
lucifer and China

upon reaching Los Vegas I then was accosted by several people which I recognized from my favorite show most of the Lucifer cast with me being able to tell that amenadiel was the new god, and Rory was here, chloe and Lucifer weren't but all the other angels were. "who are you " Rory asked. "That is quite simple I am your future friend, they call me Vlad, some also call me master, but you can call me vlad". why would we ever be friends and how would you know that. "Quite simple I can glimpse and move around the future dear, as proof that I am celestial in nature I will give you any wish literally anything big small doesn't matter any wish you could possibly want I will grant and if you want to test the truth say test before your request". "alright then, test- I want a box of every flavor donuts with all the ice cream flavors on top". Conjuring up her exact request took me a second but I finally got it down and Infront of us a box of every flavor donuts appear along with ice cream toppings, "let's go on what do you truly desire". I saw her actually smirk at me before she looked down saddened at me, could you bring back my mother, "I'm probably gonna regret this bring me Lucifer and please bring the soul of Chloe decker with you along with her body and I will work my magic". Upon them bringing me the body I got to work making it younger and healing it of all wounds, injuries and illnesses. a couple seconds later Lucifer shows up with a clear person but seeable figure, I tell him to bring her and checking her soul seeing no damage I used my demonology and my necromancy to slowly fuse the soul into the body, and she woke up. "there you go the living form of your mother". Seeing her up I backed up because of the rush to get to her to give her hugs. Suddenly I looked around and sensing something and checking my area I noticed Trixie pop up, looking towards her mother she said "mom" and upon Chloe's confirmation, she rushed towards her and threw up a big up for her, she asked how this was possible so Chloe pointed at me. they got scared when she looked at me and threw up thankfully I burned it and purified the air quickly, upon checking I realized my massive mana was to much for her and condensed it before turning it unsensable, she looked toward me Mildly frightened before I asked to meet someone, Jesus Christ himself for a question, upon the granting of this I was brought toa man who was bleeding constantly he looked fine otherwise with white hair and bright green eyes, he was just chilling on his bed, I knelt before him and deciding to finish this I asked for his blessing, he looked at me funny I realized he was gods son with what happened next.

[]quest: gain my blessing

in a play for more power you have officially requested a blessing from Jesus Christ himself so complete his task and hope.

* heal a blind man with faith

* kill the leviathan

* kill the behemoth

* purify the tarasque

*collect the breath of behemoth

*be crucified for one week

*take on the crown

rewards: Jesus blessing, stigmata, holy right, true judgment, Longinus.[]

Knowing that these would be a bit more tedious then all my other quest I focused on the simpler ones first so transitioning down back onto earth I got to the hospital wards and started from floor one, activating my wakfu sense I tuned it to slivers of siphoning energy. Hello Mr what is your name, it's Carter young man why do you ask, because I would like to grant a miracle upon you for your faith in the Lord and saviour Jesus Christ do I have permission. Seeing his inquisitive nod I focused upon his lungs where he had a build up of mucous that hardens in his lung which made it impossible for his right lung to function so putting my hand on his chest I offered him my prayer and slowly burnt his problem while freeing his airways also making it painless I cured my first person, and so repeating this process with everyone in the small hospital I got to the last person in the hospital who was blind, "please speak to me child I want to know what troubles you at such trying times for your age". well sir that is because I am a blind person and have quite abit of trouble praying to God since he could do this to me, and many others around the world, seeing him like this I couldn't help it and using multiple skill I opened his eyes and praying to enripsa I asked for temporary faithful healing, suddenly I could feel the hope and true faith of Jesus In everyone I saved so grabbing at it I ran my hands over the blind child's eyes and focusing on the faith I further enhanced his eyes, made him more used to pain and I gave him hope, this child is why we believe in God and Jesus, we interpret him as mean but so do we have potential for cruelty what matters is to never give into weakness. Leaving him to his thoughts I sought out the great leviathan and upon reaching the edge of the underworld there I saw it, quite larger than most monsters it was reptilian and snake like with a huge maw several rows of sharp teeth, I could see it slowly edging towards the underworld so I spoke to it in parseltounge from Harry Potter world, "great beast I challenge you to a battle, if you win you may eat me but if I win you will be my beast and shall work for me". "since you speak in the snake language I accept your challenge a duel to submission". And so with that are battle commenced with it shooting a large spray of deadly flames from it's mouth and me responding by jumping up over it and transforming into my dragon form, so heading to it I used my claws to grab it's head holding it in place to bite, so backing up because he went for a slash at my stomach I shot a gout of hellfire at it which was countered by it shooting a heavy dose of water at it, it then went for a dive rearing back as it got my shoulder I then punted it's face with my back leg using a bit of flexibility. knowing that it is defeated in smaller way I started to make a blast of holy lightning in my mouth which upon charging I shot into it's eye, upon losing it's eye I grabbed out chastifoel used it's third form multiply and used senbonsakura on all the pieces getting basically and endless amount of blades petals came flying into the leviathan cutting slightly but at the same time holding it in place, I then turned back into my human form I stated spinning before adding alot of violent elements to coat my body, using things like poison, holy fire, light, black lightning, pure corruption, lava, boiling water. mixing together without losing its properties was difficult but just as it decided to shoot fire to me I spun like a bullet, adding in a sonic boom to my power counting it in cursed realm energy I finally pierced through its left wing attachment going through his flames, "submit now beast I have defeated you in battle so you must now submit". "yes my Lord", and so like that I defeated the leviathan and healed him up before putting him inside my eye my left pupil taking on the form and color of the leviathan. moving into my next assignment I came upon the behemoth so going to it I proclaimed the same challenge and we decided to fight, so taking the gigantic multi figure creature and deciding I go with plan a, first burning down the hay bale he stands upon grazing the size of several mountains he himself is the size of one mountain like mount everest, he breathes and suddenly all the remaining hay starts to rapidly decay along with the earth so checking my starts I realize he is decaying my life force so charging towards I blast into his jaw making it snap shut, before grabbing chastifoel using first form sunflower I blast a beam of concentrated sunlight at it burning though some of its incredibly thick skin, so making it continue I decided to grab out tensaiga healing myself with it's ability to kill demons and death. healing myself up to full, I leap to the side unprepared for when the behemoth took a bite of my hand and got of my fingers so getting enraged I grabbed all true power my blade that I made and hoped on it's back starting to carve ruins onto his back also imbuing them with light and poison element to stop his healing so getting faster and faster I finally got all the ruins onto his body and started my chant for coycotus which I then finished before activating it and freezing the beast in a matter of moments were I then used ouroburus and the whole mountain we were on just became covered in water I used all of the endless supply of water to wrap around him and permanently restrain his movement, burning for two days the ice finally melted enough for the beast to submit to me so using the spell I formed I pushed the entire behemoth into my eye after collecting his breath. Flying into the mortal forest I decided to beat my final beast for today so going to the tarasque I just covered it in light and then started to immolate it so the job was finished I then dowsed the place in holy water, walking to the nearest village I found ever corrupt person and brought them forward then I killed them all. "I work in the name of jesus", "you work for Jesus do ya then you can die like him to". so the people crucified me on the cross and left me there, it was three weeks before they remembered me so forgiving them for there stupidity the put the thorned crown upon my head and watching as my blood spilled the land I willed young bloodhounds to form out of my blood and closed my eyes waking up at night surrounded by my hounds I escaped of the cross and put a solid illusion up there. So getting to Jesus tomorrow I told him I completed his task and gave him the behemoths breath. [congratulations you have completed gods holy mission].

[]rewards: Jesus blessing, stigmata, holy right, true judgment, Longinus.[]

so taking off the thorned crown, I watched as it healed over before all of his stigmata formed on me including the thorned crown, the spiked marks on my hands and feet, and what looked. to be whip lashing on my back, each one had an ability so that was cool, Longinus appeared in my inventory, I realized now that my manipulation over holy power increased and that I could control holy beings to a certain extent, ]true judgment- allows you to judge the worth of someone's entire being from birth[. so feeling satisfied I went to RWBY and started adding geist in-between my 72 demons and then the were circled by the apathy and those were circled by nevermore. going next I go to the china of the mortal world and find the qilin or kirin by moving to storm mountains and each time I found one we would race with me slowly winning more races gaining my right arm a full group of kirin lightning beast that were extremely strong, next I go to my original world realizing that I have been gone long and it was almost time, so approaching my base in my more human form having only

caramel skin, blue faded green eyes surrounded by a rim of blood red, my hair was back to a silver and black braid help wrapped with some of my red hair, I stood at 7 ft tall, I was techniqally 515 years old but in this world I am 15 gonna turn sixteen soon. I also have my tattoos and markings currently I have the multicolored wolves on my left leg running up and crisscrossing the multicolored foxes on my right leg stoped above my pelvis by a lion turtle tattoo belt, I also had vaatu and Raava entangled by the tree of time, with the center of my back having a 72 spaced grid for the demonic familiars, in-between the grid was geist from RWBY the whole grid was circled by apathy's and nevermore's my right arm had a group of kirin beast twisting around it stopped at my neck.

activating my sensory and sound skills I realized that the crew was fighting Hyperion but there was more soldiers than in the show so I rush over to the park and see then fighting I grab the water and send out a wave towards the monsters trapping them inside I then crush them just as Percy defeated Hyperion and grover traps him in a tree. satisfied I walked up to him, brother it's such a pleasure to see you it's been so long, "yes indeed bro how are you were you been, we are in a war now so im glad to see you but we have alot to talk about like them cool tattoos." Agreeing with Percy I decided to get this whole war done with abit sooner so after saying I'll see you later I grabbed out some poison foxes and having them go out they poisoned most of Kronos annoying army leaving most of them poisoned they all returned to me and I had them retreat back in to my arm, the next week we're a series of small skirmishes before suddenly we were surrounded by there army Infront of the empire state building and thankfully I had time to plan the safety of my charges thanks to Clarisse going round on her chariot with the drakon corpse, I get for the poisoned soldiers and suddenly increased the poison's lethality suddenly half there army died just as hades army rises from the ground before are armies charge at each other during the fight I notice Kronos/Luke slip away so I flew up to Olympus and put a strong barrier around Hestia's health and the goddess herself through the hearth. before I turned invisible and accessed dad's throne I got to it and we had a conversation, "don't argue help the gods seal Typhon in Tartarus through the ocean then have them drive back uncle oceanus army from your main part of the ocean than help us defeat are guys up here then those of us strong enough can go back to defeat your remaining army problems". he nods as I get of the throne and set myself high up on the roof just as Kronos comes in he can't really get to the hearth so he gos for Aphrodite's throne before moving onto Artemis by the time our group gets there Artemis, Aphrodite, Athena, and ares throne are torn up they battle like in the books, and then after they finish before Percy can finish luke I get out tensaiga and sperate there souls truly killing Kronos soul while Luke ended himself, just as the gods flash in, dad gives a smile and thumbs up before we all went back down to finish the remaining army, and after that we had the award ceremony the only difference was my wish Which was to actually bring the good bad species to Olympus and also making sure that they do honor every promise the make on the Styx situated with an oath to chaos. and so finally done with this part of the series.


we were in taurtarus and deciding to help them I went along with them and killed alot of the curses for the actually stringing them together into a super shrunk wrist tattoo. And just helping them in small ways at least until we got to the doors of death were I silently forced them into the elevator with a small group of 4 dracnae as they were carried up but before they could start the next group I actually had a part in killing most of this army and freeing the doors of death just as damasen came up on his draken and feeling slightly rude I took a vial of blood from Harry Potter world and used it to stimulate my 4th progenitor vampire abilities were I then used one of my greatest abilities the water spirit of white steel to erase the concept of life from Tartarus therefore keeping it in place but now it is a dead space and the entity himself is just as dead so now having killed Tartarus I teleport to the main world as the fought the sniffing giant, when everyone seemed defeated I put them to sleep using my sleeping powder from a druid skill and then used the serpentine dragon of mercury where I then had it eat the giant killing him forever, I them woke up the gang including Hecate and gave them a review of what all just happened, we took the ship to Greece well just like in the books we got caught thought we were saved and everything before Percy nosebleed awoke Gaia secretly using the skill la morte I put her into such a deep sleep she basically died. but was still alive barely. so after that the gods came down and we fought as a unit I'm standing in the middle using blades of water and shooting through my enemies including the Giants and before long we were done so taking the chariots back to camp we saw the armies about to charge but shooting down I straight up killed everyone in the monster part of the army using blood manipulation and freezing all there blood then we dropped the Athena parthenos on the center of camp and happily they stop fighting "Romans Greeks there is no need to fight we have discovered the Athena Parthenon a monster stole it so Greeks toughen up weaklings and Romans the man who fired on you camp was literally possessed by an eidolon so completely accidental does anyone not agree with my statement", I thought I got through but then Octavian had to open his mouth "you lie Greeks cannot be trus_$+_($", he tried to say before I took his head of with my fist. anyone else disagree with my choice. seeing no disagreements I made the statement, first of all we will be building a camp for geeks and Romans I don't care were but it will be for everyone, and so understanding this they nod. alright then goodbye have a nice day, grew wings and flew my happy ass to Olympus were we had another award ceremony and when they offered everyone immortality I took the form were I can still die in battle but not age or natural sickness. so finally moving on from this world I moved to Egypt literally wanting one thing I flew far and fast until I reached the sun boat of ra and seeing aphophis I simply used my arcana of la carro to alter his memory into being my pet and so I stuck his body onto my other arm and now I almost had my full body tattoo so I left not caring much for this reality then I went to bed waking up in a void and realizing we're I was I turned around and met not just Cthulhu but also a red being with large horns. "hello Vlad I must say you've been quite entertaining, but my brother has something to tell you". "Well Vlad what I wanted to say to you is that first I. the scarlet king not that you haven't heard or seen of me somewhere and because of not only your chaos but because of Cthulhu my sister bringing you back and you gaining the fo of monsters, I'm gonna simplify this, you are now basically my son and I want you to go to my universe and help out either your siblings or the humans because I no longer have an interest in that world to boring if I had to say anything specifically about it, I don't care what you do just end the battling". Agreeing with his word I chose the world not many can function on, the SCP universe and then knowing they would find me if I started a small commotion I simply summoned one fire dire wolf and made him do tricks and other moves before a green and a pink substance were sprayed on us the crowd dispersed and we were surrounded by a group with guns, come with us sir and bring your dog, so drawing him back into my leg I willingly got into there vehicle and we started on the path to a facility. upon reaching the facility I was put into a chamber with some form of bodysuit waiting for a minute I saw a professional doctor or professor come in. hello sir we have question to ask you, what are you and what is your purpose here. "Easy enough I told him I plan to meet some of my siblings and then end this ongoing battle". 20 questions later and I'm being walked to the plague doctor first and upon reaching us he looks at me and get mildy angry before he tries to reach for me so coating my body in thin ice he touched me not to any effect, hello brother you are so sorry to mistaken me, I have the pestilence but I will still kill you, letting then bring some important members of high security onto board I simply told him that he cannot cure the pestilence. "what is the pestilence sir we have not learned through that yet". simply telling them it was the soul of beings anything with a soul would be targeted so them finally understanding this I take his trait to take on anomalous traits and move on the the hard to destroy reptile, simply coating him in malicious energy he calmed down and I told him to tell me all his thought and by the end I deemed him not a worthy companion so I took his anomalous regeneration added it to my mostly mortal self, and then I sacrificed him to the Shinto blood god jashin anyways I moved onto the next person the little girl and I placed her in a magically cute awesome space where I store my familiars just in case I couldn't hold myself I plan to make her a test of mental fortitude so going to the last things on my list because this was a temporary visit so I head to all the evil or bad scps and I kill them and let humans reign while I go to an alternate universe were a piece of sand is missing and I do the opposite killing all the humans here and taking out the plague doctor infact I actually go everywhere in this universe and kill all the plague doctors. moving on I turn on my seal and place my abilities to normal human levels, teleporting into the world of bleach and reverting my physical age I set myself next to Ichigo deciding to change masaki and everyone's memory's so that I would be Ichigo's twin and making it to were they thought I was born with all the tattoos and a skin disease that changed my color into caramel, along with giving me my unique hair and body style. taking a bit of Ichigo's setup I changed my still very human if not slightly tougher soul to be like Ichigo having me be a tribrid like him but also being similar to komamamura in that I am a hollow,Quincy,shinigami hybrid but my soul form also has wings. next realizing I had maxed my class and was stacking xp so picking my next class I picked two main and a subclass.

[main class: sin manipulator can control the spectrum of sin and it's affect on you or other people]

[main class: virtue manipulator can control the effect of virtue and the amount of it used by you or others]

[sub class: balancer allows you to balance minor forces of people]

using the sin manipulation I was granted I decreased mine and Ichigo's hollows gluttony.


It has been 9 years since I set myself to be on the bleach universe plane and I finally maxed out all three classes deciding these would be my last ones for awhile I picked the chi manipulation class and stopped, anyways as Ichigo's different identical twin, mom just decided that we should go for a walk and so we went to the park and played around with a couple other kids and on the way back it started raining, seeing Ichigo go running into the riverbank to help a girl I increased the virtue of love and decreased the sin of gluttony envy wrath and everything else, so for about two minutes this place was the best place in the world to be. And then using my other discreet skill I used demonology to devour the hollow from this distance and Ichigo seeing no problem or girl came back up so we grabbed mom's hand but all the sudden mom gasped and almost fell so me and Ichigo used all are tiny strength me moreso used alot of strength and dragged her back home, the next morning mom woke up so I said "how you feeling mom you passed out", "I'm feeling great Vlad did you carry me home", "me and Ichigo both did mommy, your super light as a feather". and continuing, soon the rest of the family showed up including goat ishin, loving Karin, and young yuzu, before Ichigo ran in and jumped on masaki, after a tearful reunion between bro and mom I overheard mom and dad talking in the living room one night about the hollow and other truths and I stepped out after ma said the king performed Auswählen, and said, "mama is this a bad man" she said yes startled and I asked for training after she used spiritual pressure on me to see if I can handle it she decided to train me so I tell them to follow me and I move the rug which was never moved and surprise there it was a tunnel leading to a secret training are that I made look like a stripped dig project and so telling them I stumbled upon this a couple weeks ago I saw father leave the house after setting up a ton of different barriers which were actually pretty strong, as masaki was grabbing something, she handed me a blank silver cross that she said was her grandfather's and started explaining rietsu and reishi and such to me along with all the races.

"Reiryoku is the amount of energy a being has stored within their body or soul, whereas Reiatsu is the pressure that a person's Reiryoku exerts. In other words, Reiryoku is potential while Reiatsu is energy in use and can be sensed by other spiritually aware beings." "then we have the racial and these are all the different types of people the include the soul reapers- a race of being like your father who use sword and kido or spirit techniques to purify souls, quincy- are being who use natural rietsu to kill hollows and destroy spirits like me, hollows- are beings who gain strength through the devouring if souls they are what tried to kill you and me and ichigo yesterday". Today I want you to focus on pulling out and using some Reiatsu, so she sat down in her black leather pants and watched me, on my end I focused inside and dug past the flesh, past the thought, past the wakfu, past the chi, past the mana, past my familiar bonds, straight to my soul and I concentrated, feeling a spark I pulled and poured gasoline on it, and hearing mom gasp I am coated in a large blue, green, red, black film of energy, so focusing hard I pulled it back into my body before panting hard, this exercise being harsh on my 9 year old sealed body. Then dad finally comes back just as mom starts instructing me on how to pull reishi out of the air and manipulate it, finally getting one pull on it I formed an arrow of blue rishi before I start to pass out seeing he also brought some blank swords with him. Waking up alone in the morning I grabbed my Quincy cross and started to pour my reiatsu into the cross it started mutating until it was slightly larger with it shaped like a European sword it was completely black with a golden dragon coiling up to the tip, across the sword guard were three green glowing gems it was decorated by red roses and white thorns and there was an eye on the back that glowed orange, as I was studying the chain that tied itself around my arm, mom and dad came in for there checkup on me and saw the wicked Quincy cross my mom after a little surprise got super exited, "oh my little genius you are so skilled, great job this will decrease your training time by quite a bit, not to say you should ever stop training, as that is how you get better". After that dad brought me back to the underground area, after some thorough instruction he through a blank training sword and so I using my started battling skills to fight dad and we fought for quite a bit, afterwords he showed me some hand signs and told me to copy from him so we started me coping everything before we used kido#1 mine was smaller but more focused than his then he took the weapons placed them on the sides and gave me a barehanded come hither motion and I got into an actually good stance not really practicing my hand to hand combat in a while we spared for a little before he flipped me over and I was to tired to counter so grabbing masaki or mom they then sat down to start talking upon stopping they looked at me, alright pretty good for a child they said so right now your about trainee level in all your skills except for zanjutsu which is unseated member and your hakuda is above average level so from today on we have a training schedule planned out for you so here are the baseline schedule which will change as you grow.

()training regime for family()

wake up

5mile run

30 pushups


50 jumping jacks





(()Quincy powers))(

having a set training regime I practiced over and over again training everyday and a week later I was able to actually finish this routine and then I had to keep going until my body was used to the feeling and such, they said they didn't want to train my soul until I was older and more experienced, I accepted and then I had to ask the system about something which was what I will look like in my soul form [ well you will look 18 but you will keep a pair of dragon wings, these results would be different if you went in depth with your true necromancy so be happy]. Hearing this I was thankful that I wouldn't have to explain to my parents any weird things. So understanding my next couple of years I lept into training.


{name:Vlad.D. Raizel Jackson odinson}

(elder realm dragon, heavenly kitsune,

void Dai- inu taisho )

{level: 803 ) depends on classes

{titles: The son of Poseidon, monsters bane, fate maker, world traveler, heartbreaker, calamity, deity, and world killer, onmyoji.

{class:berserker max, phonomancy max,

demonology max, tamer max, druid max, onmyoji max, necromancy max, chi max, sin max, virtue max.

{subclass:blacksmith 50, runesmith 50, linguist 50,calligraphy 50, astronomy 50, balance 50.)

{health:65,000/65,000}20^s Rg


{mana 1,000,000/1,000,000} 1000^s Rg[]

unlocked is 900000000000/90000000000000

rietsu= 100,000,000/100,000,000

strength- 1200









sys p- 10,300


gamer's body&mind- life as a game, can heal by good sleep In a bed and are immune to most emotions and mental status effects, no mind control.


observe- max- allows analysis of reality.


lD create/destroy- can be used to traverse into alternate realities normally inaccessible for you.---------_______---_______

monster shape shifting- max -you can gain the power and abilities of monsters and animals you kill. "human/fury/minotaurs/zombie/medusa/demon wolf/ full-blooded kitsune/chimera/hydra/earthworm/ soul/sharks/draguar/ world serpent/acromantula/thestral/unicorn/contract imp demon/basilisk/dementor/enderman/kikimora/striga bruxa/lechen/anodite/ mineral vampire/ wolf shifter/ gifted/ fanalis/ nuckalavee/ etc.


whip mastery- max- the ability to use whip-like weapons.____________________

osmium adaption-max- the ability to convert a touched metal into the body and use its traits.

music proficiency- max- the ability to use any instrument and sing any song with a perfect match or better tune((doesn't count magic))

MAGIC SONG MAX- allows magical singing.

water stream rock smashing fist- max- a skill that allows you to focus on multiple enemies, redirection of attacks, painful counterattacks.

elemental control-max- already have some experience this allows you to control manipulate and borrow elemental powers.

senbonsakura-max- allows you to produce a max of 500 bladed petals that you can control.

true destruction: allows you to extract, nullify, decay, destroy, separate anything

berserker skill set= heavy weapon welding, osmosium adaption, damage reflection, magic resistance, elemental resistance, final breath, war cry, dragon rage.

phonomancy skill set= sound creation, amplification, song buff, song debuff, rupture, magically embued song, connection, sound history transfer, song contract.

blacksmith skill set= craft, divine craft, smelt, forge, identify, metal working, soul forging.

rune Smith= rune craft, appraisal, Omnilingual, engraving, rune disruption.

demonology : ritual, summons, possession, hellblaze, control, making, spirit control, spirit torture, soul eat, health funnel, necrotic touch, contract.

tamer : tame, feed, summon, breed, empower, enslavement, reserect, true reserect contract.

druid : archery max, elemental arrows max, bow mastery max, elemental summon, forest control, natures embrace, natural disaster, animal summon.

linguist: know every language

calligraphy: writing 100, magic writing, chant writing, air writing.

astronomy: channeling, auto positioning,

onmyodo: talisman, basic spells, spellcraft, barrier, high level onmyoji etc.

void Dai Inu-taisho racial skills- wolf form, void wolf form, demon mode, void projection, void wolf summon, blood claws.

heavenly kitsune racial skills- possession, generating, absorbing elements, willful manifestation in dreams, flight, invisibility, the creation of illusions indistinguishable from reality, bend space, drive people mad.

elder dragon racial skills-_- through gaining the form of an elder dragon you have gained the realm dragon form having a biological connection to the realms void, nether, earth, solar,outworld, edenia, tenkai, celestial, cursed realm. granting you gifts for each form and different forms for the realm you channel.

arcana la Luna, la morte, ll carro

The Divine Sheep of Adamantine: Diamond Manipulation - Diamond Projection, Diamond Constructs, Reflection;

The Serpentine Dragon of Mercury: Reality Warping, Eating Void and Space (It's Mouth can Devour Anything that Acts like a Black Hole), Resistance Towards Holy (Angelic) Powers;

The Carapace of Silver Mist: Can Render Anything Ethereal by Producing Mists, Immunity Towards Reality Warping;

The Lion of Gold: Lightning Manipulation - Lightning Projection, Can Manipulate the Lightning to Create a Barrier Around him;

The Black Sword of Abraded Night: Gravity Manipulation;

The Manticore of Flames: Fire Manipulation - Fire Projection;

The Bicorn of Deep Crimson: Sound Manipulation - Sound Projection, Can Create Sound Quake and Waves, Atomic Destruction by Emitting High-Frequency Vibrations from it's Entire Body;

The Water Spirit of White Steel: Can Revert Phenomenon to it's Original State which is Nothingness, Can Erase Conceptual Existence
