

Armed with a super system and the knowledge of his previous life our hero will reign suprem over the univers and the other dimensions

Ramling · Fantasía
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35 Chs


Germain put up no resistance, at the same time he couldn't do much against a level 6 life form.

the invocation explained to him that he would have access to different high level herbs and that he could improve his alchemy skills through crafting and debating with new students but that his main job would be teaching Alexander.

A letter was sent to the alchemist's home saying that he had encountered problems during one of his experiments and that he was going to travel, perhaps during one of his trips he will find a solution, it was suspicious but germain had no high-level magician or clan protecting him, Alexander paid his employees wages for a year  and after that week no one lived in the enormous villa anymore.

This stimulated Alexander to become stronger as even a level 5 or a level 6 magician could disappear and no one would pay attention to him.

Once in the domain of harpies, Alexander behaved like a normal child, just a little smarter, he reviewed the names of the plants with Germain asking some questions from time to time, then came the practical part with the concoction of potions, as one would expect from a level 5 his experience was extensive and  good advice were given, Alexander learned a lot that day.

Several months followed where Alexander learned alchemy, he did not have a great affinity with plants and life  mana in general  and therefore the work was arduous but with discipline we obtain results, not extraordinary results but results nonetheless.

7 years passed thus in the kingdom of the harpies, Alexander led his kingdom in the shadows, the kingdom of the harpies and the neighboring kingdoms (that of the ogres and the spiders) which now had infinite fields of several plants , thanks to this the different kingdoms were now trading with Agartha, of course some people tried to prey  on the secrets of those kingdoms and wanted to conquer them but because of the different invocations of Alexander  which were behind the different kingdoms no one dared.

Alexander now had a scepter and level 6 armor, the armor included a hat and a robe, there was also a ring on each of his hands, he also hunted some level 6 monsters to make summons, he now had 8 level 5 monsters under his command the 8 different summons were now equipped with level 5 items.

Fortunately no one suspected that Alexander had summons because his invocations didn't interact a lot with other mages and even if they interacted , you couldn't know that a life form was a summon, except some rare mages who specialize in the spirit and who could see the link between Alexander and his invocations , no one could know

the blacksmith from whom Alexander bought his equipment was part of the sheep race, with two horns on his back and a hammer attached to his waist, he exuded a certain confidence and calm specific to the grandmaster blacksmith ( grandmaster level 6 )

the sheep race came to life because some magician couldn't control their lust and copulated with other races

Aron was a level 6 blacksmith just recently promoted , he didn't have the self confidence to establish himself in the center of oberon , there different guilds , clan and powerful people could crush him beneath theirs feet in seconds and as what every normal and logical life form would do in this situation , he searched for different alliances to protect him self

through different acquaintances he met a new group of mages who established themselves in a kingdom close to agartha

it was rumored that the groupe was made of 8 powerful level 5 magicians and one level 6 , Aron was one of the few level 6 grandmaste blacksmith in agartha he had the hobby of drinking wine and eating precious herbs

he was surprisingly a meat-eater

after their meeting through different acquaintances , Alexander and Aron hit it off and became good friends

the sheep wasn't interested in power struggle and agreed to join alexander group of mages

alexander most important task now was to search for potions to improve his vitality and strength but they were very expensive and were only available in countries located in the center of Oberon.

His sale of nectar also encountered competitors, the level 6 magic Johnson was one of them, m. jhonson  decided to also get into the nectar trade

he was level 6 so  it was easy for him to steal nectaries from level 3 or 4 insects

Alexander knowing  this stole level II nectaries in the nests of level 6 or higher insects.

It was a difficult task but thanks to his dark affinity he was able to do it , the dark affinity providing better use of cloaking spells.

The Johnson family therefore had a share in the nectar trade which reduces the money that Alexander earned

He also wanted to improve the means of communications in oberon, creating the television or even the internet but he could not afford to launch major projects as it will get attention from the powerful peoples.

these different activities had a significant returns, the different mages only focused on improving their magic, there was no large conglomerate that took care of food or the daily needs of the peoples.

Alexander founded a conglomerate, he now had under his command more than 5,000 mages who worked for him 24 hours a day, he obviously established good working conditions and different bonuses which improved productivity even more

He had succeeded in overcoming poverty in most of the northern part of Oberon which brought an era of prosperity

Alexander's conglomerate obviously attracted the desire of several high level people but regardless of the level, facing several level 6 lifeforms ( Aron , Alexander alliances with other level 6 mages ) was very dangerous, so until now Alexander had not encountered any problems.

But as one must always be careful, Alexander searched for new allies, through his invocations he concluded several pacts with more than 10 other level 6 in Argartha where each had to defend the other in the event of an aggression.

He also looked for other level 6 life forms to transform them into his summons but it had to be done discreetly, hence the fact that Alexander only had 8 level 5 summons.

He was now a level 4 master alchemist and planned to travel to the middle lands of oberon to acquire further level 6s and possibly do business.

Despite all this, Alexander had still didn't join one of Oberon's 3 powerful alliances, which meant he was not protected against high level magicians, for example a level 9 who was interested in the trades of alexander's conglomerate could easily kill Alexander and his summons.

At first alexander was a little afraid because  he was  young, 30 years old , if a high level magician heard that there was a 30 year old level 6 magician , he will be captured and interrogated in no time but at the level 6 , the magician body would experience a baptism and most of his body would transform into element rendering bone techniques or other techniques used  to find out how old he was ineffective.

At the same time he couldn't stop everything because he needed the money brought in by the consortium to improve and evolve.

Before his trip, he was going to investigate the mysterious map he previously acquired, this treasure map showed that there was something valuable hidden in the lizard kingdom who was level 5 kingdom.

this level no longer represent any dangers for Alexander, So he was going to on an exploration trip.

He therefore left for the kingdom of the lizards, which was located east of Argartha, a kingdom who was governed  by different level 6s, 4 different level 6s to be precise .

He therefore entered the kingdom incognito, using the map he headed towards a mine, the mine was exploited by the kingdom, several low-level slaves were there.

The lizards were an aggressive species so they attacked all the neighbor countries and thus had a lot of slaves at hand.

Alexander entered the mine and at the deepest level discovered the hidden treasure, it was in fact a pocket dimension (a pocket dimension was a separate world of more than 10,000 miles),the pocket dimension was probably a space crack at the beginning , nourished with the mana of the mine , the space crack transformed into a stable pocket dimension.

moreover this one was mobile, it was represented in the form of a portal, if Alexander wished he could reduce the size of the portal or enlarge it and even move it, the land in the pocket dimension was of level 7, which meant that even if a level 7 come close to Alexander he wouldn't feel the fluctuation emitted by the pocket dimension. 

Alexander could finally plant the different high-level herbs in his possession, he could also store his different treasures in the pocket dimension, time inside the dimension was 10 times slower, he could even try to understand the different laws or the different professions inside.

Unfortunately, when Alexander accessed the pocket dimension it leaked a lot of mana,  thus alerting those responsible for the mine ( they probably thought is was a treasure) 

but it would take him several weeks to be able to control the pocket dimension and therefore be able to move it because he was only level 6, his knowledge of the laws of the world was too weak

The officials sent miners to investigate, Alexander killed them, the information on this treasure was too important, the miners continued to be sent, their level increasing, from level 1 to 2, at the end a level 3 manager was even sent.

According to the progress of the situation, only one solution appeared, to remove the different level 6 that governed the country and annex the kingdom ( the level of the people sent kept increasing , soon level 6 mages would try to investigate as the mine was the life blood of the lizard kingdom ) 

The different level 6 lizards were not part of one of the three alliances, they were part of a minor faction because they did not want to mix with other races like humans.

Their faction was made up of different levels 6, more than 10 of them.

And from Alexander point of view, it was considered a strong alliance.

Alexander could try and  talk with the lizards because a pocket dimension would attract anyone's desires, he would attack first and ask questions later, he first killed the 2 level lizards 6 with a sneak attack.

the tow mages happened to be twin brothers and he took over their kingdom.

Alexander was the head of a consortium and had alliances with over 10 other level 6.

Each time Alexander took a kingdom, he transformed the land into fields of herbs to increase his income.

He also killed the other 2 level 6 shaman lizards.

he attacked the mages one by one , the same night as to not alert the others lizards , he simply sneaked into the castle of the mage and attacked with veil of darkness and ball of darkness and it was done 

the kingdom of lizards with its 4 different level 6s was placed very high in the hierarchy of the northern kingdoms, so successfully colonizing them showed to everyone that Alexander's conglomerate, the merkat conglomerate had significant power. ( take that magic jhonson ! ) 

The lizard kingdom may have signed treaties with other nations and was part of a faction but they didn't even have time to ask for help, the leaders of the kingdom died in a single night, and who would honor a treaty if the other party was already dead.

The land in the kingdom was dense with mana, making it a perfect place for growing herbs, as usual, level 3 herbs were planted and a level 5 lizard was placed in charge of the kingdom.

The Lizard King were implanted with an orb of obedience  , restricting their actions, the ball of mana could explode at any time if Alexander wished.

a fierce battle between the descendants of the previous rulers of the kingdom took place to know who would be the king, as even a life in a golden cage can be attractive.

It was the descendant of one of the level 6 shamans who was the winner, the battle was bloody to say the least but Alexander had no use for simple level 5s, it would take far too long to evolve to level 6 and thus be useful to him. ( 5000 years approximately ) 

The coronation happened a week later  and a kingdom of more than 10,000 years of history changed hand just like that

Alexander had an uncontrollable urge to become stronger, maybe he too, one day will be replaced if he ever met an enemy stronger than himself.

All of Alexander's kingdoms had laws that protected the weak, perhaps it was because of his previous life but Alexander had managed to keep a small part of his humanity, slavery was still authorized but slaves were protected and had different rights such as one day off per week, the right for medical care ect ...

Alexander was in charge of 4 different kingdoms, knowing that none of the kingdoms were made up of humans, it was easy to implement this type of practice, the problem was the surrounding kingdoms. 

The lizard kingdom had borders with 4 kingdoms(A,B,C,D) two of them were allies, one human and the other made up of other lizards both having different level 5 mages (A,B), those two kingdoms were more subordinate kingdoms than ally.

The other two kingdoms were also human kingdoms, they had a level 6 mages in each kingdom (C,D) which made them a little stronger but most importantly they were both under the orders of a level 7 mage.

When they heard the news of the coronation of the lizard king would happen the same morning that the messenger was sent, they in turn sent envoys to attend the coronation

the subordinate kingdoms sent level 5 magicians as emissaries  (A,B)  as for  the kingdoms  (C,D) they sent level 6 emissaries , Alexander had also invited his various level 6 allies for this occasion, to show his power.

The faction that was behind the defeated lizard mages also sent representatives to discern who had dared to attack their members.

It was in this tense atmosphere that the coronation took place and it was there that Alexander saw her for the first time.