
Obsessed Over You

The man who obsessed with a woman he met in his high school days and can't stop thinking about her and he wants to make her mine with all costs

TilRay05 · Ciudad
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3 Chs


"Drea are you done with our assignment in genmath?" My friend ask me she's ria and she's my best friend since elementary and now we choose the same strand.

The strand we choose is home economics strand because I like baking and cooking, my friend like making sweets that's why she choose this strand.

And right now we're in school cafeteria eating and talking."Yes and it was really hard and i forgot the other formula and equation but i still answer all of the questions" I said and sip my juice.

"Lucky you"she said and she's now frowning."Why?"I ask her."I'm not done yet but don't worry i will finish that before the deadline"she said and continue eating her food.

"Ahhhhhhh" we both startled because of the noise coming from our schoolmate because they saw the man with no flaws in his body like I'll believe that.

"They started again" I said and right now I feel frustrated because of their noises."Drea do you hate him?" Ria ask me and she's looking into my eyes.

"No I just hate their noises whenever he's around like he's an idol or what"I said and i stand up.

"Are you done?"ria ask me again and i nod my head, she also stand up and hold her tray.

We walk towards the counter and give the tray back and we walk again and they still cheering and whispering how handsome he was so i decided to go back to class since we are done eating.

"Drea?" Ria called me and we already in the hallway, I look at her and ask her why?"Are you alright?"she said and she look worried."I'm fine I just don't like noises and shouting" I said and continue walking when someone called me.

"Andrea" someone called my name and i turn around."h-hi"the boy approach me and he's holding a flower in his hand."F-for you"he said and give me the flower.

"I hope you like it"after he said that he ran away and ria start teasing me."Drea you're so lucky to have a face like venus"she said and she take the flower and smell it.

"Not bad" she said and smirk like she was thinking something weird."Stop it okay?" I said and start walking again while ria still hold the flower that boy gave me.

"Are you going to say yes to him?she ask me out of the blue."What are you talking about? Of course not, I'm grateful that he likes me but I'm not ready to be in a relationship because i want to finish my studies before love life"I said and she smiled because of what she heard.

"That's a good mindset bff"she said and we both laugh because of some reason.