
The Party

"Come on, we're almost there!" Stephanie said excitedly as she walked down the dimly lit stairs.

John narrowed his eyes at Stephanie. He understood her excitement, but he had a hard time keeping up with her pace.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Because we're late, duh," she retorted.

"I'm sure they'll wait for us."

The sound of music grew louder as they climbed down the stairs.

"I wonder what kind of party this is going to be?"

"Who knows? I'm just happy we're doing something different."

"It's good to have a break from the apocalypse."

The stairwell was dark, but the faint glow of the party below made their descent easier.

"This is weird," John muttered, his hand brushing against the cold concrete wall.

"What is?" Stephanie asked.

"The walls are cold."

"Oh, I think that's from an ice-type monster," Dalia replied.