
Oasis: In the beginning part two

Present day.

???: wait no I'm sorry i don't get it.                                

Kaz: Get it? What's there not to get? I come home after stealing i mean "borrowing" some flour get caught then grounded and boom goes my house.

???: well that's the thing you kinda skipped over a few important details like for example who was the girl you were hanging around was she important to you in any kind of way or why did you take the flour in the first place?

Kaz: Are we really talking about this?

???: I'm just saying it makes more--

Kaz: (Groans) alright, alright fine. Growing up in Newsham i didn't have a lot of friends and unfortunately my mom didn't have a lot of money so i would often steal from the bakery to get us by but everything changed when i met Arian at the bakery one day.

???: oh  because she changed the way you thought about life?

Kaz: what? No of course not  it just meant i had someone to steal stuff with now. May i get on with my story now??

???: ugh proceed.

Kaz: Like i was saying. Boom and crash!

    Six years ago

 Only hearing the sound of ringing in his hears kaz slowly regains consciousness realizing he was under some debris feeling utterly trapped.

Kaz: Help! I'm under here please someone help!

But no one came and for a moment he just lays there crying to himself until suddenly the piece of debris that was trapping him was pulled away.

Kaz: who's--who's there?

Seeing the two men in bulky armor kaz stares at them with absolute terror in his eyes.

Guard: Is this him?

Guard#2: who knows the King's orders were no survivors.

Guard: Eh good enough for me.

 Raising his crossbow he aims it at kaz and fires only for it to be caught midair by a shadowy figure that appeared out of nowhere and sent back in his neck in a fast motion before the other guard had any time to react he's clawed in the throat causing him to fall to the ground choking on his own blood. Turning back towards kaz the creature steps closer with her red eyes still glimmering in the darkness but upon seeing kaz sitting there scared her claws had returned back to regular sized finger nails but her eyes still remained. Hugging him tightly she studies him making sure there were no injuries.

Disa: They didn't hurt you did they? 

Kaz: I'm... I'm fine mom what's going on? How--how did you do that?

Disa: There's no time for questions. We have to get out of here.

With no hesitation or warning she picks him up and throws him onto her shoulders running towards the village at an alarmingly fast speed.

Kaz: mom please i dont understand what's going. Where are we going?

Ignoring her son's constant whinning she continues running down the path until stopping in her tracks seeing the whole village ablazed and for a moment she just stares utterly shocked.

Disa: he-- he really did it.

Suddenly kaz could hear the cries of a young girl in the distant listening more carefully he realized it was Arian forcing his way down he starts running towards the location running faster than ever leaving his mother standing there but before she could follow a couple of more soliders came out of nowhere blocking her way . When he got there Arian had been cornered by a group of men cliffside looking at Kaz she's suddenly knocked to the ground by a man dressed in shinning golden armor winessing this kaz runs up to the man only to be knocked back into the ground himself then thrown right next to Arian.

???: You would dare touch a king with your worthless hands boy?

Getting closer to Kaz and Arian he gets a better look at him smiling in the process.

???: Ah so you're the famous Kaz Bane. Honestly i expected someone more impressive.

Drawing out his blade he raises it out in the air only to be tackled in the process by kaz's mother. Clawing into his armor she scratches up some blood before he manages to knock her off of him suddenly getting struck from behind by an arrow. She turns her attention to the group of soldiers coming towards their location she looks at both Arian and Kaz with sorrow in her eyes knowing that there was no possible way to take them all on especially with both kaz and Arian present.

Disa: Forgive me kaz.

And in a blink of an eye she pushes both Arian and Kaz over the cliff causing both of them to fall below. The last thing the two see was her getting impaled from behind by the man in the golden armor sword.

                  End of part two