the ocean ring... It is so valuable in the kingdom of Atlantis and as the wielder, you possess atlantian powers as you put on the ring " Prince Silas explained and Jones widened his eyes in shock of what he just heard.

" You don't mean it... That was why my room was completely flooded when I put on the ring to sleep but why does the ring... "

" Argggghhhhhh... He is here.. He is here.. The hunter, the agencies... The phantom lord " Silas knelt down and screamed out while holding his head with his hands. He was already in a vision trance of what will happen.

" What are here... I.. Don't get you at all.. What the hell is happening right now " Jones yelled with and he cringe in fear of what Silas said. While prince Silas stood up with fear written on his face of what will become of them if the hunter gets them.

" We need to hurry.. The phantom lord and his agents are here to hunt us " Silas yelled in fear while the sounds of cars illuminated everywhere, dozens of vans and cars trooped down into the woods and men putting on metal suits emerged from the vans with their weapons.

The woods four corners were filled with metal suits gun men as they all ran to the direction of Silas and Jones with their revolvers with them. Silas and Jones were already prepared, Silas summoned his trident and the ring designed metal suit of atlantian in the body of Jones.

" Abruan fengo " A voice ordered and the gun men opened fire at Silas who dashed towards them in insane speed. Lightning flashed from the trident as it dashed towards the gun men and they destroyed immediately.

The gun men were all furiously shooting at prince Silas who as quick and he deflected all the bullets with water formed shield and he conjured water formed rope which swiped some gun men of their feet.

Jones dashed at the metal suited man at the back of Silas, The man was about to slash Silas when Jones conjured water formed punchs which sent the man crashing and Silas looked back in shock.

" Thanks... We need to plan and escape this battalion of gun men after us " Silas said and Jones nodded angry as he dashed at the gun men. The bullets were all deflected with water formed shield. Jones manuovered his way into their midst and he conjured water formed mallet to smash all the gun men in his midst.

" Bitches... You don't know who you are about to fight " Jones spat at the dead bodies hovering around him. He stepped out of that place. He ran towards prince Silas who was fighting several gun men with his water powers.

The phantom lord emerged from his SUV as he marched towards the side of prince Silas and Jones. His glared at the ring in Jones hand but he couldn't recognize Jones face to be his son and he glared at prince Silas who stood properly and stared dagger at the phantom lord.

" Eh.. Atlantians.... You don't seem to be afraid of me, I will let you guys go but you will not leave here with that ring on.... I need that ring " Phantom lord said focusing on the ring as he drifted towards them. the gun men all stopped their attacks and they focus on the phantom lord.

" I will distract them with my lightning strike and I will conjured a portal so that we will enter and escape from here because the phantom lord energy and powers are so destructive and dangerous for me to fight with " Prince Silas whispered and Jones nodded.

" Now go " Prince Silas yelled and he directed a massive lightning from his trident and it blasted the phantom lord but it didn't last long and the phantom lord stood up unhurt and he smiled deviously at prince Silas who ran with insane speed including Jones that was ahead.

" Stop.. Don't shoot... I have plans for them, I am gonna need them in my base so don't think of harming them. Let them go for now " Phantom lord ordered and the men retreated their guns and they all went into the vans and zoomed of to the base.

A portal appeared at the End of the woods revealing Silas and Jones Emerging from the blue portal and they all sat down weak on the bare floor. Silas looked weak before the phantom lord and he was bitter and he was confused on which kind of supernatural is the phantom lord.

" Let's get going before the phantom lord finds us " Prince Silas instructed and they both stood up and dusted the sands out of their bodies as they plunged to the other side of the woods filled with darkness and the face of Jones were filled with fear of the darkness as he followed the strong Silas footsteps.

" What is this place?? " Jones asked in fear.

" This is the pathway leading to the island of the unknown... We are leaving this woods to avoid the next attack of the phantom lord " Prince Silas retorted and smiled.

" So how's is the island of the unknown?? " Jones asked.

" Don't worry, you will see when we get there "