
Notus's Legacy

A lost soul found himself in the world of fantasy. What is Familia? organizations formed by god and goddess? 'So to put it simply, the world is filled with cults in the name family?' 'Where the f#ck am I?' Follow Henry's Journey in the world of Danmachi. #danmachi ---------------- Wont be updating for the next few weeks, I think I am too hasty writing this story, so I want to plan everything first. Futhermore I will be facing my exam next month. So, I will update the story once I am ready. Sorry. ---------------- Hello everyone, this is the first webnovel that I ever wrote. First of all, sorry if there was grammar mistake, feel free to point it out anywhere you find inside. English is my 2nd language, and to improve my English writing skills, I thought that writing a fanfic will be a great starts. Feel free to leave review but a review without any explanation or just a spam will be removed. Will update chapters when I'm free. (I am very busy with college). Set your expectation very low for this fanfic. Update every Monday, if there's no update then thats mean I am busy. Thank you for giving this fanfic a chance. ---------------- Non canon, weak to strong MC, no harem, no system. ---------------- I don't own Danmachi, the cover image and every characters aparts from OCs.

Tamama_01 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
2 Chs

Chapter 1

Inside an Inn located somewhere around Orario, in the middle of the night, there was a boy who can't even breathe as he is screaming, painfully holding his head with both of his hands. He was not feeling well from the morning, he thought it will go away by itself, and when he sits on the bed, it feels like there's a blade piercing his head.

"F#CK!!! ARGGGGG!!!!"

'What the hell is happening to me right now

That was the last thing he thought before passing out.


Meanwhile, besides the boy's room, there was a couple making love. The woman was moaning like there's no tomorrow.

"Ah! Mm.. harder babe! yess!!"

The man was vigorously shaking his hips, but before he was close to reaching his climax, the couple was startled by the boy's scream.

"Wow, whoever she was, I wish she f#ck me like she f#ck that dud-"

Not realizing that he speaks his thoughts out loud, the woman was disgusted with what he said and his face was met with the woman's palm before she pick up her clothes and storm out of the room.

The confused man was absentmindedly stared at her leaving the room before he realized what he had said.

"Wait! Linda, I didn't mean what I said! Nooooooo!!"

After the incident, the man's kink was revealed to everyone he knows and the perpetrator was indeed Linda.


Early in the morning, the boy opened his eyes, gazing at the unfamiliar wooden ceiling. The boy raises his sweaty body from the bed and observes the room he's currently in.

'Where am I? How did I arrive here?'

'Hold on.. who am I?'

Looking around in his room, he found a book, or to be more precise, a journal, and the corner of this room, there's a mirror hanging up on the wall, there's also a table and a chair below the mirror with a shoulders bag, and a sword on the table. "Journal of Henry Auster", was written on the book's cover. He picked up the book and decided to read it. Maybe he will find a clue there.

'Huh, there are only a few pages that have been written... well shit. Is Henry Auster my name? or an acquaintance of this body's owner? '

*30 mins later*

'So in summary, Henry Auster is 16 years old, an orphan born from this city called Orario. His dream is to be an adventurer, but in order to be an adventurer, he had to look for a familia. Did he mean a family? That's understandable since he's an orphan, but how does finding family is relevant to becoming an adventurer? From this diary, it has been 3 months since he leaves the orphanage but had yet been accepted to a familia, well can't blame them since this body is thin, not that surprising since he's only a teenager. Something that is very surprising to me was how the book mentioned that every familia is controlled by Gods and Goddesses.'

'The hell, so to put it simply, in order to be an adventurer, you need to be in a cult? That's so fucked up.'

Closing up the book, he proceeds to sit on the chair and examine his face in the mirror. He had fair skin. His hair color was black, straight, and medium length. His eyes were crystal blue. A straight nose and thin lips with an oval jawline.

'Huh, not handsome but also not creepy, just above average..'

Next, he proceeds to pick up the sword and examine it. The blade itself is fairly simple, thin but sharp enough to slice your enemies. The blade has a short cross-guard, but long enough so the wielder doesn't slip his hand and cut himself.

'From the diary, Henry has worked in many places to buy this sword.'

He opened the shoulder bag, and what he found inside was only his coins, and from the diary, he learned that in this world, they used the coin for currency, and it's called Valis. Currently, he only has 500 Valis at the moment. Enough to buy food for the week. He can't help but question himself again if Henry Auster was the name of his body.

He proceed to open the wardrobe beside his bed and what's inside was his light armor, a leather armor to be more precise, the armor covered up his body, upper and lower arm, and his upper legs. The color of the armor is grey, and looks terribly worn out. He wears the armor and boots that will protect his lower legs.

'Even after reading diary, I only know little about this place, there's a possibility that he had been kidnapped but he eliminate that possibility, I mean, who the hell would actually kidnap a person and give him a sword and an armor to defend himself? This is not some Korean manhwa where you got kidnapped by a random entiti-'

'Wait, Korean manhwa? What the hell is that? What am I spouting so suddenly?'

*Knock Knock*

"Henry? you there?"

He was startled and got out from his thoughts when he heard the knocking sounds, he picked up his sword and was ready to dash out from the rooms if the person on the other side of the door is hostile. He picks up his wit to say something in order to confirm it.

"Mm... Hello?"

"Kid? Have you done packing up everything?"

"Packing up?"

"It has been a week since you booked this room, yesterday was your last day."

"Ohh, yeah, actually I.. uhh was about to leave the room, don't worry, I will hand you the key back, give me 5 minutes to make sure I don't leave anything."

"Alright kid, before leaving out the Inn, has some breakfast downstairs, it's on me today."

Since he called me Henry, there's a possibility that I am indeed Henry, but there's no way from that conversation alone can confirms his identity, he cannot just ask "Hello Mr.Innkeeper, what's my name?" . He sighed in relief when the innkeeper's footsteps finally slowly faded away from the room. Directly asking what his name would arise some suspicion from the innkeeper, He can only hope that when he goes downstairs someone will call out his name while looking at him. He looked around the room once more to find the key and to be honest he actually doesn't know if there was a key, but the conversation has confirmed it, and thankfully he found it.

Before leaving the room, He has to breathe in and out first to calm his nerve. Everything happened so randomly, he doesn't even know who he is, and he had no choice but face everything on his own.

"Alright, it's just a breakfast, just act normal... and here goes nothing."