
Sacrifice and Salvation: A Love Beyond Time

The warrior, after a prolonged absence, finally returned to his home, unsure whether the deal he made had worked. His steps led him toward his house, and upon entering, he was relieved to find his wife still alive. It was evident that the deal had been successful. Without wasting a moment, he administered the potion obtained from the future, witnessing the miraculous recovery of his sick wife as the purple veins faded away, restoring her to normal.

As she opened her eyes, a mix of recognition and relief surfaced on her face. She reached out to the warrior's hand, expressing warmth and gratitude. "My love, how did you do this? How did you save my life once again?"

Confusion lingered in his wife's eyes, but tears welled up in the warrior's eyes as he tightly held her hand. The weight that burdened his heart for so long was replaced by profound joy and satisfaction. He realized that his love had triumphed over time and adversity.

Overwhelmed with emotions, the warrior whispered, "You are my light, the reason I fight. I traveled through time for your sake." They embraced tightly, reveling in the miracle that had transpired.

However, despite the joy of reuniting with his wife and curing her illness, the warrior couldn't shake off the emptiness within. The weight of past wars and sacrifices lingered heavily on his heart. He questioned whether he had truly achieved his goal or if there was something more he needed to do.

As he gazed into his wife's eyes, he saw a reflection of his own inner turmoil. She sensed that something troubled him, even though her illness had been cured. With a gentle touch, she inquired about the unrest in his soul.

"You seem happy, but there is still something that darkens your heart. What is it?"

Hesitating momentarily, the warrior took a deep breath and spoke honestly from his heart. He shared the stories of his wars, the lives lost, and the darkness he had faced, hoping that the turmoil within him could find resolution through the one who gave him reason.

His wife listened attentively, her eyes filled with compassion and understanding. She recognized the heavy burden her husband carried, one that couldn't be easily cast aside. They sat in quiet companionship, drawing comfort from each other's presence. Yet, his wife felt the need to address him decisively.

"Before I met you, I always saw your people as a rude group. But the first moment I met you, you proved to me that this was a lie. You were just a reserved and honorable man."

Throughout their conversation, the warrior's wife neither judged nor deceived him. Despite the dark acts he committed, she listened calmly, halting time like a compassionate force, understanding the need for resolution and change. She discerned the complexity of his reality, the harsh truth she acknowledged - that the man she loved was veering into the shadows once more, seeking salvation within the arms of deception.

Continuing her dialogue, the warrior's wife expressed her thoughts.

"That's the man I fell in love with. The one that tried for me, despite his own emotions, the one who knew he had a heart to love me. I loved a man who wasn't emotionless but strong. Are you sure you didn't lose your heart, my love? I don't want you to feel pain, but you act like you feel nothing at all. Like your heart doesn't hold any worth in the actions you do."

The warrior sank into darkness on his chair. The loss of his wife and her subsequent revival was crushing, but now he faced a different kind of defeat - a point of no return.

"What do you want me to do?" the warrior asked, his confusion and despair apparent.

His wife calmly accepted the reality he had faced, acknowledging his intentions and providing a clear response, "According to what you told me, you can reverse what you did. You can undo everything you did with all the people you affected. And you know how to do it."

The warrior grasped his wife's desire after a brief contemplation, but expressed his hesitance, claiming he could not undertake such a heavy responsibility. Tears welled up in his eyes as he continued to speak.

"I can't lose you again; you are the best thing that ever happened to me."

"Our love is mutual, my love, but the man I love is not a careless one. The man I love is a strong one, and he knows what to do most of the time. If you decide to leave all the people behind and choose me, then it will mean that I gave you nothing worthy to chase after. You know that in this life you sacrifice, I am not the one that should be living these moments. Every value that I taught you, just like you told me about every single person you met, is in them and the journey you went through. I already taught you and gave you what you need; now it is your turn to return me the favor and show me that you value the lessons. That you understand that this is the love that we were chasing for - the one that we can sacrifice for. Don't sacrifice this life of yours to show me that what we did was meaningless. Live it and prove to me that it was meaningful indeed."

The warrior nodded with watery eyes, and his wife gently touched his cheek, lifting his head and placing her forehead against his.

"My heart will always be with you, my love; just don't give up on being a good one."

The warrior kissed his wife's hand on his cheek and looked at her for the last time.