
"Get To Work!"

"Why is there such a large amount of people waiting outside? I am not late or anything!" Jin checked his phone to look at the time and subsequently assured himself that is it was indeed not opening time yet.

When Jin got off from the taxi, the first person he saw was Xiong Da. "BOSS! Why did you not tell me that you would not be opened in the morning?" Xiong Da shouted

"Did I say that I would open in the morning for you?" Jin asked and Xiong Da was stunned for a moment. "Besides, Zhen Qing is here, isn't she? Why did you not ask her?" Jin looked at Zhen Qing and she nodded her head to confirm the fact that Xiong Da had not asked her.

"Hahaha, it's kind of embarrassing, but the truth is that I did not want to leave the queue." Xiong Da shyly spoke after Jin reprimanded him.

"Then what's everyone else here for?" Jin was curious as to exactly what was happening.