

AJ_2810 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
45 Chs

Chapter 30

Looking Looking in the backseat of the car, I see a sleeping Ian laying across the seats. Running my fingers through my hair I let out a big sigh, and turned my attention to the driver. Who happens to be none other than Christian.

     "Sooo, what made you want to finally tell me about your little secret?" I asked him on the way to his place.

     Keeping his focus on the road, I see him smiling before he quickly gives me a side glance, "I'm pretty sure you didn't give me much of a choice Princess. It was either tell you the truth, or lose you, and I wasn't going for the second option."

     My mouth drops slightly, and a small noise of shock escaped my lips as I playfully smacked his arm, "You have to word it like that."

     He gives me an award winning smile, and takes my hand in his, "I'm glad I told you. I don't like keeping secrets from you, I shouldn't have to keep secrets from my own mate."

     I could feel my eyebrows creased together. Mate? I've heard that before.

     "What's a mate?" I asked.

     "Each werewolf out there has a mate. Mates are kinda like.... pre-made soulmates to humans. When we're born, there's already someone out there who is made for us, but the bond between the two is more.... intense than what the humans experience. Once the two mates meet, it becomes damn near impossible to live without them. Our god, the moon goddess, creates and choses them for everyone. We usually don't find our mates until after our first shift, which is usually between the ages of 16-17," he tells me casually.

    "Soooo, why'd you have to keep that from me? I mean... if I'm your mate, shouldn't that automatically give me the right to know that I am your mate at least?" I asked, still finding all of this new information weird and unusual.

     "Usually a wolf's mate is another... werewolf," he says slowly.

     Ooooh, right...Of course it is.

     "So I'm guessing it's against the law or something, to have a human as a mate?"

     "Not technically," he starts gently, unintentionally squeezing my hand tighter, "More like it's frowned upon then anything, especially for a werewolf like me to have one."

     "Like you? What's so different about you?"

     He smiles and puffs out his chest a little bit, "Well Princess, I'm kinda the head honcho of the pack, I'm their Alpha. Well... next in line Alpha anyways," he says proudly, giving me a sideways grin.

     I rolled my eyes and gently slap his face away, "And why is it frowned upon for an Alpha to have a human mate, and not the others?"

     He thinks for a moment, rapidly tapping his thumb against the top of the steering wheel, "A long time ago we had a King that also had a human mate. There was gossip going around in the kingdom about their human Queen, and not the good kind either. Questions rose on whether or not she was fit to be a Queen, because she was human and didn't know anything about our life style. Our people were very simple minded back then about humans. So the people did what they thought was the only option they had, they killed her."

     My eyes widened, "What!? How could they do that to their own King!"

     "Humans back then were like our own personal slaves, it was unheard of for any werewolf to have a human as a mate. Much less our own King. The people thought she was a witch and bewitched their King into falling in love with her. It was too much for our simple minded ancestors, to accept the fact that the underdog was finally making a comeback."

     "The poor King, he must've been devastated," I say, more to myself than to him.

     Chris nods and brings my hand up to his lips, kissing the back of it, "He was. So much that he killed most of his people, including his own daughter which he had with a previous woman."

     What the fuck!? Who the hell kills their own daughter over a mate!?

     I raised my brow at him, "That's taking it a little too far isn't it?"

     He pressed his lips into a thin line, "You have to understand how intense the mate bond is. Mates are very possessive of each other, especially the males. Losen a mate is like... losen apart of your sanity forever. You won't ever be able to function properly again, and not being able to do anything about it, it's difficult for some more than others. It makes you do things that you normally wouldn't, it can be deadly."

     I looked down at our hands entangled together. Man... werewolf love is on the mega extreme level.

     "Is that what these sparks are?" I asked him, gently grazing my fingers up and down his forearm, loving the way his eyes slightly flutter at my touch.

     He clears his throat and nods, "Yes, and the more time we spend together. The more I fall in love with your addictive touch."

     My heart skips and a small smile snuck it's way up to my lips, "So werewolves disapproves of humans... That's great you know, considering I'm a human."

     His face harden, "Princess the only reason I didn't tell you is because it is dangerous for the Alpha of the pack to have a human as a mate. People thinks it makes our pack an easy target for rogues and other packs to attack. I didn't want to risk your life."

     "Is that what happened yesterday? You got attacked?" I asked, curious to know.

     He nods, "Yes, and again Princess. I'm sorry for yelling at you."

     "Mmmm, you were an asshole to me," I teased with a smile, "how will you ever make it up to me?"

     He laughs and looks over at me with pure love in his eyes, "Anything you want beautiful, the sky's the limit."

     My cheeks heat up, "Well in that case, I want the moon," I say with a grin.

     He raises a brow at me, his black eyes shined with a mischievous glint to them, "Ok Princess, I'll get you the moon."

**Christian's House**

     "Mother, father can we speak with you?" Christian asked both his parents that were in the kitchen.

     Ian started to stir in his sleep as he lays in my arms. His mother snapped her yellow eyes up at me and stopped what she was doing. The look of disgust and disapproval was clear on her pale face.

     "Of course son, what seems to be troubling your mind," his dad spoke gently with a smile, while his mother's hawk like eyes stayed glued on me.

     His dad had blonde hair and tan skin with kind blue eyes. And a smile to match.

     Christian takes Ian from my arms, "This is Ian, he is a rogue pup inside of a human orphanage. He needs to find a pack soon or he will die," he told, getting straight to the point.

     "I'm sorry son, but why are you speaking of such things in front of her?" His mother growls out, staring daggers at me.

     Uh... ok?

     "Rose," Christians father warned.

     Christian takes my hand in his, making both of his parents eyes look down at our hands locked together. His father raised a brow and his mother's mouth pressed into a tight thin line.

     "She's my mate," Chris told confidently, "and she knows about us."

     "Really? A human?" His father said, surprised more than anything.

     But his mother was a different story, in fact. It looked like she was about to blow smoke our of her now red ears with how mad she looked.

     "Are you truly that selfish son!?" She asked, appalled at her son's choice.

     Making me want to go hide in a dark hole somewhere and cry with all the nasty looks she was giving me.

     "Rose," his father warned her some more.

     She waves him off, "No! Don't try and hush me, are you wanting our lands to get overrun by rogues!? You know you can't possibly be with her son! What are you thinking!?" She screams out in a rush.

     "Rose enough!" He roars out this time, the sound of his voice booms all around.

     I was so shocked at what she said, that all I could do was hang my mouth open slightly. She scans my body from head to toe, then shakes her head and chuckles in disappointment.

     "You see? She can't even defend herself against another woman, so what makes you think she will be able to defend this pack against an entire army?" She snarls out.

     Ok what in the FUCK is up this bitches ass? And in the back of my mind somewhere is automatically saying that she just needs some dick.

     Christian growls and tightens his shaking hold on my hand, "Respect my mate mother."

     "Easy now you two, let's not get too hot headed in front of company," his father said quickly, then looks at the sleeping boy in his sons arms, "I'll call our lawyer and see what we can do for the little guy. In the mean time, you should put him in the spare rooms upstairs."

     Christian and I leave the kitchen and headed upstairs. The tension in the air was heavy and uncomfortable.

     "I'm sorry about my mother Princess," he says stopping in front of a dark brown door.

     I smiled and nudged his shoulder with mine, "Hey I'm use to people looking and treating me that way, it's nothing new."

     He frowned at my words, before gently putting Ian down on the blue bed. Once he was out of Christians arms, he looks down at me and started walking towards me.

     "I don't like that you let people talk to you like that. You should never let anyone make you feel inferior to them, not even me," he says softly, stopping only when we were chest to chest.

     I chuckled, "That's easier said than done Chris. Not everyone was born with "Alpha blood" running through their veins. I can't just say whatever I feel like, it's not that easy for me."

     He cups my face and stares deep into my eyes, "You are too precious and you don't even realize it. And you may not be able to do some of the things that we can, but that doesn't make you any less capable of being able to run this pack by my side."

     I smiled up at him, "You sure you want me by your side? Forever is a long time Mr.Shaw."

     He thinks for a second too long, making me slap his stomach playfully, earning a chuckle from him.

     "I'm joking," he says leaning in to kiss my nose, "I would at least keep you around for a decade or so."

     He grunts and chuckles in pain as I slap his stomach harder, "I'm kidding Princess, my eyes are only set on you and no one else. I will be yours forever if you'll have me?"

     This time it was my turn to take too long on thinking, making panic race across his eyes.

     I smiled widely and pecked his lips with mine, "I guess I could hang around here for a lifetime," I say, smashing our lips together roughly and filled with passion.