


Upon waking up I remembered all the stuff that happened yesterday. First things first in actually kinda happy I'm not the absolute strongest and that there are people who can challenge me, and secondly I really should meet the other gods when I'm at full power.

[do to rest in a peaceful bed all hp and mp restored]

Deciding to complete the dragonification I go to the place with a strong enemy to fight, the end. Now please understand that this dragon while physically weak can instantly destroy anything with it's fire breath Which is powered by the void itself not to mention it's Regen so teleporting to the end using my portal room I get there and see all the craziness so the first thing I do is go to the endermen and I start killing them to gain there form and also an enhanced teleportation from them, after that I ignore them and spot the ender dragon smaller then the others but more fierce and deadly. Hopping onto the towers one by one I send the end crystals to my inventory and looking back at the ender dragon just as it fires it's void breath, I jump to avoid it and land square on it's back wanting time I pull out my 10 free onmyoji talismans and activating the basic technique I send out swallow(the bird) whips, to distract it as I then use my skill to create pyres I lit them, then using sound magic to amplify my chant and make it be heard by all side of the field.

" ...On kirikushuchiribikiri tadanouun sarabashatorodashaya satanbayasatanbaya sohatasohatasowaka... Onshuchiri kyararoha unkensowaka..."

Repeating this chant 10 times the dragon suddenly stops then a beam of light flies down consuming it he wailed as he was losing his life and being purified. I ended the spell as it stopped breathing then I ran up and upon reaching it pried open it's chest, the inside was a dark mass of black muscle and purple blood, eating it's blackened heart and drinking its blood. Then traveling back to D&D I head for an semi strong target in the form of capnolithyl a vampiric smoke dragon and knowing that my next target will be cowardly I decided to make this loud so walking Infront of him I shouted, "great beast of night and death I challenge you to a duel". With my challenge issued he accepted and we fought me using massive amounts of water lightning and light. He was about half as strong as Bahamut but more difficult because he would turn into smoke during my attacks and Everytime I got a hit on the dragon he would regenerate using his smoke form. After 7 continuous hours I finally found out how to beat him though, I had to flood his wounds with light and water to keep him from regenerating so after 2 more hours I had him on the brink before I suddenly felt my body burning thinking through all the possibilities I realize what's happening so I activate my blood control and start to slow down my blood while cooling it. Hating that he tried to boil my blood in the cowards way out, I went up and with my full strength ripped off his horns just because, then I dug through his body and pulled out his heart but I didn't eat it I stored it in my inventory. Then I went to the mk world right after shao khan killed Onaga and acting like a servant I started to pull away the carcass eating it's heart and blood after ridding it of poison. After that kill I went to the real of oni and dragon and found the yin-yang dragon and I killed him too with a simple slice of tensiega because it was designed to destroy balance by bringing the dead back to life I ate his heart and his blood.

96/100 dragonification

with that done I finally decide to visit charmed and so going there I check the timeline and realize I'm already at the point where Gavin convinced Macy to let him go on the trip, I teleport there and tell them not to before deciding to cure parker, so I teleport to his house, knock him out and take him into my private house I set up my machine that balances and purifies blood doing so I see his new form, Lucifer from Lucifer, but younger. Completing the last reason I was in charmed I decided to take him home, I went to defeat my last three kills going to the highschool DXD world in the past I first went to fafnir the gigantic dragon and stabbed him in the heart as he slept him being a highly poisonous dragon and grabbed his heart going to Vritra the prison dimension dragon not wasting time I enter into his dimension escaping my cell in his body I wander the hall, pinging the walls I finally get to the center of his chest his heart and I eat it. Deciding on the final dragon/////


Picking Alduin the world eater from the elder scrolls I travelled to that world when I entered we were already at the mouth of the world I equiped my blades and summoning my ten shikigami swallows I had them distract him while I summoned my entire familiar army. "CHARGE" with that are battle commenced it was the largest one I've had so far after waves of dragons, I finally got the bastard down to half health so using my remaining man I started the best technique for the situation I can currently use, grabbing some nearby salt and rocks I form a bamboo cage from my magic and place the inside, I have my swallows shred themselves and scatter around him then I start my chant, "By the green of these bamboo leaves, with their withering, the withering of the green! And with the ebb and flow of these tides, ebb and flow! And with the sinking of these rocks, be engulfed!" Using this Alduin was sucked into the cage which was then closed and blocked, keeping up the spell for two hours I then released it and watched as a bleeding corpse was dropped out of the cage eating the heart I decide to leave him there. After that close encounter I go to the strike the blood verse to gain my next attribute before becoming a true dragon seeing the situation with avrora and koujou I hop down and grab the crossbow bolt, why don't we not as I run up to koujou and knocked him out avrora hear me out, this is one timeline of many and in this koujou is destined to become evil, killing you hurts him so badly he becomes schizophrenic and kill half the city in his rampage, please let me kill you and I swear I will leave this world, using my magic to make her more comfortable she agrees, right after I kill her I go to my house and using 200 system point I expand the blood machine as I enter I slightly start to panic before I come to the realization that there is nothing to worry about, that this was my destiny. so taking out the last dragon heart I devour it.

[]congratulations user/ you have completed the hidden quest :how to drag on:

rewards: dragon form, dragon slayer skills, 4 gacha tickets, soul eating, 500sys p[]

dragonification 100/100 begin yes/no

I click yes just as I start the blood mixer and purifier./////// TIMESKIP/////////////////////////

waking up I ask the system how long I have been sleeping for [500 years and 9 months]. hearing this I am surprised. Tiamat why did it take so long, [Quite simple Vlad I had to calculate your ever changing stats, and your body had to adapt to every new variation in it's coding that alone took 100 years then we kept you in physical stasis for the rest of the procedure so your mind could disperse the excess pain from your procedure, why don't you check your status for new updates.]




$500 gold dm, $1000 silver dm

# alectos whip

# 3×Minotaur horn

# 8 gacha coin

#290 blank human souls, 50 Warrior souls

# tensiega, omnia vera potentia.

#blood balancer and purifier.

#400 wizarding wands, 100 staffs 30 rings.

#100 thestral wings, 20 unicorn horns, 10 dementor cloaks, basilisk carcass, etc

# 100 dragon corpses, 100 dragon souls

#10 reusable swallow whip talismans

{name:Vlad.D. Raizel Jackson odinson}

(elder realm dragon, heavenly kitsune,

void Dai- inu taisho )

{level: 635 ) depends on class

{titles: The son of Poseidon, monsters bane, fate maker, world traveler, heartbreaker, calamity, deity, and world killer, young onmyoji.

{class:berserker max, phonomancy max,

demonology max, tamer max, druid max, onmyoji lv-30

{subclass:blacksmith 50, runesmith 50, linguist 50,calligraphy 50, astronomy 5 .)

{health:65,000/65,000}20^s Rg


{mana 1,000,000/1,000,000} 1000^s Rg[]

unlocked is 900000000000/90000000000000

strength- 1100








sp- 100

sys p- 10,300

{bio- reincarnated son of Sally and Poseidon

and twin of Percy Jackson being gifted. Then blessed on his mother's side of the family being a weak bloodline of fox demon wolf hybrids.


gamer's body&mind- life as a game, can heal by good sleep In a bed and are immune to most emotions and mental status effects, no mind control.

observe- max- allows analysis of reality.

lD create/destroy- can be used to traverse into alternate realities normally inaccessible for you.

monster shape shifting- max -you can gain the power and abilities of monsters and animals you kill. "human/fury/minotaurs/zombie/medusa/demon wolf/ full-blooded kitsune/chimera/hydra/earthworm/ soul/sharks/draguar/ world serpent/acromantula/thestral/unicorn/contract imp demon/basilisk/dementor/enderman/ etc.

whip mastery- max- the ability to use whip-like weapons.

osmium adaption-max- the ability to convert a touched metal into the body and use its traits.

music proficiency- max- the ability to use any instrument and sing any song with a perfect match or better tune((doesn't count magic))

MAGIC SONG MAX- allows magical singing.

water stream rock smashing fist- max- a skill that allows you to focus on multiple enemies, redirection of attacks, painful counterattacks.

elemental control-max- already have some experience this allows you to control manipulate and borrow elemental powers.

senbonsakura-max- allows you to produce a max of 500 bladed petals that you can control.

shock absorption-max- allows you to absorb vibrations from anywhere that can weaken the opponent or give you massive strength output.

berserker skill set= heavy weapon welding, osmosium adaption, damage reflection, magic resistance, elemental resistance, final breath, war cry, dragon rage.

phonomancy skill set= sound creation, amplification, song buff, song debuff, rupture, magically embued song, connection, sound history transfer, song contract.

blacksmith skill set= craft, divine craft, smelt, forge, identify, metal working, soul forging.

rune Smith= rune craft, appraisal, Omnilingual, engraving, rune disruption.

demonology : ritual, summons, possession, hellblaze, control, making, spirit control, spirit torture, soul eat, health funnel, necrotic touch, contract.

tamer : tame, feed, summon, breed, empower, enslavement, reserect, true reserect contract.

druid : archery max, elemental arrows max, bow mastery max, elemental summon, forest control, natures embrace, natural disaster, animal summon.

linguist: know every language

calligraphy: writing 100, magic writing, chant writing, air writing.

astronomy: channeling, auto positioning,

onmyodo: talisman, basic spells, spellcraft, barrier, high level onmyoji etc.

void Dai Inu-taisho racial skills- wolf form, void wolf form, demon mode, void projection, void wolf summon, blood claws.

heavenly kitsune racial skills- possession, generating, absorbing elements, willful manifestation in dreams, flight, invisibility, the creation of illusions indistinguishable from reality, bend space, drive people mad.

elder dragon racial skills-_- through gaining the form of an elder dragon you have gained the realm dragon form having a biological connection to the realms void, nether, earth, solar,outworld edenia, tenkai, celestial, cursed realm. granting you gifts for each form and different forms for the realm you channel.

understanding that I was strong I checked and I activate my hub which shows my health, mana, map, And it gained a three sides circle with a human, demi dragon and full dragon surrounded by the realms.

using my 8 gacha tickets I see what I get.

(I actually put results in a gacha machine and spun).

* zanpakto(unconnected)

*sacred treasure chastifoel

*rietsu unlock

*onmyoji outfit

*reaper wings

* hakai


*ll carro gravity, la Luna memory, la morte sleep.

Gaining my abilities I got exited with my now op abilities deciding to progress my timeline, I first checked all my wings and deployed them my first pair were a sat of bright red bat wings then I had a set of patchy black leather wings after that I had a double set of shimmering multicolor dragon wings, then finally I had a large set of bone wings right below that. putting them away for now I call upon my tails and I see a set of 18 tails come out 9 fox tails and 9 wolf ones, putting them away I unlock the Percy Jackson timeline and enter back in at the time I left, going to the edge of the north woods were I knew was protected from harm and so building a deep trench using my earth manipulation I then expanded the room fully making it 100 yards in all directions, where I then set it up as a 1 by 1 house system with a large building in the front which I would use for meetings. Then using my talismans and runes I fortified the walls until it was all well defended. Since we still had a long time till the main plot of the next movie I decided to move to the Witcher world wandering around I came upon various monsters like the kikimora, striga, bruxa, lechen

the lechen was probably my best fight because we spent a majority fighting for the forest, I finally won the battle of will and control before burning it alive. During my travels killing them all understanding I have four months till I could start my good plan I shift plains to go to the magi universe going to the dark continent I find the fanalis and using la morte I put them all to sleep this took a lot of force, but I found the weakest and killed him taking his form, then shifting to the next world I came upon twilight, now I'm not gonna lie I hate this universe so finding there main cast I lift them of the planet and hakai it them I change there memory and send them to the moon after fixing the oxygen problem. going to the Ben 10 universe I absorb an Anodite to gain its form, then going to sleep in the witcher I scrolled through my new forms.

kikimora,striga,bruxa,lechen,anodite, mineral vampire, wolf shifter, gifted, fanalis -red lion.

Waking up 2 months later I started my travels and I found an extremely weird creature, the Witcher version of a nuckalavee. It was a large man atop a large horse but they were one, fused together at the man's hip with extremely along arms and no skin, pulsing yellow veins of black blood. Using observe

[]mutant nuckalavee[]

born from striga who made it to adulthood these creatures are made by an adult unmutated striga who drowned on a horse.

poisonous, fire, plague, curse, demonic. []

Understanding it would be best to take it out before anyone kills it I used my swallow whips to contain it and trying to test something, I open it's status and try to hakai a stat, actually succeeding I managed to take out it's speed and poisonous trait, so letting go it just stands there while roaring and it's leg muscles spasming, keeping this as a reminder I grabbed all true power my sword and decapitated it in a single swing were I then took all the elements from it's body watching it decay into ash.Going to kaer morhen when I realize it's going to happen soon, I get there to witness the Witcher all trying to call out to ciri then as she screams I send out a weak mental message to geralt telling him to say a couple meaningless words and call out my name.

pov switch geralt.

As Ciri started screaming I was going to say fight it before I got sent a message ignoring it for now. Ciri summoning the basilisk geralt feels helpless before remembering the messages he got, screaming the chant twice nothing happens, as the demon went to mock him a small rumble was felt.

pov change original.

hearing him say the chant I send out a small rumble and after a second I walk to the doors and kick them open full force, "someone call for me", I could tell they were surprised to see me after all I do look only 15 now, "come now son don't tell me you forgot about your old man". As touching as this reunion is I have things to do and so sending out her to basilisk I flashed forward and cut of both there heads. don't test me demon, "we are trying to save the girl she is being possessed by a demon", knowing this I told them to back up, sending out to swallow whips I have them bind her while I grab out a price of paper cut it into ten section's and she summoned the final basilisk so feeling annoyed I told the boys to team up on the last one writing the seas and there gods on all the paper I told them to back up as I had the papers form two basic formations at ciri's feet then I started saying the chant.

"God of the east sea, Amei. God of the west sea, Shukuryou. God of the south sea, Kyojou. God of the north sea, Gukyou. Gods of the seven seas, fend off a hundred demons and drive back the fierce disaster. - Order!"

repeating this chant twice I form two multicolored pentagrams over and under her them bringing them together at her center I purge all the evil spirits and the demon from her body, sealing the demon in a vacuum. She dropped to the ground right as the men finished in killing the basilisk. Right then "great job boys you did great for your age". They and the now awake ciri looked at me confused "but you only look a couple years older then me- ciri". Looks can be deceiving after all I'm technically all your parents considering I made this world and everything on it, I said deciding to play with them, I am a realm dragon and I made this realm using a bit of chaos Which is simply my energy. "anyway I have a proposal for everyone here, I would like to take you to my home and give you new monsters to fight and a better home for rest". well if it gets us away from these crazy magicians and back to safety I agree. and so I took all the remaining witchers to my newly created home filling it with lightbulbs and attaching it toy energy. Y'all take a button I said as I made a button for all the witchers and ciri, leaving to find more followers as I have now finally established a baseline I go on a journey across a couple smaller worlds. I may have forgotten to say this but the gods also said I had to present my current soldiers to them 6 months after they allowed me to have them. So going to a well known fighting area in the baki world, I said to all of them those who want to fight in a different world follow and I got the strongest couple of people which are kaku kaioh, baki Hanna, Yujiro hanma. moving on I sent them to the base to get accounted with the others before moving on to other worlds I have gained several strong allies, the total list is

witchers group, yujiro, baki, kaku, Harutora, Touji, reiji, ryner, ferris, sinbad, masrur, yuu, hyakimaru, asta, legoshi, and last for now is also Ikki kurogane. then portaling myself to the room I give the now informed group all a button and tell them that in a month I will assemble them into the hall. so with that we spend the last month just chilling, bonding and sparing with me increasing the gravity on them several times, also giving ryner a couple spells like how to make food and such, before I am called to Olympus to show of the current men I have collected to my cause so pressing the badge I wait one minute. "well punk you gonna keep us waiting or what" said ares. one minute you idiot and so checking and realizing my group were all in the dinner hall. I iris messeges the hall on to a large wall, the gods look kinda impressed with my group as they are are all standing at attention with a slight head bow, Yujiro at the front. This is my current people sirs, all highly skilled at what they do a majority are fighters right now but I plan to add more diversity later.i got several comments like "so many men, so musculer, they must eat lots of cereal" and other good ones before Artemis comes along to interrupt my good mood this was supposed to be an all guy group like mine is all girls so I demand that those girls are apprehended and brought here and join my group. Ignoring her but acknowledging her point "Ciri and ferris come to the front, as you can see Ciri is currently training to be like the men on the back a Witcher because her mother was a battle queen while ferris on the other hand is here because she is not only a brilliant swordsmen but was assigned to watch over the best magician aka best prisoner ryner". why did you let prisoners join your group. because ryner didint deserve his treatment he was working in the fields when one day his group was attacked he lost control and killed everyone at the site except one girl, this happened because he was a part of an entity the lonely demon his old friend was the demon and he was the lonely so he lost control whenever he was anxious about being lonely. The rest of that meeting went really well s I decided to access the enhanced next world.