
Not the Harem Protagonist

Dean McLovin was just your typical 2nd ranked student of an Esper academy located on one of Mars' moons, Deimos. He had no friends or family members, but that was okay for him as his career was set and stone after graduation. One day, he woke up to find undead and former classmates turned insane hellbent on killing him and anyone else who isn't. Even worse, the 1st ranked student, Mark von Harem and his harem of Espers belonging in the top 10 are missing. Hoping to find survivors and answers, Dean along with a trusty assistant sets out into the darkness filled academy to stop this nightmare....or at least escape it. ------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Notes: (Cover is not mine)

DeftHyperion · Ciencia y ficción
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55 Chs

The Steelwall but...

"Hmph, no matter I'll just beat you to a pulp and present your head to my lovely fian- I mean that knucklehead playboy" 



As the mysterious figure said that, she stepped into the light revealing a beautiful red haired oriental young woman, namely Ha-eun Cheong and the 7th ranker aside from being one of Mark's fiancés.

Ha-eun was wearing her combat outfit, usually kept in the armory of the Security Sector, which was a grey skin-tight leather bodysuit with blue and yellow stripes of the UHA. The outfit included high heels and was personally customized to conform with her Esper ability as usual clothing would tear easily during combat.

Her face and body was not mutilated or had any signs of self-harm, signs that were common among fiends.

The only dead giveaway was her black eyes with glowing red irises and glowing red veins through out her body. The glowing reds were more ominous than the regular fiends especially the eyes as she stared at Dean arrogantly....aside from the usual madness common amongst fiends.

"Not gonna say anything Dean? Or even ask how much stronger I am now?"

Indeed Ha-eun was stronger as Dean noticed the fiends were much stronger than when they were regular humans. The degree of power increase varies, but judging from Ha-eun's appearance, Dean can safely assume that she was the strongest fiend he encountered yet.

Ha-eun was walking calmly staring at Dean like a prize trophy and when she was halfway there-


-two of the last sentry turrets were firing right at her. Kat had cut more power off the 4th year building to activate the last two machine gun turrets at the same time. She had swapped to armor-piercing rounds on both turrets because of Ha-eun's ability but....


Ha-eun's steel skin activated instantly over her body suit and heels as the outfit tightened more to her skin. Ha-eun had a chrome-like look over her entire body even her hair was chrome-like with ominous glowing red veins spread throughout her body, only her eyes were the same color though they too were metal now.

Despite being called steel skin, the metal skin was not steel and was as strong as her Esper power level which given that they easily deflected armor-piercing rounds, it was safe to say that it was...

'At least A or A+ rank power level'

Dean was quickly thinking of a solution since his hard-light enhanced sword wasn't going to cut through the skin easily unlike the previous spars with Ha-eun....when she was still a normal human Esper. As he was thinking of a countermeasure...

"Heh, looks like the 'kitty kat' decided to come out and play. Slave, go deal with the 'kitty kat'"

Ha-eun's voice was cold and emotionless this time as her metal-like black and red eyes were staring at the sentry turrets.

Then a moment later, a figure was projected out of Ha-eun's smartwatch revealing a maid with honey colored hair, glowing red veins, and black eyes with glowing red irises....signs of a fiend despite being a Paxian.

[PLea$e m!ss H@-eun don'T maKe me huRt l!ttle K@t]

The maid was barely maintaining her sanity as her voice glitched pleading with Ha-eun to stop her order.

[RAE! Wha...what happened to you]

Kat projected out of the ceiling next to Dean seeing her senior co-worker and big sister figure in pain. Rae was in her mid-30s and was the oldest Paxian in the academy. Often she acted as the big sister and mentor to her fellow co-workers whenever they get together over the Academy's central network. 

"Slave....I order you to deal with that pink slob. Those fucking turrets are annoying me"

This time there was a tinge of hatred and arrogance in Ha-eun's voice commanding Rae.

[AHHHHHHH, nOnoNoNOno-. It will be done Miss Ha-eun]

Rae screamed in pain and her glitchy voice suddenly went back to normal as she was ready to 'full dive' into the 4th year building's system

[Big sis Rae snap out of it. I-]

'Wait I can fix her inner coding when she dives in here', Kat quickly thought and look up to Dean saying, [I'll leave Ha-eun to you....and there's still some left in those drones].

Her voice had a shaky determination as Kat said that but she was ready to face her former friend and hope to fix whatever was corrupting her inner self.

Dean could only nod in return because in reality, he wasn't sure if Rae could be saved...much like how the fiends couldn't be saved either. Luckily a few solutions came to mind and Kat's hint confirmed that one of them was readily still available.

'Electricity, acid, and extreme heat or cold'

Even though Ha-eun's skin was metal, her insides were still organic so electricity can easily travel through the metal and damage the insides. Meanwhile the other two solutions were common metal's weakness with one being still available behind him.

The turrets ceased their fire when Rae dived into the system to fight Kat. Dean was backing up towards the downed cleaning drones while his sword was readied. 

Ha-eun seeing Dean backing up smiled at her prey as she prepared to charge at him. One of her nickname was steelwall because of her steel-like skin but her other nickname and what earned her 7th rank was....The Bullet.



With her enhanced agility of A- from B-, when she was normal, and mini rocket boosters on her back to enhance her speed even further, Ha-eun's speed jumped to A rank which is almost as fast as a rifle bullet travel speed. 

Luckily, Dean was prepared as he observed Ha-eun's running stance and rolled to the side the moment he saw her leg muscles began to spasm. He sparred with Ha-eun many times over the years, and to his benefit, the spars weren't heavily graded or else he would have lost his 2nd rank position a long time ago.


Ha-eun won most of the spars early on, but as Dean studied her running stance and every one of her postures, he got better at predicting when to dodge even when her speed was gradually increasing over the years.

Ha-eun crashed into the down cleaning drones and into the wall leading to the Student Housing Office. She stopped as she destroyed several computers, desks and tables in her way. Ha-eun turned around to see Dean mostly intact as he fixed his glasses position and she prepared to do another charge attack when...


A sizzling sound was heard on her heels and left leg, she looked down to see a couple drops of acid specifically hydrochloric acid melting through her skin. Ha-eun's metallic face frowned at Dean's cunning move and saw a sink nearby in what seem like a lounge area for the office workers.

Ha-eun attempted to walk over there to wash the acid off, but Dean used his telekinesis to send the last batch of unused acid towards her. Seeing the danger, she quickly grabbed a table and blocked most of it leaving the remaining drops to splash past her, after that Ha-eun threw the table at Dean and dashed towards the sink.

Dean decided to save his power and dodge the table as he was still exhausted from the previous fight. He charged towards Ha-eun to stop her from washing the acid off her heels, but...

"Hahaha, even after having my speed enhanced you still manage to dodge me and even got some acid on me"

Her arrogant demonic voice was playful as if her life wasn't in any danger during the brief confrontation. Ha-eun had finished rinsing the acid off her heels and leg and stared at Dean with more madness than usual.

"Don't get me wrong....it's not like I was complimenting you or anything"

Dean stopped and gripped his sword tightly as this was....

'Sigh....this isn't going to be easy'


A/N: Huh a tsundere boss fight? Well Ha-eun was part of a certain someone's harem....>.>

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

DeftHyperioncreators' thoughts