
Novel's Demon

I've died. However, it wasn't the end. Somehow... I woke up once again though not in the world I knew but in a world of a fantasy novel I've read in my first life. Unfortunately, I wasn't reborn as a Main Character, a supporting character or even an Extra... No! I reincarnated as a weak and useless Demon. However, this was not even the worst part... 'Why the fuck am I stuck in the Academy!?'

FriendlyFlame · Fantasía
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62 Chs

Weird monsters

After arriving at the Root Graveyard, I quickly made my way toward the fortress and entered the line to register for a hunting pass.

A hunting pass is the document that permits me to hunt within the designated or rather 'special' area and ensures that I am following the rules and regulations set by the authorities.

It took around 15 minutes for me to get to the front of the line and another 5 to sign all the papers.

"Here you go! Please stay safe and may your hunt be fruitful."

A woman behind a counter handed me a black card with intricate silver designs looping across its surface.

Taking the item from her, I quickly pocketed the card in my hoodie, feeling as if it burnt against my skin.

It cost me 5,000$.


Hissing internally, I followed the signs that led me to the outer gate of the fortress.


As soon as I stepped outside, a chilly gust of wind whipped through my hair, carrying with it the faint scent of leaf and earth mixed with rain.

Lifting my eyes to the sky, I could see dark clouds swirling ominously overhead.

It was as if I stepped into a different world entirely.

Zing... Zing... Zing...

Suddenly, the sound of arrows being drawn filled the air and I noticed archers stationed at strategic points along the fortress walls. One by one they released their arrows, sending them soaring through the air with deadly precision.

Although I couldn't see where they were targeting, I could hear the distant thuds and yelps of some creatures being struck down.

There were also some mages positioned on the walls, casting spells and throwing them into the barren wasteland beyond.

Scanning the area, I also noticed a distinct gate heavily guarded by soldiers leading outside the fortress to the hunting grounds.

"Hunting pass."

As soon as I approached the gate, a burly guard stopped me and held out his hand.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the black card, handing it over to the guard. Looking at the card, he nodded and returned it to me.

"You probably already know, but remember to hunt safely and responsibly, do not put yourself or others at unnecessary risk and do not wander too far from the fortress."

Raising his arm to allow me passage, he added.

"Enjoy your hunt and may luck be on your side."

With a nod, I unsheathed my sword and took my first step through the gate.

The desolate wastes stretched before me, a barren landscape painted in shades of brown and grey.

Twisted tree roots, thick as serpents and gnarled as old men, crawled across the cracked earth, their skeletal fingers reaching for the leaden sky.


I tightened my grip on my sword, the leather hilt cool and reassuring against my palm. My Ashen Armor also hummed beneath my clothes as if ready for combat.

Scanning the area, I noticed quite some people already scattered across the hunting grounds, each engaged in their own battle against various kinds of eldritch creatures.

These monsters ranged in size and shape, from hulking beasts of gargantuan stature to swift and elusive creatures the size of a gazelle.

One thing all of these beings had in common was that they were completely made of roots and ancient vines, twisted and intertwined to form grotesque, otherworldly forms. It was as if nature itself had birthed these horrifying creations.

'I wish I had a fire affinity...'

Mumbling under my breath, I began to walk.

I had no target in mind, I just knew that eventually some creature would lunge at me, and I wouldn't need to search for a fight for long.

Fortunately or not, I was correct.


The sound of snapping branches and crunching leaves caught my attention. Suddenly, a hand emerged from the earth, clawing its way out from beneath the ground.

A shiver ran down my spine as a creature, covered in moss and vines, emerged from the soil. Its eyes glowed a haunting green as it fixated its gaze on me, its body contorted and twisted in unnatural angles.


With a steady breath, I raised my sword and activated my burst skill.

The creature and I dashed toward each other, its elongated limbs flailing through the air with terrifying speed, aiming to tear my flesh apart.

However, I was well-prepared.


My blade sliced through the creature's twisted limbs effortlessly, its mossy arms falling to the ground in a shower of decaying leaves and bark.

That didn't mean the fight was over though.

Before my eyes could blink, the creature's remaining limbs regenerated, its body knitting itself back together as if it were made of elastic vines.

Although the monsters on the surface of the Root Graveyard had the same strength as an F Rank Awakened, their uncanny ability to regenerate made them formidable opponents.

And yes, beneath the surface lurked even more powerful creatures, since the dungeon portal was of B rank.


With a grim determination, I squared my shoulders. The creature lunged again, its movements fluid and eerily coordinated, as if it had studied the art of combat for centuries.

I parried its strikes with precision, my sword dancing in the air like an extension of my own arm. With each blow, I sought out its weaknesses, searching for any vulnerability I could exploit.

Luckily, the creature's intelligence was not on the same level as its physical prowess.

It seemed to rely solely on its regenerative abilities and brute strength, leaving itself open to counterattacks. The monster believed that its ability to regenerate would keep it safe from any harm.

However, I was more than aware of its true weakness.

Here's a rhetorical question:

Why can it regenerate?

Is it because it is made out of roots?

Correct, however, it is not just the roots. It's mana. Without Mana this abomination wouldn't even be alive.


If I manage to destroy the core, the creature's source of mana, I can kill it in a single strike.

Quite simple isn't it?