
Chapter 357 Coffin Board_1

Following Mr. Zhao's gaze, the two squatted down and joined him.

Dimly, they could see a metal strip fitted snugly into the floor under the wardrobe, almost seamless, making it difficult to tell whether it was mere decoration or some kind of setting—though it looked more like a trapdoor for a maintenance hatch. But a trapdoor on the floor?

Yang Xuetong kicked Mr. Zhao's foot and threw his camera to the side.

"Doctor Zhu, could you hold the video camera for me and then help us move this? The knock from Mr. Zhao just now was quite strong, and it only moved the wardrobe slightly. This time, let's both try lifting it, so we can expose the whole thing and have a better look," he said.

Zhu Xingxing was eager to try, but Mr. Zhao stopped her with a look.

She pouted, took the camera, and Mr. Zhao also got up, seemingly no longer in pain due to the discovery. The two together pushed the wardrobe sideways toward the window by a meter, fully exposing the hidden area.