
Novel's Demon

I've died. However, it wasn't the end. Somehow... I woke up once again though not in the world I knew but in a world of a fantasy novel I've read in my first life. Unfortunately, I wasn't reborn as a Main Character, a supporting character or even an Extra... No! I reincarnated as a weak and useless Demon. However, this was not even the worst part... 'Why the fuck am I stuck in the Academy!?'

FriendlyFlame · Fantasía
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62 Chs

The Real One

The evening sun beat down on the bustling city, turning the asphalt streets into shimmering rivers of heat.

The air thrummed with a cacophony of sounds - honking horns, the rumble of buses, and the excited chatter of crowds overflowing from overflowing sidewalk cafes.


Through this sensory overload, three figures weaved, a blur of motion that defied the languid pace of the afternoon.

Leading the charge was Luna, her long black hair whipping around her face like a raven's wing as she sprinted.

Her blue eyes, usually bright and calm, were narrowed in intense focus, taking in the chaotic scene with an almost predatory efficiency.

Beside her, Lily, usually the picture of grace and poise, stumbled along, her face contorted in a grimace as she tried to keep up.

Gone were her usual high heels, discarded somewhere in the frantic dash, replaced by bare feet that slapped against the hot pavement with a rhythmic beat.

Bringing up the rear was Adela, her movements still surprisingly fluid despite the unexpected change in footwear.

Normally, such a reckless dash through the crowded streets would draw a chorus of shouts and angry gestures. But today, the city seemed to hold its breath, a collective unease hanging in the air.

The source of this disquiet was a sight rising ominous in the distance, a swirling vortex of shimmering energy that ripped a jagged tear across the azure canvas of the sky. It pulsed with an unsettling, otherworldly light, a stark reminder that the world wasn't quite as secure as it seemed.

"D Rank Dungeon..."

Luna announced, her voice calm and steady despite the pounding in her chest.

Lily, momentarily distracted by the sight of the anomaly, stumbled and nearly lost her footing.

"We have to get there!"

She gasped, her voice laced with urgency.

They surged forward, dodging weaving around fallen lampposts and overflowing garbage cans. As they neared the park, the idyllic scene they were used to was replaced by one of devastation.

The tear in the sky loomed impossibly large above the park, and grotesque creatures, spewed forth from the rift, swarmed the grounds. Their guttural roars echoed through the air, a chilling counterpoint to the usual sounds of children's laughter and birdsong.

Adela reacted instantly.

[ Soil Wave! ]

With a flick of her wrist, a wave of earth erupted from the ground, surging forward like a living wall. The spell slammed into the throng of monstrous creatures, momentarily clearing a path through the snarling horde.

"This way!"

Luna barked, her voice cutting through the roar of the city and the unearthly screeches of the monsters.

Suddenly, a new sight pierced through the chaos - a figure plummeting from the high branches of a nearby oak tree, its descent ending with a sickening thud in the midst of the rampaging creatures.

Lily's eyes widened in recognition.

"I know that guy!"

She exclaimed.

Without hesitation, the group quickly disposed of the monsters that were already beginning to rip the fallen figure apart.

Luna responded curtly, immediately kneeling beside the fallen figure. Her face was a mask of professional neutrality as her nimble fingers assessed the man's injuries with practiced efficiency.


She finally announced, her voice flat and devoid of emotion.

"Who's he?"

Turning toward Lily she asked.

"He's... he's in our class."

Luna simply nodded, her gaze already shifting back to the approaching horde of monsters.

"We deal with this first."

The group tightened their formation, readying themselves for the coming onslaught.

They needed to hold until someone capable of dealing with the tear in the sky arrived.


"Where am I?"

I muttered into the abyss that was surrounding me.

One second ago, I was hanging on the tree branch and now I was disoriented, unsure of my surroundings.


Raising my voice, I shouted into the darkness.

However, nobody responded.

With nothing to do, I tried to explore the place, but no matter how long or in which direction I went, I only found darkness.

Then, I tried to inflict some self-pain to maybe wake up from this dream, however, I was unable to harm myself.

Conflicted, I even tried to open my status or channel my Mana, but nothing worked.


This can only mean one thing...

I'm de-

"No you are not."

As I was about to finish my thought, a voice echoed through the void.

Instinctively, I jumped back, startled by the sudden interruption.

Tap... Tap...

The sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the darkness, growing closer with every passing second.

Soon a figure emerged from the shadows, making me freeze in place.

It looked like an exact replica of my body.

"Who are you!"

Raising my fists in a defensive stance I spoke.

However, my words were met with a sly smile from the figure, an eerie familiarity emanating from its features.

"Me? Do you not recognize yourself? I'm obviously you... or should I say the previous owner of the body you stole."

His words sent a chill down my spine.

I wished that he was lying.

I wanted to deny it, but something deep within me told me that he was telling the truth.

'This just got ten times more complicated...'

Staring at my own reflection, I growled internally.

Why did he invade my consciousness? What does he want? Does he want to take his body back?

"No I don't."

The figure's voice echoed through my mind, interrupting my thoughts.

"I've come here to make a deal... A deal with a demon, you know?"

He chuckled darkly.