
Nuclear War

Kai Wakes Up to A Nuclear War In His Country Can He restore peace to an uncivilized society ? READ TO FIND OUT

Dalu_Okoli · Acción
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4 Chs

Head out

As Kai and Mr Bridgewood made plans to head out,Gun shots and grenades sounds were heard from the mall four blocks away Kai hesitated to head out but to his dismay Mr Bridgewood insisted on getting supplies "I have a map" said Lucy who was comforting Sarah

"It doesn't matter we need to head out immediately" insisted Mr Bridgewood

"It does, if we can find a short cut we can escape the fighting!" shouted Kai

After discussing, it was settled that Kai and Mr Bridgewood head out with a detailed plan and Lucy's map




Sounds of Gun shot and grenades could be heard.Kai and Mr Bridgewood were shocked with the number of fresh bodies outside the garage

They quick got back and convinced the that heading out as a group was the only way to survive

After disinfecting the clothes they about to head out

"I suggest we head to Jinxi city" Kai said


Jinxi city was south of Agante city , It was a quiet city which had no military or commercial activity

It had an emergency response center

It possible the person who bombed Acarda (fictional country) must have known.

It was a gamble


As they were about to leave

"I'm not going with you"