
Obsession...in another lifetime (MVManalo)

Haaa…I am happy for Miles but I just couldn’t take my mind off the worry, what if?, I smiled at Miles and hugged him. I know that look Ericka, if you are worried about me, don’t be, I can take care of myself now. You’ll see. We are not children anymore and I will prove to you that I am more capable of handling myself and those filthy monsters, so rest assured that I will come back home for you and Sarah!, Miles said and I hugged him again but now tighter. I don’t think that he will make it unless I am there with him to protect him. I love my friends and though I am a good Barista, I love war games and killing monsters is my specialty. But I don’t really know if my special ability could help the aviators but I want to try and put it to good use which way possible, I thought and decided to check on DOGS Academy the next day and tried to sign up for the course. I got accepted right away and when I checked on the systems they use it’s almost the same as the simulators I usually play with and this is making life more interesting and exciting for me. Miles didn’t know I will be joining him for the eight months training. And this is going to be a hell of a game in real life, fighting, killing monsters, here we go!

Vicky_Manalo_5384 · Ciencia y ficción
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223 Chs

Lady Killer

King Xerxian is on his wheelchair happily seeing Violet dancing with the governor and his old friends turned enemies enjoying the party as they should be. Lord Yuri is about to enter the stage but as if nervous of what he feels like a premonition of a bad dream, that something dangerous is going to happen to him, he halts and thinks whether it is right to enter through the center or at the back where his guests face the orchestra. He chose none of them and joined with his body guards he decided to surprise his guests with his dramatic entrance.

 Hi, it's nice to meet the supreme leader of USN! I am…., Belen said and unable to finish her words when Violet interrupts her. Belen Pache, gievrnor of France and a member of USN and British Merchants Guild. Yes you are very popular among women and nobles, I see you do have that charm, and very romantically beautifully! You precede my expectations, really, madame Pache!, Violet added and smiled shyly. Belen kept looking at the woman and Violet couldn't looke into the woman's eyes since she is so intensely striking for her. Ah..yes, it's true but how about me taking you to my suite, to get all dirty and steamy for a change!?, Belen insisted and Violet couldn't believe what she heard and blushed. Belen then made Violet lose her stance and fell into her arms then kissed the supreme leader on her lips wihout other seeing it since the area is a bit dark with only rainbow colors swirling and tinkling like a disco ball and wild lights all over the dance floor. Governor!!!, Violet groaned in a low voice when Belen squeezed her behind and pushed them onto hers. Okay, stop it and I will come with you!, Violet said and walked with the governor to her suite. Ericka and Dunea are happily enjoying the dance music and the dancers but when Violet left the floor they looked at each other and followed the leader outside the reception area.

 Mom?, Ericka said but Violet didnlt hear it. Belen opened her suite and pulled Violet in. She pulled Violet towads her and kissed the woman's mouth deliciously. Violet stopped the governor but couldn't do it since the woman is persistent and the leader finally gave in. They are about to take off their clothes when a commotion started to happen in the reception area. Lord Yuri came in the party on a zip line. The harness made him fly across the 300 guests seated and dancing on the floor. The guests were surprised then yelled on the Duke's bright idea and clapped their hands on his wild entrance. 

But Red and her team surrounding the place suddenly seized Yuri as if in a play. Yuri smield but felt weird when the clowns started harassing him. The guests thought it's all part of an act and they all started laughing. Yuri is really scared now since his body guards left and he couldn't find them anywhere. Act like you are having fun Lord Yuri and we will not hurt you, not this time at least, haha…haha…haha…, Dax joked. Hey, don't scare him, we won't get anything from his buddies if you keep on interrogating our hostage hehe!, Carter added and laughed.

What? What do you want, money? I can give you all my money, just don't hurt me!, Yuri begged as he was being taken to Skull ship.

Haaa…you are this superpower and now that you are kidnapped you act like a small kitten instead of a roaring lion. Boss, here is the pig you ordered!, Seth added and threw Yuri on the floor kneeling in front of Red who is already seated on her queen's chair. Haa….

 Ahh…. You filthy, lying bastards. You thought you can just lure us lowlives in to believing that you'll give us respect by acting scared and giving us money or everything we need. But when all is finally over, you'll hunt us down and cut our heads off! I know hard headed and proud people in the likes of you Yuri! You will never change. Unless we cut something off you, like maybe, a tongue, oh no, how about, an ear, yeah…., Red said mockingly. Yuri started to cry and now about to pee when another pirate mate talked. Oh, oh, how about his p*nis madame? That would be so swell and many ladies wouldn't be bothered anymore by this insane and horny man! Haha….right?, Grei said laughing hard.

Haha…right, right!, Blade added and slapped Yuri's cheek so hard a small cut appeared on his lower lip.

You know, my family is quietly living in Dox when you ordered King Xerxian to invade our home. Many died along with my father and other siblings. I would have killed you if I was stronger then but now I am. But since our home is no longer habitable by ospians or huerts but monsters and hell creatures, I will make you suffer bit by bit. Forgiveness is a great virtue but those who suffered and died from your hands need justice and this is how we will make you pay for what you did.

Red ordered Yuri to be taken to her room. Yuri thought he will make love to Captain Red when he was all tied up and his clothes where taken off. But to his surprise twenty or more naked men in clown masks came in and surrounded him. They are part of the LGBTQ community who Yuri has tried to banish ten years ago along with huerts and ospians he found filthy and undesirable to live or survive. These men, transgender and women, who suffered in his hands fought, died and hid themselves from police or military holding them captives raping or selling them to slave markets or merchants as maids or sex slaves. 

We will be gentle…Lord Yuri. I'm sure you will find this very amusing and painful but fun as well! Hihi…, one man said and another giggled. All were so excited that they will now make love to the most important man in the universe. You are so handsome but a monster in disguise! We would love to make you happy but none of this will surely make you cum nor blush. This is the just pay for the things you did to us and our families ten years ago….