








The cold wind blew gently, The reflections of the sun beamed down to the beach sands, The movements and voices filled the air as the beach was crowdy. People later flat on mat i facing the sun and doing what they were doing.

Life guards were on their duties as people swam in the ocean, the ocean waves was calm and melodious as fishes swam in the cold salty ocean. The scenario was indeed beautiful to be behold by the beholder.

" Pls help me... Do you guys see my son "

" He is small, he is age 4 "

" Pls do anybody see a short blond boy "

The voices of a male and a female kept repeating as two figures could be sighted as they were in hurry and their faces held fear. They were looking for their little son and they showed anybody his picture immediately they asked them.

They ran helter scatter as tears flowed freely from the female figure eyes. The male figure asked anybody he sees.

" Pls do you know this boy....He is my son and he is missing " The man asked a young man showing him the little boy's picture, but the man said he knows nothing.

" Wait... Is this not the famous billionaire Clark Brandon " A voice spoke out from behind and the male figure turned back with tears in his eyes, still thinking about his missing child.

" Yes, I am Clark and please sir do you help me to see my child?? " The male figure known as Clark Brandon asked showing the figure,his son picture.

" Yes... I saw him before " The figure replied trying to remember where he saw the boy.

On hearing this the female figure rushed to were her husband was as she cleaned the tears that drop from her wet eyes.

" Pls can you tell us where you saw him " The woman said in rush.

" Ma'am the last time, I could remember seeing him is beside the ocean "

" Pls can you lead us there... If we can see our son, we will surprise you with presents " Clark retorted.

" OK let me show you the way "

The figure led them towards the ocean sides as everywhere was crowded with people and noises filled the atmosphere. They got to the river bank and Lo and behold they saw a young blond and handsome boy, Standing at the river bank and his gaze were completely fixed on the ocean before him.

" Felix " The woman called out and ran towards her son with tears of happiness on seeing her little boy. The boy titled his gaze to the direction of his name...Smiles filled his face as he saw his mom running towards him. He quickly ran to her direction.

" Mooooomm "

" Felixxxxxx "

Both mom and son clashed together as they hugged themselves tight causing the father face to beam with smiles.

" Thank you Mr man "

" Sir you can call me Fred "

" Thank you Mr Fred, I made a promise and I will keep to it... Here is my card, Pls call me tomorrow " Mr Clark said shaking the figure hands and then hands over a card to the figure.

" Son....you are always addicted when it comes to the waters and that I don't understand " Mr Clark said shaking the head of the smiling boy and he carried him up.

" Guess what son?? "

" What "

" After we head home... We will be going to the sunny dale park "

" Thank you daddy "

Mr Clark kissed the fore head of his son and tucked 50 bucks into his sons pocket ( That's is how their life is...billionaire)

" Alicia " Mr Clark called out and his wife faced him with smiles crept in her face.

" Let's head home " Mr Clark said and they all went out of the beach avoiding the crowd from following them.

" Daddy, I wanna have a fish " The boy said smiling.

" Mr water addict... I will get you a golden fish " Mr Clark retorted playing with his son's nose.

" Hehehehe... Daddy is funny....thank you daddy "

" Don't thank me son... Thank your brother " Mr Clark replied entering his car and they all zoomed of to their house.

It was a long ride home... Both mother and son were already in deep sleep except Mr Clark who was wide awake riding his newly bought Lamborghini.

Hours later they arrived at the gate of their humble mansion, The building was completely build up in glass and the gate was very massive with securities everywhere. Mr Clark pressed the horn button, notifying them that he was already at the home and he was the one in the car.

The gate opened by itself as the guards were aware about their master entering and they all greeted and bowed before him no respect as he drove passed them into the gigantic compound filled with cars at the front and swimming pool at the back for each member of the family.

The sun shines brightly, birds chirp happily around, The garden leaves danced to the music of the warm wind, they all got down from the car as they approached the gigantic glass house. The father lifted his son on his shoulder.

" Guess what..... Daddy is at home " Mr Clark shouted immediately he entered the building.

" Daddy... Daddy....Momma.... Papa " A child voice could be heard from the stairs and a young boy emerged from it with smiles beaming on his face as he ran towards his Mom and dad in excitement.

" You guys should prepare... We are going to the park "

" Yehhhhhhhh " The children shouted in excitement.






The throne was empty but the sits of the councils were crowded with people on royal attire, the five princes could be seen on their princes sit while holding their tridents firmly. Mumure filled the air, The cold ocean was still as beautiful creatures roamed about including the atlanteans.

All the council held their tridents firmly, They all waited patiently for the reason of their summoning. The guards were on their duties post.

" My princes why are we summoned here " Euenor one of the council spoke out resulting the throne room to be calm.

" Silence....be patience " Triton answered and the crowd once again murmured.

" I called you all here because the war at hand is gonna be deadly " A voice rang out from a dark passage as prince Silas emerged from it with Gerome by his side. The ocean waves was calm while slight crack was seen on the crystal ground as a result of Silas trident stomping the ground.

" We need to prepare.... I had a vision about the war against the skibat " Silas added.

" And what may that vision be?? " Triton asked with a stern look while on his royal throne as the first son.

" We need to gather all the atlanteans together because the war is going to be tough "

" You are talking like the skibat's are strong enough to challenge our authority " Pelvis scoffed.

" Ignorance will be your doom...pelvis " Silas warned and that got pelvis more angry.

" What did you just say Silas?? " Pelvis asked in anger.

" Yes... I am warning you for the last time pelvis on less "

" Unless what Silas... Oh just because your mom is the guardian of the Astral, doesn't mean you have authority here " Pelvis veered as all the councils and the princes watched what displayed in front of them.

" ENOUGH " Belgaus yelled as it shook the palace to it hinges.

" Don't yell at me belgaus... You aren't my superior here " Pelvis retorted angrily and he charged at Silas launching an heavy lightening strike from his trident. Silas deflected the strike to the wall which broke into pieces as it collided with the lightening strike.

" Your anger is your downfall pelvis and your brutality is your worst nightmare " Triton stated and varnished, mysteriously appeared before pelvis as he unleashed a brutal punch at his chin which sents pelvis crashing.





Dark auras suppressed the atmosphere, the sky was completely red and dark flying creatures hovered around. The dew realm was filled with different kinds of deadly creatures roaming around.

The skibat kingdom was sighted as guards were alert looking around with their black wings sprouted out and the dark armour on.

Inside the kingdom gates was filled with enormous dark fairies known as the skibat's roaming around and minding their own businesses.Guards were alert and ready to kill any intruder.

Noises coming from the skibat 's filled the air, The kingdom palace was located at the middle of the kingdom. There was a barrier hindering any normal skibat from entering the palace.

The palace was heavily guarded by the warriors, Candles flickered around the throne room and a dark figure with wings was seen sitting on the throne with a dark glowing staff on his right hand.

" My lord, the ritual is soon ready " A voice spoke out and a figure emerge from a dark side bowing before the throne.

" Good... Now prepare the alaros weapons... Does weapons are effective towards the atlanteans in the battlefield "

" I will do just that my lord "

" don't you understand... You have the get the dark dagger of baigaki, using it to form the weapons... You dummy " The dark figure said sarcastically as his gaze held fury.

" Sorry my lord, please don't kill me " The figure begged in fear.

" I am not killing you, for now.... Get me the dark dagger " The dark figure ordered gnashing his teeth revealing his sharp fangs with blood stains on it.

" Jobo " The dark figure called out immediately the other figure ran out of the palace for his mission.

" Yes my lord " Jobo answered bowing down before him.

" Find me the ocean ring... It is going to be an essential weapon in defeating the atlanteans " The dark figure ordered.

" And where may that thing be my lord?? " Jobo asked still bowing down.

" You are an interesting guy..... Get your able warriors, you move to earth at once "