
You're So Beautiful

Leon and Tatsuya were sitting on hard seats, it's the place where the entrance ceremony is going to take place. The place is filled with seats you don't usually find in the auditorium.

The ceremony has not yet begun but the atmosphere is strangely silent.

"What?" Leon asked.

He raised his eyebrow at the busty girl with glasses sitting next to him, her eyes darted around seemingly not knowing what to say. Leon knew that she was uncomfortable sitting next to him.

There was no seat designation in the first high school, so students are free to sit anywhere. However, there were clearly unwritten rules to the distribution of seats for the freshmen.

The first half of the seats would be taken up by the Blooms, students with the emblem of blooming flowers on their blazer. There are a hundred seats for them in the front. Bloom is the main priority of the First High, they received full benefits of the curriculum from the school.

It was different for Weeds, they are freshmen who were only allowed to enroll in the first high school as spare or reserves. And according to the unwritten rules, they occupied the second half of the seats.

Even though they were both freshmen, they were divided into a group with the emblem of blooming flowers and a group without it. This is not the rule of the school, they don't prohibit the Course 1 to hang out with those from Course 2. This is but the tradition of the first high school.

Just like what Tatsuya said in the show, the people who were the most conscious of the discrimination accepted the discrimination. This is exactly what happened in this place. So, even without being told, the front seats were filled with Blooms while the back seats are filled by Weeds.

But Leon doesn't seem to care about such a thing and going against the flow by sat next to Mizuki and Erica in the back seats. They are Course 2 students, so this is out of their expectation.

The busty and cute girl, Mizuki is feeling helpless and didn't know what to do in this situation.

It was the girl next to her that comes to her rescue.

Erika turned her face towards Leon, and opened her mouth, "Don't mind her, she is nervous. We heard a lot of bad things about this school," she smiled. Her short red hair and her manner of speech give her the impression of a lively girl, "We never would have thought that we get to sit beside the rumored first-course student on our first day in school,"

"Ah, by the way, I'm Chiba Erika. Nice to meet you."

Leon raised the corner of his mouth, rather amused, "I'm Leon Walker and my friend sitting next to me is Shiba Tatsuya." Leon ignored Tatsuya's unamused look and focused his attention on these two charming ladies.

Shibata Mizuki and Chiba Erika.

In the show, they are friends and companions of Tatsuya and Miyuki, so the moment Leon arrived in the auditorium, he tried to find them among the crowd.

It was not a hard thing to do as they are quite eye-catching. It's hard to miss, especially Mizuki's busty figure paired with the cute face behind her glasses, and there's a redhead sitting next to her. So, without hesitation, Leon walked in their direction and took the seat beside them followed by the reluctant Tatsuya.

The exchange between Leon and Erika seem to melt the ice and made Mizuki relaxed. She smiled, "Err, I... I'm Shibata Mizuki. Nice to meet you, Leon-kun."

Leon was talking with Erika, but he never leaves Mizuki from his sight. So when she opened her mouth to speak, Leon started to smile. "Nice to meet you too."

Looking at Mizuki, Leon's smile turned into a grin, "You don't have to be scared, I'm not gonna bite."

"Leon-kun, you don't have to worry about that. Mizuki is not scared, but shy." Erika said from the side, mischief could be heard in her tone.


"I'm sorry Mizuki, I couldn't help it."

While speaking with Mizuki and Erika, Leon tried to divert his attention away from Mizuki's exceptionally large breasts. He was afraid of losses control and ended up groping that soft looking mountain. This will cause a huge stain to his pristine reputation in this school.

So, he keeps eye contact with Mizuki in their whole conversation to prevent any accident, but man proposes, God disposes. So, when Leon keep looking at Mizuki, he was mesmerized by her golden eyes and couldn't help but blurt out what's on his mind.

"You have beautiful eyes,"

Startled, Mizuki averted her eyes from Leon, seemingly down but also embarrassed, she felt so conflicted. This is not the first time someone complimented her appearance, but all of them are just attracted by her curvaceous figure.

However, It was different this time, Leon complimented the eyes that she finds hateful, a source of trouble for Mizuki, and Leon called it beautiful, her hateful eyes. His tone also seems so sweet and Mizuki can sense his sincerity from it, so she can't help but raised the corners of her mouth, looking very happy.

Mizuki constantly wears glasses due to her eyes being over-sensitive to Pushions or Spirit Energy. She can see spirit particle emission even without putting any effort, and cannot shut them out so Mizuki had to constantly block them with her glasses.

This is also the reason why she enrolled in the first high school. She wants to become a Magician so that she can learn how to control her eyes.

"You possess a powerful spiritual sight," Leon peered into Mizuki's golden eyes, unblinking.

"How...?" Mizuki's eyes widened, rather surprised. The trace of her bashfulness from Leon's intense gaze disappeared from her face.

"There is no degree on your lenses, and you don't seem to be the type to use a glasses as an accessory, so it must be Aura Cut Coating Lenses."

"To actually need glasses, you must have an extreme sensitivity to Pushion," Leon said, "There's no need to be sad, it's not an illness or even a hindrance, it's precious eyes."

"Precious..." Mizuki blushed.

"If you are able to control your Pushion sensitivity in the future, it will become an immense asset for you as a Magician." Leon bored his eyes into her, "it can also increase your combat skill so you would be able to defend yourself."

"... I don't really like to fight."

"There are many paths you can walk as a magician, so it doesn't have to be combat magician. With your eyes, I'm sure you can become a great magic engineer." Leon smiled.


"Yeah, you have my word."

Leon and Mizuki seem to be in their own world. They didn't realize that the ceremony is already over, and both Tatsuya and Erika is looking at them.

"Hey, you two, the ceremony is over, how long are you two going to flirt?" Erika teased. Her voice is loud enough to get Leon and Mizuki to come out from their little world.

"Flirt..." Mizuki's face flushed and her eyes were bright.

Meanwhile, Leon is somewhat confused by what Erika said and Mizuki reaction to it, but he is not dense so he could understand after thinking about it for a moment.

He was a lifelong bachelor in his previous life and no one ever showed any attraction towards him because of his ugly face. However, now is different because he had an attractive face, so it's not weird for females to be interested in him.

This is impossible without the interference from the system. Unknowingly, Leon impression of the murderous system increased slightly.

Leon turned his face towards Mizuki's flushed face. She is very cute and he can't deny the fact that he is attracted to her. Leon couldn't help but think about his future with Mizuki, and various erotics thing started to play on his mind.

"Tatsuya-kun... they are beyond saving."

"... Indeed, Leon seems to enjoy himself though." Tatsuya couldn't help but join Erika in teasing Leon, and somehow he finds it worth the efforts.

Leon blushed and cleared his throat. "Looks like the ceremony is over, why don't you guys go and get yourselves an ID Card?"

"Leon-kun, what about you?" Mizuki asked with curiosity in her tone. She seemed to has regained her composure from her friend's teasing.

"I already got my ID Card."

"Huh, really? how come?" Erika asked, her face is filled with wonder, while Tatsuya narrowed his eyes, no one knows what he is thinking.

"Well, I don't know, I find it on my desk yesterday."

This statement from Leon may make Tatsuya wary of him if he hasn't already. Their little accident earlier with the upperclassmen had exposed Leon's unique ancient magic, this without a doubt put Tatsuya on guard against him. So, whether Tatsuya knew about his ID Card or not doesn't really matter either way.

According to Tatsuya personality, Leon is pretty sure that Tatsuya will investigate his background when he gets the chance because Tatsuya can't let a potential danger to be near his sister, much less the unknown.

But all of this is pretty much will happen sooner or later. Leon can't keep his ability secret in the school full of aspiring magicians.


Leon had no choice but to hope that their newly developed friendship will prevent Tatsuya from doing something detrimental to him, no matter what Leon's mysterious identity may be.

Don't forget to leave some reviews, comments, and votes! It will give me motivation in writing this fanfic.

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