
I want you to kiss me Zachery

"You know, I didn't expect you to actually pick up my call because I thought you'd be making up for time lost", Xavier said in amusement.

Zach was fixing up the bed while Amy was in the bathroom. It was the evening of the second day she was hospitalized. They had already had dinner and were preparing to go to bed.

"Xav, what are you doing?"

"Taking a break from work. Why?"

"Okay. You're going to be an Uncle", Zach said almost immediately.

"Cool. Wait, WHAT????!!"

Zach picked up on the sound of something breaking followed by Xavier's curses after his surprised outburst.

"Shit! Say that again!"

"Yeah", Zach smiled as he rubbed the back of his neck. "But in a few months. There was a minor issue the other night but the doctor took care of it. Both she and the baby are fine now."

"Wow! Wow! Dude! Wow! I- Wow! Zach, you're about to be a Dad", he whispered the last part in disbelief.