
Novel Ideas DrakeGrimmhound

The dark place I put all my novel ideas after my brain stops working. To see which novel I updated go to the very start and look at the update page. Not dropping them or looking for adoption.

DrakeGrimmhound · Cómic
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62 Chs

Ch 1 : Born in Blood


All around me when I woke up was blood and darkness.

For some odd reason I wasn't panicking, I was actually very calm for someone that was bathed in blood and what seemed like pieces of a person that had been chopped up; now that he had a closer look around himself.

When he did he also saw a small boy with messy brown hair and a tear stained face, like he had been crying recently and had now run out of tears to cry.

Putting his hand down into the bloody human soup, he pushed himself up from the metal floor, at the same time he noticed some other strange things that he hadn't registered in his mind before now.

He was now unbelievable small, and that he was inside a metal shipping container and this was exactly the setting of a reincarnation story that he had written about so often about in his teenage years.

"Dexter." A quite voice called out to him, the voice of a child that was looking directly at him.

And that's when he put two and two together, 'I'm now Dexter Moser, The Bay-harbour Butcher, this must be my origin story, and that must also mean that this child is my older brother, Brian Moser, The Ice Truck Killer. What a messed up pair we are ... well nothing I can do about it now. Like the saying goes, 'when life gives you lemons, become an emotionless killer.' I think that my mind has already been effected by this shipping container otherwise I don't know why I am so calm in this situation.'


Waking up suddenly I can hear people banging on the side of the container, me and my brother quickly run up to the door as fast as we could, well at least as fast as we could go in an ankle deep blood pool without falling over.

We both started banging on the door and shouting out that we were locked inside, it was a couple seconds later when the door was finally opened and light spilled into the narrow space, blinding us both.

While I was covering my eyes with my hands as best I could I suddenly felt a giant rip me from the floor and into the sky.

Of course that wasn't the case but to me who was still getting used to having a smaller body that's what it felt like, I could feel myself getting carried off away from the container and my new brother who was shouting out to me, to not leave him alone.


A couple years have passed now and I was now called Dexter Morgan, it happened just like in the show, Detective Harry Morgan had adopted me to relieve some of the guilt he felt for my mother's murder, my brother ended up in the Orphanage and later he will probable end up in a mental asylum if things stay the same.

And it seems like soon I'll have a little sister soon as well, if the bump in my newest mother's stomach is any indication.


Its has been another couple years and I was now in High school, I had already skipped a couple years so that I would be able to keep the schedule I set for myself, and so I was set to graduate when I become 16, and I was currently 15.

It was strange getting used to the American schooling system after I went to British schools in my last life but I didn't pay many things attention so it didn't bother me most of the time.

To make Harry happy I played football and was also apart of a couple other clubs, Jujitsu and Muay Thai, so that my fighting style was more well-rounded, Harry also says that it makes me seem more normal.

That's right I decide to follow along a similar path that lead to Dexter becoming a serial killer in the show, hopefully soon Harry will start to teach me how to cover my tracks.

It was also a lot easier to remember and do things it this life compare to the one before, I have accounted it to my young body and mind, spending most of my time working out while I was growing up probable didn't hurt either, but I feel that it's more then that as well so I have the running theory about how my soul fused with the baby Dexter's when I took over his body, giving me more potential and talent.

I only thought of the idea because of the nature of my existence, I was a reincarnated person with my memories intact, in a world I have meta knowledge about, the increase in ability wouldn't be strange if you thought about it that way and it also helps me keep my plan on track.


I had just graduated from high school with flying colours and at a young age as well, because of that I was becoming more well known as a prodigy, not just in intelligence but also in physical ability, with my football and martial arts.

Harry final started teaching me how to spot a killer and how to get away with killing them and when he gets the chance he takes me to the crime scene, Deb has also started developing the tomboyish behaviour she had in the show to try and get Harry to pay more attention to her.

But now I have entered the next phase of my plan, getting a medical degree, hopefully they make an exception for my young age so that I can complete it as soon as possible.


That was a pain let me tell you, I'm 18 now and I completed my medical degree in record time, I'm now moving on to completing the required number of years to become a full doctor.

Harry has taught me all he knows but he still refuse's to let me put my skills to good use, it didn't matter to me in the beginning but I'm starting to feel the urge to hurt someone come over me every so often, it's like a red screen cover's my eyes and all I can think about is how to kill someone and then dispose of their body in a quick and efficient manner.

This must have been what the original Dexter felt every waking moment that he couldn't get a release, my time in the container has effected me more then I knew.


Harry has been diagnosed with cancer and he is actually in the hospital that I have been doing my residency in, due to him being my foster father I haven't been able to take care of him, but I do get to see him often.

Harry has just been getting worse and he suspects the nurse that gives him his medication, so he asked me to put my special skills to use and see what I can do about her.


So here I am in the kill room I have set up in my targets living room, petting her cat and waiting for her to arrive home; the room is covered in plastic sheeting and there are lights on stands in the corners of the room, their light all pointing towards the centre where there is a table, also covered in plastic sheeting, besides the table there is a smaller one with different tools and knives on top of it.

While I was mindlessly stroking the cat that was purring at my touch I heard a car pull up into the driveway, no doubt my intended target, I put the cat down and got in position so that I would be in the perfect place to launch a surprise attack when they entered the room.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


Pat reon.com/DrakeGrimmhound


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