
Novice of the Forthcoming

In the heart of a prestigious university, "World Future University," unfolds as a thrilling tale of multiple students navigating the challenging landscape of academia, where intellect and ambition collide in a series of mind games and fierce battles. Who will suceed and be the one who will surpass?

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2 Chs

Chapter 1 : It all begin..

On a morning of April, in Japan, where the air is fresh and the sky is empty, a university stood peacefully in Japan. It was WFU, or World Future University, it is a highly advanced university, made with the purpose of "nurturing the world's Future", different from a normal university, it specifically scouts out gifted minds which are above the rest to be a part of it's special education program, which is extremely rigorous, but also far more advanced than any other university, even Harvard level topics can be considered child's play to it's students, of course, with such harsh rhetoric, many will flounder and drop out...but graduating successfully will basically set you up for life due to the school's immense influence, it is based in Japan, but accepts students from all locations, as long as they can fluently speak Japanese, and will easily buy them private jets to fly to it if needed. The university had a special uniform, the top was a comfortable, loose-fitting long-sleeved shirt or sweater with a high neckline. The shirt/sweater has a small logo representing the school, the bottom was some normal trouser or skirt for females, the color is white top and black bottom. One of the new students, Kirano Mashushita, had got into the university this year, he was listening to music while looking straight ahead, being in his own bubble. He thinks about how his first year at this new university could go. 

"So this is the World Future University, one of if not the best universities in the world. I haven't heard much about this university except that it's very difficult to get in and that graduating from here is just as difficult...I wonder what this university will have in store for me in the future, most students only dream to be in this university while I'm getting a chance to be its student. I shall look forward to whatever will be taught to me here, so this is the beginning of my life at this university…"

Kirano wonders about it while looking at the University and the students who are already present there. As he walked to a quiet spot, he was surprised by the appearance of a familiar girl.

"Heyy Kirano-kun , do you still recognize me?" The girl spoke in an excited tone, almost hopping up and down.

"Of course you didn't change at all, Ari-Chan, It has only been two months since we see each other. " Kirano smiled at her while saying this. 

She is Kirano's first friend ever since elementary. They know each other perfectly and since high school Kirano had one of those feelings called love towards her. But he never proposed to her. And luckily she was scouted along with him to come here, maybe here he would try to do it… Ari was American, but she and her family had moved to Japan when she was very young, and she adapted to it quickly, so aside from her atypical name and appearance, she was basically Japanese.

"Soo…" Ari said, "Have you checked your class yet?" 

"Yes we are in the same class. What a wonderful coincidence."


Ari was interrupted by one of her friends, leaving Kirano 

alone. He was back at listening to music, his preference is pop, not that it matters. He watches people pass by, with friends and family. He observed that on the other side of the area was another student, sitting on a bench, probably alone too. He went to talk to him. 

That same student, Yuuki, was also scouted by this University, as evidenced by him being here. He was lost in his thoughts.

"As I was lost in my thoughts about the World Future University, I remembered what the University was about. It is a prestigious school for only the students chosen by the University itself. People from this University have become successful people and have peaked in their chosen career. And I was chosen by this Uni. There will be various competitions monthly to make the students socialize and to grow their intellectual strength. Although people from here don't graduate as they lost their spirit for some odd reason. Whatever it may b-" His chuuni internal monologue was instantly interrupted by Kirano.

"Hey! Wassup?" said Kirano

"Uh hi"

Kirano knew at his time that he was not a very sociable man. 

"You are alone right?

"Yes I am bu-.."

"Great! Want to become friends?"

" Yeah sure i guess.."

Yuuki was kinda shocked to see he had made a friend the first day.

"What's your class?" Said Yuuki

"As I remember , the same as yours." 

"Your name?"

"Kirano "

"Oh yeah, I also remember seeing your name."

"Did you really review the whole class roster just to try and make friends? Are you…that lonely? How sad…"

"Shut up! You're alone too!"

They chatted for a moment until the speaker up the building started speaking. 

It was talking about the entrance ceremony. All students needed to go into the building and go directly in the huge door next to the entrance, leading to the ceremony room, which was huge. as large, as expected of such a prestigious school, the students were assigned seats to sit in, Kirano waved to Yuuki, then went to his seat, he was luckily sat next to Anna, but didn't have much time to talk to her, as the teacher on the stage immediately began to give a speech.

"I'm sure you are all somewhat aware of how this Academy functions, and how it is different from a usual University, but there are a lot of details to the inner workings of its systems that will be beneficial to your school life to understand, so please grant me your undivided attention." The teacher spoke with a serious but charismatic voice, and after seeing she had the attention of even the most rebellious seeming students, she continued.

"Firstly, I will explain the Class Grouping System. I'm sure you may have questions about why you were put with the classmates you were put with, and while it may seem unimportant, I wish for you to view your class as your "team", and I will explain why. Firstly, obviously due to this school's unique scouting, it has far less students than most schools, even with all these chairs prepared and this large room, you can clearly see only a portion of the space was needed, I hope this illustrates both how special you are and how rare this opportunity is, this year, we have accepted exactly 60 first years in total…and that is the exact amount we will accept every year.``

As the teacher spoke, her tone seemed to only get more serious, it was honestly impressive how she managed to convey such conviction in words she was likely forced to say every year and had no actual investment in.

"According to the class division system, Each year will have 60 students, and we divide those students into 4 classes of 15 based on ability, these are classes, D, C, B, and A."

She sighed, as if exhausted, as a few students were expectedly in uproar over being placed in Class D, or even C. Notably, one of these students was Ari .

"How the hell am I in Class D? I was getting perfect scores on every exam at top end schools! I was in advanced placement classes and learning high school and above level concepts even in early development!"

The teacher just blankly stared at her

"That is the minimum to get into this academy to be honest, unless you are particularly gifted in non-academic areas you are expected to be gifted to such a level in academics to even reach Class D."

Her tone was completely blunt and uncaring, she likely received this kind of uproar every year.

"You are special among most, but among other special people, you are average. If you wish to disprove that, open your ear holes and listen, I have something that may prove of interest to you."

Ari bit her tongue, recognizing that her protests were in vain.

"Good, well, to be blunt, I planned on explaining the point system and economy next, but I'll skip to something else and come back to that later since you're so impatient, at the end of each year, we will re-evaluate you, and if we determine you deserving, may give you the option to move up to a higher class. Additionally, although rare, there are opportunities to move up a class instantly…but I will say no more, it is up to you to recognize and capitalize on any such opportunities."

Noticing Ari's eyes had lit up with comical amounts of glee, the teacher continued.

"Additionally, every month you will be given an allowance, not in yen, but in "class points'', Every class D student will gain 3000 points, 5000 for Class C, 10000 for Class B, and 25000 for Class A, Each single point…is equivalent to one thousand yen, and can be used freely to exchange for anything, each of you will be given cards to monitor your current balance, which can also be used for various other functions, explained exhaustively in the student handbook…you may think this is insufficient information, but in the real world, you have to get information on your own through research, it won't be spoon fed to you, the purpose of this University is to prepare the future of this world, please keep that in mind. "

As the teacher finished her speech about the school economy and point system, she gestured to somebody to come on to the stage, before turning to everybody, "A second year is about to speak regarding this academy, with the goals of answering the questions of first years, if you are wondering where third years and above are…they all dropped out last year, and it is best not to ask questions about that incident, as it will be ignored."

The second year who walked onto the stage as the teacher walked off wore a somewhat nervous smile, she was…a girl? She looked fairly good, which caused a few of the boys to think indecent thoughts, until-

"Hello! You can call me Kayui! My last name…uh…it's a bit embarrassing…ehe! I hope to get along with you all!" …That was not a woman's voice, and the fact that only a very small number of the men stopped thinking such thoughts was worrying. Was this the phenomenon known as a "femboy"? "Um…so…what questions do you guys have?" "Are you single?!" "...Yes?" Why does that guy have a nosebleed now?! "...So…uh…any other questions?" "...What's your number?" "...I'm gonna go away now." And thus, Kayui fled.

"...I guess we go back to our classes now?" Was all Kirano could say, before suddenly, Ari pulled him aside. 

"You're helping me get to Class A"

"...What if I say no?"

"Not allowed, you're my assistant now."

"What's the pay?"

"What pay?"

"This is slave labor…"

"Are you saying no?"

"N…no…I'll do it…" 

"Good, that's what I thought" 

This is our first chapter, if you wanna contact me or the other author please add me in discord = voidnovel

Enjoy your ride in this novel.

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