
Novel's Demon

I've died. However, it wasn't the end. Somehow... I woke up once again though not in the world I knew but in a world of a fantasy novel I've read in my first life. Unfortunately, I wasn't reborn as a Main Character, a supporting character or even an Extra... No! I reincarnated as a weak and useless Demon. However, this was not even the worst part... 'Why the fuck am I stuck in the Academy!?'

FriendlyFlame · Fantasía
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62 Chs

Damned Hero

[ Somewhere in the city... ]

Tap... Tap...

The rhythmic clack of heels clicking on pavement sliced through the city's din.

Three figures, each radiating quiet confidence, strode down the setting sun-drenched sidewalk.

Their beauty was breathtaking - flawless features framed by vibrant eyes that held captivating depths, and hair like cascading silk in a riot of color.

Many heads turned their way, admiration mixed with lust permeating the air as people couldn't help but be captivated by their stunning presence. Those glances lingered until met with the unmistakable emblem adorning the women's clothing - the crest of the prestigious Sword Academy.

As soon as they noticed the uniforms, stares were quickly averted as males realized that these enchanting women were off-limits, belonging to a world that was closed off to them.

The three girls on the other hand, were completely unfazed by the attention...

At least, that's what it seemed like on the surface.

"76... 77..."

A girl with short brown hair whispered the numbers under her breath, counting the gazing eyes that followed their every move. A small smile played at the corners of her lips, betraying a hidden satisfaction.

"Lily, please stop."

One of the other girls, with long flowing white hair and piercing blue eyes, glanced at her companion with a hint of embarrassment. Although outwardly she appeared composed, her cheeks were slightly flushed and her eyes trembled.

"Oh, are you embarrassed, Adela?"

However, Lily didn't miss a beat, her playful tone masking a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Wrapping her arm around Adela's shoulder, she leaned in closer and continued in a teasing whisper.

"You should save your emotions for when Eldric's around..."

Adela's face turned an even deeper shade of red and she swatted Lily's arm away, peeking a look at Luna, who was walking besides.

Luckily it seemed she hadn't overheard Lily's remark about her brother.

She seemed lost in her own thoughts again, her gaze distant as if she was staring into another realm altogether.

"Is everything alright, Luna?"

Lily tilted her head slightly, concerned.

Luna blinked, pulled back from her introspection, and offered a smile.

"Just thinking about tomorrow's training."

She mumbled, hoping it sounded believable.

Suddenly, a sharp buzz resonated through the air as all three phones vibrated in unison. 

They instinctively reached into their pockets and pulled them out, their playful banter cut short. 

A stark red alert blazed across their screens, the bold headline screaming: 'BREAKING NEWS: Local Authorities Issue Warning about sudden increase in Mana density, locals are encouraged to stay indoors...'

Lily's playful smile vanished like a snuffed flame.

Adela's eyes widened in alarm.

Luna's face, however, remained calm and collected.


Before anyone could react, a tremor rolled through the city. It wasn't an earthquake, but a tremor of raw magic. The air crackled with unseen energy, a wave of power that washed over the buildings, making windows shudder and loose objects rattle.

The girls recognized the unmistakable sensation.

They whirled around, their gazes drawn towards the horizon.

In the distance, a faint, ominous glow began to emanate from the distant part of the city. It pulsed with a sickly, unnatural light, a stark contrast to the fading hues of the setting sun.

Their expressions, moments ago playful and carefree, were now etched with dire seriousness.

A Dungeon was forming in the city!


Huff... Huff...

Countless bodies of monsters lay scattered everywhere on the ground.

Their crimson blood stained the earth, mingling with the green grass and turning it a dark, sinister color.

Looking at the gruesome carnage, I licked my lips. I could feel the taste of iron on them.

I don't know how long I have fought for, but I've already lost the count of my kills.

Each swing of my sword felt heavier than the last and my arms were screaming in protest. My vision swam at the edges and exhaustion was gnawing at the corners of my consciousness.


However, I didn't have time to rest. The amount of monsters flooding through the rupture was only increasing.

Soon, another blur of claws and fangs lunged at me.

Reacting purely on instinct, I twisted aside allowing the creature's swipe whistling past my ear. A snarl ripped from my throat as I retaliated, my blade finding purchase in its side.

The abomination shrieked, releasing a high-pitched sound that scraped against my already frayed nerves. With a final heave, I ripped the sword free, sending the monster crashing to the ground, lifeless.

But there was no respite. Another hulking form charged, its eyes burning with a feral hunger.

I parried its initial blow, the impact jarring my teeth. The fight devolved into a desperate dance - a clumsy ballet of exhaustion and primal fear. My movements, once precise, became sloppy, fueled by sheer willpower.

A searing pain erupted in my shoulder as a razor-sharp claw raked across my flesh. Even the Ashen Armor was unable to fully protect me from this relentless assault.


A guttural roar escaped my lips, a primal sound born of pain. I ignored the blossoming wound, focusing on the next attack.

However, before I dashed in toward the monster, I saw something.

Through blurred vision, I spotted the young child huddled behind a crumbling statue, their face pinched with terror. A surge of adrenaline jolted me. I didn't want to let it die.

This made me change my plans a bit.

With a renewed burst of energy, I unleashed a flurry of blows, pushing the creatures back momentarily.

Suddenly an idea, desperate and reckless, flickered in my mind.


Raising my already hoarse voice I screamed through the park, drawing attention of all the remaining creatures, their focus shifting from the fleeing civilians to the lone figure standing their ground, me.

With a final, desperate surge, I slammed my bloodied blade into the earth, forming a temporary barrier with my body.


I roared, my voice raw with exertion.

"Get to safety!"

My eyes followed the child as they wobbled away, their small frame disappearing behind the greenery of a few trees.

As soon as the child was out of sight, I knew one thing.

It was time to dip.

Spinning around my heel, I activated my skill 'Burst' and dashed in the opposite direction of the oncoming horde of monsters.

I couldn't repel them any longer.

However, as I was about to take my first step, pain ripped through my leg, buckling it beneath me.


I cried out in both surprise and agony as I stumbled to the ground, my vision momentarily fading.

Looking down at my leg, I saw a set of razor-sharp teeth sinking into my flesh.

It seems that I was so exhausted, I didn't even notice the creature that had made its way close enough to sink its teeth into me.

'Damn it...'

I shouldn't have acted like a damn hero...